SAP Transaction CJ42 - Change Project Revenues

Related Notes
1620344Exit: CJ42 only as init transac for detailed planning of rev
534643Incorrect distributed value in structure plan after KP97
511279CJ41, CJ43: New distributed values when exiting
662341Incorrect detail planning layouts w/ Funds Management
185309CJ40: Incorrect distributed values in planning
825081CJ42: Unclear error message BQ 000 with negative values
415772Planning element / billing element in manual planning
51987No display of plan line items possible
426454CJ40, KO12: Termination NOT_ACTIVE with warning message
167405Unable to total up zero values
40114Missing authorization check for plan versions
533039CJ40: plan change despite status during total up
332563CJ40: incorrect distributed values w/ debit type 0
491501CJ40: Plan values totalled up in spite of status
533483CJ42: no total up of revenues
332515CJ9B, CJ9F: Copy planning elements, billing elements
1673803CJ40/CJ42/KO12: Using your own planning layouts
618100CJ40ff: Incorrect layout when branching to detailed planning
43957'Total up' does not cumulate across the years
361281CJ40: "Order/Network" view displays too low values
717926Planning/budgeting: Missing columns in views
544023CJ40, KO12: Temporary save after termination
169808KP06ff: Deficient check for shortened fiscal year
91250Plan values not checkd when saving overall planning
447152Structural change:plan from non-planning element incorrect
140894CJ40, CJ42: Zero values are totalled up
500279CJ40: What do the views display?
535158CJ40, CJ42: Total up function
446393Table control planning/budgeting: Columns cannot be hidden
17996KP06ff: Planning records are no longer displayed
125645KP06ff: Terminations in generated reports
1673712CJ40/CJ42/KO12: Using your own planning layouts
127974KP06ff: KI806/K8037 Period blocks
43919CJ40: 'Total up' gives wrong values
510586CJ40: bottom-up planning with subhierarchy
123774Cost planning: batch input sessions are terminated
377142Batch input for manual planning transactions
355300Overall planning/availability control in currencies
305080Manual overall planning: Checking principles
128854CJ40/CJ42: Totaling up after changed hierarchy
38702VA01/21/41: No quotation/order values in project
1674986CJ40/CJ42/KO12: Use of own planning layouts in PSM
47207 CJ40/KO12:User-def. plan. layouts for detailed planning
96404VA01/21/41: No quotation value/order value/planned revenue
381430Copy plan version: Projects and orders