SAP Program RSREFILL - Transport Translations Between Clients

Updating a Translation Language for Customizing Data in an ExistingCustomer Client
How to Use RSREFILL and How It Works
1. Why Use RSREFILL?
The delivery of table contents depends on the delivery classes of thetable (see Note 2857). These classes ensure a strict division betweencontrol tables that are assigned to the customer, and tables whosecontents are the responsibility of SAP.
Customer tables are usually maintained in the Customizing phase andcannot be changed by SAP after installation. SAP delivers new andenhanced functions in upgrades, however, these updated data andtranslations are only imported into the SAP client 000. They are notimported into customer clients. Occasionally, a customer does need tocopy this data into the customer client explicitly (and manually), aspart of a Release Customizing phase (supported by the IMG).
A language import acts in the same way as an upgrade. This means thatno entries are imported into the customer client for tables with thedelivery class C. Tables with the delivery class G only have newlanguage entries inserted. In contrast, the SAP client 000 is alwaysupdated with the latest translation.
2. Consequences for Existing Systems:
We have always recommended that customers use the client copy tool toset up customer clients after they have installed their system,including the language import. (Because client 000 is alwaysup-to-date, it can always be used as the basis for a client copy.)However, especially for newer languages, there are scenarios where theprotection against SAP imports mentioned above is not ideal. This isusually because the first Customizing projects have already beencompleted in existing customer clients before updated (completed)translations are imported. This becomes more serious when the customerwants to activate new components for which a complete translation isdelivered in a language import created (long) after the installation.
As described in the language import guide in the section on languagesupplementation, you can supplement missing translations in anincomplete language with a language that is translated completely (a'supplementation language', usually English or German). When yousupplement a language, you end up with a mixture of two languages, withsome parts of the system in the native language and the rest in thesupplementation language. There are two possible scenarios forsupplementing a language when the system is installed (after updatingthe native language with RSREFILL):
  • Only insert missing translations, but do not overwrite existing texts.

  • or:
    • Also replace supplemented texts with any native language texts that
    • have been updated in the meantime.
      3. Which Functions Does RSREFILL Need to Offer?
      Customers may have two different aims when updating their nativelanguage, depending on which actions have already been performed in thecustomer client:
      Inserting missing translations on the basis of the translated textsin client 000.
      Any translated texts that already exist in the target client cannot beoverwritten. This scenario assumes that the client has already beenspecified, in other words, any native language entries in this clientare the result of Customizing work and may not be overwritten.
      The texts of the reference language are also checked to make sure thatonly those translated texts are allowed whose meanings have notchanged. The entry in the target client must exist with an identicalobject key in client 000, AND have the same text in the referencelanguage.
      The latter restriction is necessary to prevent texts for entries beingcopied whose meaning has been changed by SAP (and therefore in client000). Unfortunately, this also means that translations cannot beupdated if the text has changed in the reference language. There is noautomatic method of checking whether meanings are the same, with theresult that a supplementation is comprehensive (covers the wholesystem) but is not usually complete.
      Inserting missing translations, but also overwriting entriescreated by the language supplementation.
      Any texts that come from the supplementation (from a referencelanguage) must be recognized. This is only possible if thesupplementation texts are identical to the current version of thesupplementation language. However, if the reference translation (forexample, English) has changed in the meantime, the entry is notoverwritten. This procedure is also no guarantee of completing all thegaps.
      RSREFILL also offers a function that uses SAP client 000 to complete anexisting customer client, taking into account the restrictionsdescribed in the two cases above.
      • The program only inserts any missing texts in the language being
      • updated.
        • Or it also substitutes the entries that were supplemented from a
        • supplementation language (such as English), but which are now availablein the native language.
          Note on choosing the reference language:
          SAP guarantees a complete translation of the languages English, Germanand Japanese. You may need to supplement other languages, because thetranslations of newer applications do not yet exist. These supplementedentries can then be replaced later by native language entries when theybecome available. This has drastic consequences for the referencelanguage used in the RSREFILL procedure described above. For thisreason, we recommend that you only use English, German or Japanese assupplementation languages.

1375438Globalization Collection Note
1585357Report RSREFILL: Error with mode R
1366014RSTLAN_LANGUAGE_CHECK: Incorrect supplementation mode
1156507Language supplementation, RSREFILL and client maintenance
1295732SMLT: Missing warning and missing button text
1096712SMLT: Supplementer (Expert) does not support new modes
685378Information on upgrade/installation with RMGMT 220
1017138Correcting Customizing texts after Unicode conversion
1000586How to analyze missing translations / missing texts
43853Consulting: Language-dependent + client-specific C-tables
824341Language supplement. terminates w/ CX_SY_OFFSET_NOT_ALLOWED
789265RSREFILL triggers a short dump
739963Language supplementation does not fill Customizing tables
95681Transport of customer translations between systems
413965SDP: Additional info on upgrade/installation with GLOBE 462
211226Processing of Customizing in language transport
48047Mode of operation of report RSREFILL
138184Missing translation (table contents)