724778 | Missing check for profit center document |
813067 | Missing check of transaction code |
1180467 | IS-M/AM: Poor performance in document flow VA03/VF03 |
188359 | VF03: Payer not maintained for the sales area |
354509 | Name of partners displayd incorrectly in billng doc |
30118 | RW interface: Subseq. docs. disappear after PUT |
836986 | Payer address format |
215389 | No automatic clearing for cancelled credit memos |
487888 | Program termination /NFM/SAPLPROCESSING: DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP |
489787 | VFX3: Release billings for accounting with NF-metals |
144809 | Customer material number is not diplayed in invoice |
651891 | Billing reversal: no NF-data stored |
905283 | Wrong NF base key in billing document created with VF04 |
907640 | Wrong NF base key in billing document created with VF04 |
174537 | Performance of billing (partners) |
208613 | V0110 on pymt card detail scrn aft.'Cancel'/'Exit' |
38252 | VF03, display document flow, abnormal termination |
188719 | Display error in billing document (line-entry) |
119074 | Unsorted partner table XVBPA |
1161861 | No display of archived billing documents (2) |
206352 | Short dump when leaving the condition screen |
305613 | Billing document: Payer address not updated |
930891 | Unable to create,change,release to accounting - Billing doc |
176166 | Address numbers of general billing interface |
363203 | BBS: Parameter not transferred to transaction |
208121 | TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in AFS billing document |
66863 | Navigation within billing transactions |
1243544 | Missing authorization check for called transactions |
757862 | Incorrect text determination analysis in billing document |
172583 | Incorrect description of payer for Cross Company |
36857 | Invoice printout: Incorr. heading in intercomp.bill. |
1115294 | Check for transaction authorization is missing |
33675 | Invoice values changed although already transferred to FI |
160896 | VF02/VF03 T185: Entry SAPMV60A, UEBB, TR, * missing |
144229 | Performance of sales document processing |
132598 | No Display of several fields in invoice line-entry |
166985 | Incorrect item data in the billing units overview |
367296 | A billing document is corrupt: How is it repaired? |
1169864 | Incorrect text determination analysis in billing doc. (2) |
1225114 | Incorrect text determination analysis in billing doc. (3) |
209636 | Incor weight calculat f down payment clearing items |
303606 | Billing plan and text items |
148085 | Performance of billing document processing |
487834 | Billing: Incorrect NF data after navigation |
117916 | Error in display of document flow in billing doc |
363009 | Performance problem because of list boxes (Dropdown) |
142368 | Segment VBUK missing in billing document |
97509 | Billing performance (account determination) |
518331 | DRB: Displaying archived billing document with VF07 |
304838 | Diplay error in billing document (line-entry) |
690271 | SAP Cons.: Negative postng despite ledger w/o journl entries |
198719 | Cancellation of billing doc: Conditions are missing |
98843 | Subseq.settlement:00015(value of field is negative) |
145247 | Display of VAS longtext in invoices |
332115 | Problems when scrolling in AFS item overview |
30230 | Display material doc. for accounting document |
907116 | Adjustment of the check indicators in billing area |
640252 | Real Reversal not possible, if budgetary ledger is active |
424732 | List box for pmnt methods displays incorr values in BillDoc |
506931 | Field PC Group now available in VF02/VF03 |
636502 | Inconsistencies between FI and SD-BIL |
143023 | Incorrect FI-SL quantities for invoices w. 0 amount |
361232 | Missing pricing data in billing document (empty KONV) |
1336286 | Processing of billing document terminates with error VX 201 |
514703 | Partial cancellation instead of full cancellation |
1002664 | FAQ: Text determination problems after upgrade |
193993 | Indication error in billing document (line entry) |
368123 | Toolbr for value-added servce missng in billng doc. |
496696 | Scrolling not possible on header condition screen |
143244 | SDKURS01:Billing documents with missing conditions |
152051 | Error in the doc flow display of sales orders and bill docs |
207966 | Cancell.billing doc.: Statistics are not updated |
212697 | Search Help for official document number |
144487 | Missing lines in logical cluster tables |
38587 | Error in document flow display delivery/billing document |
10415 | IS-H: Error account determination: fields are initial |
71456 | Error releasing a cancellation document |
428856 | Accounting document is not displayed in the document flow |
440821 | Display problems with F&A conditions in invoice |
621715 | Syntax Error in Billing after SP9 application in 470 |
1153085 | Error with automatic column widths in tree control |
111021 | Wrong payment terms when processing bill. due list |
378477 | Error in doc flow display sales/billing document |
399783 | OIL: Poor performance in Billing doc/Pamnt Card Handling |
76426 | Cancellation billing documents without items |
108774 | Cash discount for billing docs w/ negative final amount |
28958 | Link to follow-on documents is lost |
384863 | Display problems in differential invoices |
423130 | Update terminatation when create billing document |
426324 | Foreign trade data deleted in delivery archiving |
438767 | Invoice print performance and memory problem |
406693 | Inconsistent document flow if a delivery is deleted |
396428 | Billing cond. item screen w/o horizontal scroll bar |
382846 | Fees missing on invoice print |
614422 | Info: Freight billing document w/o split by delivery weight |
65908 | Cumulation of VPRS in main item |
43002 | Field overflow in pricing KOMT1-IX_KOMT2_B |