SAP Note 640252 - Real Reversal not possible, if budgetary ledger is active

Component : Budgetary Ledger - Budgetary Ledger

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When the budgetary ledger (BL) is active within SAP, real reversals, performing actions based around the direct referencing of original documents, cannot be executed. This includes internal operations like those in SD billing or via BAPIs such as BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_REV__POST. Constraints arise due to discrepancies in data between commitment entries and actual postings, which can misalign BL data primarily linked from funds management (FM). This misalignment prevents the consistent cancellation of financial activities and results in potential errors, prompting a procedure that involves more complex re-documentation to restore fiscal coordination. Suggested fixes and workarounds can be referred to in SAP note 640113.

Key words :
bl combines information, commitment information coming, fake reversal means, symptom real reversal, fake reversal, real reversal, posting information, information provided, budgetary ledger, original document

Related Notes :

640113Reversal in the AC interface
634077Error in func. FMFK_FIKRS_READ when reversing a billing doc
575461VF11 Cancel Billing doc does not post to Special Purp Ledger