580735 | User status not maintained in English language |
784102 | SUS order status not getting updated |
1401565 | VAR: Status transfer to "Proposed Solution" or "Confirmed" |
499131 | A user status is not set correctly |
904570 | Confusing default customising in Status Profile 'CRMACTIV' |
660599 | SRM-SUS: Incorrect confirmation and invoice status profile |
908808 | Inconsistent status in order between R/3 and CRM |
1580008 | VAR:Automatic forwarding to SAP and status profile SLFC0001 |
828278 | Incorrect user status after PPF method HF_SET_STATUS |
1137914 | Change document is not changeable due to being distributed |
710486 | CHM: Channel documents disappear from partner portal |
1113116 | FAQ: STA: Status in business transactions |