SAP Table KNA1 - General Data in Customer Master

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
KUNNR X KUNNR CHAR 3 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
LAND1 LAND1_GP CHAR 13 3 0 T005 Country Key
NAME1 NAME1_GP CHAR 16 35 0 Name 1
NAME2 NAME2_GP CHAR 51 35 0 Name 2
ORT01 ORT01_GP CHAR 86 35 0 City
PSTLZ PSTLZ CHAR 121 10 0 Postal Code
REGIO REGIO CHAR 131 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
SORTL SORTL CHAR 134 10 0 Sort field
STRAS STRAS_GP CHAR 144 35 0 House number and street
TELF1 TELF1 CHAR 179 16 0 First telephone number
TELFX TELFX CHAR 195 31 0 Fax Number
XCPDK XCPDK CHAR 226 1 0 Indicator: Is the account a one-time account?
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 227 10 0 Address
MCOD1 MCDD1 CHAR 237 25 0 Search term for matchcode search
MCOD2 MCDD2 CHAR 262 25 0 Search Term for Matchcode Search
MCOD3 MCDD3 CHAR 287 25 0 Search term for matchcode search
ANRED ANRED CHAR 312 15 0 Title
AUFSD AUFSD_X CHAR 327 2 0 TVAST Central order block for customer
BAHNE BAHNE CHAR 329 25 0 Express train station
BAHNS BAHNS CHAR 354 25 0 Train station
BBBNR BBBNR NUMC 379 7 0 International location number (part 1)
BBSNR BBSNR NUMC 386 5 0 International location number (Part 2)
BEGRU BRGRU CHAR 391 4 0 Authorization Group
BRSCH BRSCH CHAR 395 4 0 Industry key
BUBKZ BUBKZ NUMC 399 1 0 Check digit for the international location number
DATLT DATLT CHAR 400 14 0 Data communication line no.
ERDAT ERDAT_RF DATS 414 8 0 Date on which the Record Was Created
ERNAM ERNAM_RF CHAR 422 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
EXABL EXABL CHAR 434 1 0 Indicator: Unloading points exist
FAKSD FAKSD_X CHAR 435 2 0 TVFS Central billing block for customer
FISKN FISKN_D CHAR 437 10 0 KNA1 Account number of the master record with the fiscal address
KNAZK KNAZK CHAR 447 2 0 TFACD Working Time Calendar
KNRZA KNRZA CHAR 449 10 0 KNA1 Account number of an alternative payer
KONZS KONZS CHAR 459 10 0 Group key
KTOKD KTOKD CHAR 469 4 0 T077D Customer Account Group
KUKLA KUKLA CHAR 473 2 0 Customer classification
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 475 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
LIFSD LIFSD_X CHAR 485 2 0 TVLS Central delivery block for the customer
LOCCO LOCCO CHAR 487 10 0 City Coordinates
LOEVM LOEVM_X CHAR 497 1 0 Central Deletion Flag for Master Record
NAME3 NAME3_GP CHAR 498 35 0 Name 3
NAME4 NAME4_GP CHAR 533 35 0 Name 4
NIELS NIELS CHAR 568 2 0 Nielsen ID
ORT02 ORT02_GP CHAR 570 35 0 District
PSTL2 PSTL2 CHAR 615 10 0 P.O. Box Postal Code
COUNC COUNC CHAR 625 3 0 County Code
CITYC CITYC CHAR 628 4 0 City Code
RPMKR RPMKR CHAR 632 5 0 Regional Market
SPERR SPERB_X CHAR 637 1 0 Central posting block
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 638 1 0 T002 Language Key
STCD1 STCD1 CHAR 639 16 0 Tax Number 1
STCD2 STCD2 CHAR 655 11 0 Tax Number 2
STKZA STKZA CHAR 666 1 0 Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax?
STKZU STKZU CHAR 667 1 0 Liable for VAT
TELBX TELBX CHAR 668 15 0 Telebox number
TELF2 TELF2 CHAR 683 16 0 Second telephone number
TELTX TELTX CHAR 699 30 0 Teletex number
TELX1 TELX1 CHAR 729 30 0 Telex number
LZONE LZONE CHAR 759 10 0 Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered
XZEMP XREGU CHAR 769 1 0 Indicator: Is an alternative payer allowed in document?
VBUND RASSC CHAR 770 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
STCEG STCEG CHAR 776 20 0 VAT Registration Number
DEAR1 DEAR1 CHAR 796 1 0 Indicator: Competitor
DEAR2 DEAR2 CHAR 797 1 0 Indicator: Sales partner
DEAR3 DEAR3 CHAR 798 1 0 Indicator: Sales prospect
DEAR4 DEAR4 CHAR 799 1 0 Indicator for customer type 4
DEAR5 DEAR5 CHAR 800 1 0 ID for default sold-to party
GFORM GFORM CHAR 801 2 0 Legal status
BRAN1 BRAN1_D CHAR 803 10 0 Industry Code 1
BRAN2 BRAN2 CHAR 813 10 0 Industry code 2
BRAN3 BRAN3 CHAR 823 10 0 Industry code 3
BRAN4 BRAN4 CHAR 833 10 0 Industry code 4
BRAN5 BRAN5 CHAR 843 10 0 Industry code 5
EKONT EKONT CHAR 853 10 0 Initial contact
UMSAT UMSAT CURR 863 8 2 Annual sales
UMJAH UMJAH NUMC 868 4 0 Year For Which Sales are Given
UWAER UWAER CUKY 872 5 0 TCURC Currency of sales figure
JMZAH JMZAH NUMC 877 6 0 Yearly number of employees
JMJAH JMJAH NUMC 883 4 0 Year for which the number of employees is given
KATR1 KATR1 CHAR 887 2 0 Attribute 1
KATR2 KATR2 CHAR 889 2 0 Attribute 2
KATR3 KATR3 CHAR 891 2 0 Attribute 3
KATR4 KATR4 CHAR 893 2 0 Attribute 4
KATR5 KATR5 CHAR 895 2 0 Attribute 5
KATR6 KATR6 CHAR 897 3 0 Attribute 6
KATR7 KATR7 CHAR 900 3 0 Attribute 7
KATR8 KATR8 CHAR 903 3 0 Attribute 8
KATR9 KATR9 CHAR 906 3 0 Attribute 9
KATR10 KATR10 CHAR 909 3 0 Attribute 10
STKZN STKZN CHAR 912 1 0 Natural Person
UMSA1 UMSA1 CURR 913 15 2 Annual sales
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 921 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
PERIV PERIV CHAR 936 2 0 Fiscal Year Variant
ABRVW ABRVW CHAR 938 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
INSPBYDEBI QINSPBYDEB CHAR 941 1 0 Inspection Carried Out By Customer (No Inspection Lot)
INSPATDEBI QINSPATDEB CHAR 942 1 0 Inspection for a Delivery Note After Outbound Delivery
KTOCD KTOCD CHAR 943 4 0 T077D Reference Account Group for One-Time Account (Customer)
PFORT PFORT_GP CHAR 947 35 0 PO Box city
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 982 4 0 T001W Plant
DTAMS DTAMS CHAR 986 1 0 Indicator for Data Medium Exchange
DTAWS DTAWS CHAR 987 2 0 Instruction key for data medium exchange
DUEFL DUEFL_BKPF CHAR 989 1 0 Status of Data Transfer into Subsequent Release
HZUOR HZUOR NUMC 990 2 0 Assignment to Hierarchy
SPERZ SPERZ CHAR 992 1 0 Payment Block
ETIKG ETIKG CHAR 993 10 0 IS-R Labeling: customer/plant group
CIVVE CIVVE CHAR 1003 1 0 ID for mainly non-military use
MILVE MILVE CHAR 1004 1 0 ID for mainly military use
KDKG1 KDKG1 CHAR 1005 2 0 Customer condition group 1
KDKG2 KDKG2 CHAR 1007 2 0 Customer condition group 2
KDKG3 KDKG3 CHAR 1009 2 0 Customer condition group 3
KDKG4 KDKG4 CHAR 1011 2 0 Customer condition group 4
KDKG5 KDKG5 CHAR 1013 2 0 Customer condition group 5
XKNZA XKNZA CHAR 1015 1 0 Indicator: Alternative payer using account number
FITYP J_1AFITP_D CHAR 1016 2 0 J_1AFITP Tax type
STCDT J_1ATOID CHAR 1018 2 0 J_1ATODC Tax Number Type
STCD3 STCD3 CHAR 1020 18 0 Tax Number 3
STCD4 STCD4 CHAR 1038 18 0 Tax Number 4
XICMS J_1BTCICMS CHAR 1056 1 0 Customer is ICMS-exempt
XXIPI J_1BTCIPI CHAR 1057 1 0 Customer is IPI-exempt
XSUBT J_1BTCST CHAR 1058 3 0 J_1BTXSTG Customer group for Substituiçao Tributária calculation
CFOPC J_1BINDUS1 CHAR 1061 2 0 Customer's CFOP category
TXLW1 J_1BTAXLW1 CHAR 1063 3 0 J_1BATL1 Tax law: ICMS
TXLW2 J_1BTAXLW2 CHAR 1066 3 0 J_1BATL2 Tax law: IPI
CCC01 CCC01 CHAR 1069 1 0 Indicator for biochemical warfare for legal control
CCC02 CCC02 CHAR 1070 1 0 Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation for legal control
CCC03 CCC03 CHAR 1071 1 0 Indicator for national security for legal control
CCC04 CCC04 CHAR 1072 1 0 Indicator for missile technology for legal control
CASSD CASSD_X CHAR 1073 2 0 Central sales block for customer
KNURL URL CHAR 1075 132 0 Uniform Resource Locator
J_1KFREPRE REPRES CHAR 1207 10 0 Name of Representative
J_1KFTBUS GESTYP CHAR 1217 30 0 BUSTYPE Type of Business
J_1KFTIND INDTYP CHAR 1247 30 0 INDUSTYPE Type of Industry
CONFS CONFS_X CHAR 1277 1 0 Status of Change Authorization (Central)
UPDAT UPDAT_RF DATS 1278 8 0 Date on Which the Changes Were Confirmed
UPTIM UPTIM_RF TIMS 1286 6 0 Time of Last Change Confirmation
NODEL NODEL_X CHAR 1292 1 0 Central deletion block for master record
DEAR6 DEAR6 CHAR 1293 1 0 Indicator: Consumer
/VSO/R_PALHGT /VSO/R_PAL_BIN_HGT QUAN 1294 13 3 Maximum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PAL_UL /VSO/R_PAL_UNIT_L UNIT 1301 3 0 T006 Unit of Length for Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_PK_MAT /VSO/M_PACK_BY_MAT CHAR 1304 1 0 Customer-Related Packing for Each Packaging Material (VSO)
/VSO/R_MATPAL /VSO/M_MATNR_PAL CHAR 1305 18 0 MARA Packaging Material of the Customer in VSO
/VSO/R_I_NO_LYR /VSO/M_IPAL_NO_LYR NUMC 1323 2 0 Number Layers Under an Inter-Pallet (VSO)
/VSO/R_ONE_MAT /VSO/M_ONE_MAT CHAR 1325 1 0 Packing Material-Specific for Each Packaging Material
/VSO/R_ONE_SORT /VSO/M_ONE_SORT CHAR 1326 1 0 Pack Only One Package Type for Each PKM (VSO)
/VSO/R_ULD_SIDE /VSO/M_UNLOAD_SIDE_PREF NUMC 1327 1 0 Side Preference of Loading/Unloading (VSO)
/VSO/R_LOAD_PREF /VSO/M_LOAD_PREF NUMC 1328 1 0 Front/Back Preference of Loading/Unloading (VSO)
/VSO/R_DPOINT /VSO/R_DELIVERYPOINT CHAR 1329 10 0 /VSO/R_DPOINT Collective Unloading Point for VSO
ALC FMFG_ALC CHAR 1339 8 0 FMFGT_ALC Agency Location Code
PSOFG PSOFG CHAR 1352 10 0 PSO19 Processor group
PSOIS PSOIS CHAR 1362 20 0 Subledger acct preprocessing procedure
PSON1 NAME1_GP CHAR 1382 35 0 Name 1
PSON2 NAME2_GP CHAR 1417 35 0 Name 2
PSON3 NAME3_GP CHAR 1452 35 0 Name 3
PSOVN PSOVN CHAR 1487 35 0 First Name
PSOTL PSOTL CHAR 1522 20 0 Title
PSOHS PSOHS CHAR 1542 6 0 House number: is no longer used from Release 4.6B
PSOST PSOST CHAR 1548 28 0 Street: No longer used from Release 4.6B
PSOO1 PSOO1 CHAR 1576 50 0 Description
PSOO2 PSOO1 CHAR 1626 50 0 Description
PSOO3 PSOO1 CHAR 1676 50 0 Description
PSOO4 PSOO1 CHAR 1726 50 0 Description
PSOO5 PSOO1 CHAR 1776 50 0 Description

1658221SAFT-PT: Corrections RSAFT_PT_XML for 2010 (29)
1557535RFUMSV00: Performance when reading adress data
328124Faxing/mailing dunning notices
1421692Recommendations for modifying BP exchange from CRM to ERP
186910Customers / vendors with incorrect address
1171560FBL1N/FBL5N: Custom selections for master data ignored
1035668BG VAT report - legislative requirement for none EU members
680695Unicode conversion in tables LFA1, KNA1 and KNVK
788822Filtering does not work
622502CRM Brazil : Data transfer for Business partner
867821BP_TR1: The FI vendor assignment in Table BC001
727478Modified Objects (excluding DDIC) for ISS, PIS, COFINS; CSLL
817346Improper coordinate matrices in Append /ICO/MOA_KNA1
725065IS-M/CRM: Add sales area (download)
608105Changes to customer and vendor master
646822Quarterly adjustment: No update of tables KNA1 and LFA1
642143IS-M/CRM: Upload customer role - no customer in R/3
623505CRM India : Data transfer of Fiscal type (OLTP <-> CRM)
601892Delta Upload Partner from CRM w/o SD cust. runs on error
603724Duplicate check: Determining customer number for consumers
561267Correction for notes 529920/513313
529920KNA1 fields not contained in CRM BP data model
559856Background processing: field values initialized
4433963.0/3.1:Number of Orders criteria/Advanced Sel. not working
537314Delta upload partner from CRM w/o SD customer causes error
444785Expiring currency in the customer master
446428Report for currency conversion annual business volume
201753ABN: Australian business number
414893Field Control for transport zone & Mode of Transport
68251Partner no field for condition table
357543SD EDI: Maintenance of EDPAR
367670Customer master KNA1: you cannot change table KNVK
357515Texts for customer or Bill-to party are wrong
310886Line items: Dynamic selections ignored
305508Customer master MASS: KNA1-KNURL & KNVV-PODKZ unchangeable
106821Crss Compy/stk transp.ordr:No Interc.Billg possible
169921CBO: ACTIV='U' has no effect
112805Drill-down rep.: Long texts for charact. values
18039Address of one-time be dunned is not prnted