Programme SAP RSCPINST - NLS installation tool

RSCPINST is a setup and diagnostic tool for NLS configurations in R/3.The user can specify the set of languages needed, and the reportautomatically determines the settings required for a consistant NLSconfiguration. The report also automatically updates the necessarydatabase tables. However, modifications to the application profileparameters must be carried out manually.

@AH@ Read SAP Note 73606


1. Check current NLS system status

  • All important NLS configuration tables:

  • TCP0C ,,(code pages and locale names )
    TCP0F ,,(frontend code pages)
    TCPDB ,,(current set of database code pages)
    TCP09 ,,(language/ code page mapping)
    TCP0D ,,(current country setting)
    • All important NLS application server profile parameters

    • All neccessary locales
    • 2. Specify languages and country code

      Non-Unicode System

      • Enter languages: The tool initially suggests the set of
      • languages that have been derived from the profile parameter
        zsca/installed_languages. Languages can be added or deleted.
        • Enter country: The user can choose a country code suggested in
        • the list.

          Unicode System

          • Enter languages: The tool initially suggests the set of
          • languages that have been derived from the profile parameter
            zsca/installed_languages. Languages can be added or deleted.
            [How to extend the language list]
            If F4 Help of the Key field does not include the language you would liketo add, proceed as follows.
            It is recommended to contact SAP to evaluate your system landscape andlanguages before the configuration. Please refer to SAP Note 73606 forfurther information.
            1) Press Extend Language List.
            2) Press F4 to select the 2-letter language code that you would like toadd.
            3) Press Execute (F8).
            4) Return to RSCPINST. Your selected language is now available in F4Help of the Key field.
            • Enter country: The country code reflects to a default encoding
            • for the "OPEN DATASET" statement (SAP Note 752835) and also the #IMPORT#statement in a system which was configured as an MDMP system prior toits Unicode conversion (SAP Note 588451).
              If there is an existing entry, it displays the country in the fieldsnext to the 'Choose' pushbutton and also all possible countries in thelist.
              If it is a new installation or no previous entry is found, it justdisplays 'Unicode' in both the field and the list.
              If there is a need to select the country, you can make the country listavailable by following: Menu > Goto > Select Country (Unicode)

              3. Simulation
              In this mode, RSCPINST checks the consistency of new configurations andgenerates a list of new setting information and problematic areas foundthrough the check, such as inconsistent database table entries, missinglocales, obsolete parameters, etc. These problems need to be repairedbefore proceeding to activation. No database updates are carried outwithin this mode.

              4. Activation
              During activation all neccessary database updates are done. A list ofrequired profile parameter modifications is generated and these have tobe done manually. After changing the parameters, please restart thesystem.

777944 Message: Different character length in R/3 and CRM
187864Linux: Locale Support on Linux
544623New Installation of Unicode SAP systems
73606Supported Languages and Code Pages
779879BIDI: Support for fieldwise base direction
1411585Obsolete text in RSCPINST with some logon languages
1564138Message split incorrectly in case of complex code page
302063Correspondence Language
112065Using customer language 'Z1'
1459941System error when you create new report bodies
1345121Profile Parameters which should not be set in Unicode
42305RSCPINST (I18N configuration tool)
1128673Additional post conversion step UMG_ADJUST_I18N_SETTINGS
614550Troubleshooting BC-I18
1021395Restrictions of language activation on SAP Unicode systems
18601Frequently asked questions on language transport
1276856Invalid Translation Language Keys (LXE_MASTER)
858387SMLT: Checking NLS configuration
155820Hebrew language import into R/3 system
1062576SCP_LANGUAGES_IN_INSTANCE returns nothing
764480SAP WinGUI I18N Trouble Shooting
775469Unicode Private User Area (PUA) specification
498369Hebrew BIDI problems
676714Current note on 6.40 language transport
997966Error messages during specification import and with ALE
386792INST: R/3 Installation on AS/400 (ASCII) 4.6C SR2
700887Printing: Language configuration
811431Informix: dbcodepage and Unicode conversion
302228NLS trouble shooting: printing (collective note)
579747Support of HongKong Chinese
745721Increased ranges for multi-byte characters
892119R3load unload 6200 for Unicode and message <USED_CP>
322982Install language by means of the upgrade
870895Incorrect sorting for German and English in Latin-2
790485RFC Problem Single Code Page, non-Unicode to Unicode System
791199Default editor changed to MSWord in SAPscript and SmartForms
814598GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED_RANGE after extending the language list
775114Problems during transport into a Unicode system
328895Brief information on language combination on R/3
578293TCPDB empty: SE92 has errors, which are hard to debug
617472Unicode system + EH&S + permitted languages
533888Example for Language Import and Error Specification
537260HRDSYS: error message "Object does not exist"
328802INST: SAP System Installation on AS/400 (ASCII) 4.6C SR1
75825Changing the character set in the existing system