SAP Transaction IW38 - Change PM Orders

Related Notes
116002IW32: Dump in refurbishment order w.maint.task list
106150PM/SM order: problems with system status
120148Orders are not found in order list
337766IW38: Complete incl. notifications: DUMP_NO_ADDAT
65465Collective note: Performance optimization IW32 IW38
133124IW38: Wrong number of hits/Techn.compl.not allowed
65464Maintenance order: Create settlement rule
65531PM order: Performance optimization in IW32, IW38
103971Incomplete PReq cannot be saved
439416Order list: Branch to transaction list and confirmation
35609No PReq after network/maintenance order release
312135CN22/IW32/CO02: Purchasing data is initialized
75346No change to the outline agreement in component
429963DUMP "DUMP_NO_ADDAT" when saving order
11564406407: The purchase requisition does not exist
67179PM Order: Partner change is not saved
93030No long text change in PReq
69238Control key Internal --> External: No PReq long txt
1040660Extension to note 1030162
336734Deleting operation deletes all OPROL entries
336656Notificatn assignmnt for order doesn't delete OPROL
168520Status REL: Function Complete order inactive
76620PM order: calendar for order start/order finish date
104139IW38: Orders with incorrect status are selected
103922Maintenance order: Calendar for order start/finish
107769Setting 'Print online' does not work
145258Warning message CN750 when you delete components
143734PM/SM Order, network: CO888 or C2327
443191Material group (RESB-MATKL) when adding components
192922Supplement to Note 182798, default rule on contract
434975Selection by work center in lists processed in background
142306Inconsistencies in PM/SM orders after scheduling
169186"Technical completed" reset -> Incorrect phase
67963Changing mat./plant in component/order not in PReq
192128Order status not correct after compl.confirmatn cancellation
48401Maintenance order / network: no scheduling / CK060
53959PReq for component without long text in order
68262PM order: no outline agreement no. in header operat.
205961Price unit is not transferred from PReq
1589326MASS: Checkboxes in POPUP for external users
572084Removing object list assignment to operations
72451PM: PReq contains executing plant instead of PM plt
69683Order: incorrect long text for component
407169Performance: Selection by work center
119701Plant cannot be changed in component list
81936Repair program Error_building_itab PM order
216726Price, unit and desired vendor are not copied
186947Order status does not match possible functions
193630SM order loses reference to SD document
689192WEC Release 1: General Fixes # 66
43153PM Order: Repair Report with ERROR_BUILDING_ITAB
113219IW076 when saving order: Purchasing data
34875Maintenance order: ERROR_BUILDING_ITAB
103130Transaction IW31: Deleted components appear in Preq
586523Customer-defined fields in list editing
117544Changing profit centers in PM/SM order
105592No warning/error for locked cost center
53496No PReq for non-stock components for services
84075Incorrect proposals from default profile
785689Call lists in background: Dialog box for missing authorizatn
94903CO888 Itab_Error when changing order
151669Order status 'CRTD', Operationstatus 'REL'
205909Termination when canceling technical completion X055(00)
217660CO888 'Internal: Error Read AFPO'
77248 Fixed vendor/ record reset during change
53724MAT/PPS_Status ignored during assignment via BOM
1030162Operation is not added for the notif. created in object list
44774IW31/IW32: No PReq created for external service
170186External operation: Missing contract check
496017Maintenance order: New repair report for ERROR_BUILDING_ITAB
180405When changng maintnnce order,PReq requirmnt trackng no. lost
213446Reassignment with settlement rule to CO-PA
46049Changed long text is not updated in purchase req.
492498Operations have temporary object number
34702Inconsistency between PReq deletion indicator/order
126761Status REL for technically completed operation
108339Reset technical completion: Operation remains
420382Functional area cannot be changed in the PM/CS order
205362Cancelling technical completion --> termination
47244Plant maint.order & material w. spec.procuremnt key
190976Deleting component/operation with purchase order
69817Long text change in header operat.-->No PReq change
72343Date fields not filled in sub-operation
384686Expiring currency in PM/CS order not supported
1597610Suppress dialog box when lists are called in background.
453262Restore status and profile for orders RIORDST1
494365Error BS(001) when changing an order (operations faulty)
47030PM order: Classification in background (RIOCLAS0)
393356Required entry field for price in PReq and service operation
94546Active reservations/PReq.; order completed
182008Required entry field Price not copied from PReq
125155No PReq generated for external operations
572673Editing operation assignment to object list entry
76065Maintenance order: Settlement rule/default rule
762444FAQ: Order selection via operations
204029Errors in order costs and when updating PMIS
67826Restoring the status for orders RIORDST1
372544Termination 00055 when resetting technical completion