SAP Transaction FB02 - Change Document

Related Notes
798482FB03/FB02/FB09: no return to the variant transaction
142409Incorrect update of credit management data in FB02
991647FB02: Re-Convertion of the barcode not work
122272Line item: consistent bulk change
556833F5302: BKPF totally locked when parking a document
1441194VATDATE in FB02 cannot be changed due to BSET-STMDT
1366172FB02: Update termination after changing row and VATDATE
449399FB03: Authorization error on line (ALV, 4.6C)
1541795Document change of tax reporting date for DP chain documents
353128F110: incorrect cash discount determinatn after Note 210740
359369Incorrect cash discount determination / clearing
565186Fields relevant for payment in special G/L transactions
921658FB02: FKBER deleted in index tables
1489350FB02: Problems after changing tax reporting date
79760Certain BSEG fields cannot be changed (FB02)
721687FBV0/EnjoySAP: FDLEV empty when posting from simulation
357877Easy Access: Removing duplicate transactions
631219Document change moves level number
574714BW extraction 0FI_GL_4 blocks online transactions
1318067Resetting dunning data aftr printing w/ indiv.dunning notice
79865Change FI document: substitution for callup point 3
97557Substitution in FI for change document
98520Posting FI doc.subsequently w/o acct assgnmnt to CO
432158Line items: Mass change, error message MSITEM006
870580FB02: Amount in the parallel currency is ready for input
164834FI232 - Some document changes in FI not saved in FM
425355(FI) Change document: Effect on fixed value date
827413FI: Changeability of fields in FI documents
406378Error with document change
69969FBL2/FBL6: cash manag. & forecast after bulk change
1178561FB03/general ledger view: Neg qties displayed as positive
115341FI ALE FIDCCH: Questions concerning document changes
826864 (FI)Manual change of planning date ignored
29708Entry of account assignment fields in FB02, FBD2
143311F110:Incorr.due date for cred.memo w/
319936FB03: no authorization check for ALV variants
107350Possibility of changing COBL fields after posting
1268922FI/incomplete update requests: CHANGE_DOCUMENT
1162771FB02: No checks when changing tax reporting date
1296949FB02: Error F5 165 after changing VAT date
96285Add Exchange number field on screen variant
1368414FB03: Call of CCARD_WRITE_LOG_API is unnecessary
1484985Tax reporting date filled even though document w/o tax code
95316Add Exchange number field
778736FB03/ALV Grid control: no display of HKBEZ
97004FBL2/FBL6: Incorrect TBAER check with UMSKS
531248TaxRed.Law: Addition to Note 445148
974324Grid control FB03/ALV: no plus/minus sign BSEG-PSWBT
449898Tax reduction act FI: FB03: Authorization check
979307FB03: Positive quantity also displayed in credit line items
195440FB01: Payment deadline baseline date in wrong year
171924F-59: Terms of payment cannot be changed
1115294Check for transaction authorization is missing
426100(CC) split processor and reference to clearing document line
561852Termination or data loss when changing FI documents
390352Original document for accounting document not found
328889FB03: Positive quantity in credit lines
1391049FB03/FBU3: Adjustments for split documents
373280FV50: Cash management/ forecast data not updated
430030Line items: mass change error message MSITEM006
68090Planning data disappears with bulk changes
1017785FB03: Secure handling of display of credit card data
125655IS-H: FB02 in billing document collective print
427950FB03: Various errors in FB03 after importg SP 20-22 in 4.6C
1137492Changeability of tax reporting date
817010FB03/FBV3/FB01/JavaGUI/WebGUI: Problems with documt overview
1527469VATDATE tax reporting date not active but ready for input
129286Euro contract currency changeover payment methods OI
187817FB01: incorrect baseline date for paymnt determined
175163FB01: Paymt block changed manually not transferred
1409792Retaining tax reporting date even if tax base is zero
1382543FAQ: Withholding tax
486076Display accounting doc.: weird text on push button
705183ALV document display: Info for Calculate tax FB03/FBD3
385825F110: error message FZ326 for documents posted net
199967 FB02:Incorrect baseline date for payment determined
550292Tax reduction law FI: FB03: Logging
103631FBL2: Non changeable payment block can be changed
159607F110: Reset clearing is not offset against
393821FZ326 in the payment program: Document balance not zero
658163Acct assignmnt change: Determinatn of new FM acct assignmnt
1331317EhP3: Authorization check for profit center
457525FB03:further improvements to the generic services (BSEG)
64658FB02: Cash planning date is not updated
859016ENJOY/FBV2:Cash mgmt+forecast data not adjusted w/ acct chg
210740FZ326 when paying vendor net invoices
1600667Transactions that conflict with themselves
653716Data conversion incomplete due to RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER
402273FB03: New design of generic object services in Release 4.6C
711015FI: Document fields do not exist
1023317Legal Change: Vat Due date
47596Update termination/data inconsistency/amounts missing
1232484How to use the VAT due date, tax reporting date VATDATE
729863EU2004: Activate triangular deal for purchasing
205311Extended withholding tax: Error 7Q328 or F5787
802645ALE: FM distribution problems
139211Fields in update tables not filled
746162Using official document numbering for Italy