SAP Transaction EC20 - IS-U Front Office

Related Notes
458638Automatically start Transaction EC20 as of IS-U/CCS 461
304107No input help billing class with search criteria in CIC
301321FPL9: Inactive functions in CALL mode
153379Enqueue problems in front office
167108Front office (EC20) main memory problems
213459Business partner data not updated
1550668Update EC 2.0 SP10 PL12 to EC 2.0 SP16
196380Performance with object type Account
125303EC20: Table control is positioned incorrectly
300931Search for business partner is unsuccessful
116468EC20/CIC0: Automatic selection in the clipboard
169155Search in front office for business partners
203368Customer overview: Incorrect event module
168343Front office search for BP by name, city and street
187035Parameter reference customer with ISUPARTNER.Create
185663EC20 --> FPE1: Initial screen is skipped
169153Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN
168056Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN
370503FPL9: > 4412 Maximum navigation depth reached
185606Bus. partner search by telephone no. --> Short dump
161510Searching for business partners in front office
307105Search for BPs with house number in front office
149107Cust. overview: Refreshing the FI-CA info. modules
197078Search criteria for connection object not transferred
165108Search for BP by city and name in front office
146603FPL9: >4412 Maximum navigation depth reached
206075Dunning history in customer overview
144462EC20/CIC0: Incorrect display of clipboard
166225Instllmt plan: Method CREATE call from front office
185552Budget billing plan: no data for scheduling
214721BDT, foreign surface: changes to addresses are lost
196796Customer overview: Long runtimes
149979Customer contacts for move-in not displayed
160974Dunning history overview: Text element 'ND'
318815Equipment: Transaction auth. for call from ABAP
166217Budget billing plan: Display in customer overview
159173Data flow lost in new configuration
156269Warning for incorrect tax jrsdctn. code in move-in
191552Installmt plan:Error in method Installmentplan.Edit
212428Performance problems w. selecting customer contacts
154610Customer overview: Automatic column width
155291Data envrnmnt: Incorrect objects for BOR navigation
632799Account balance from Front-Office: Data for other partner
149149Customer overview: Info. module for paid items
183452Sorting in partner lists
301447Action manager call ignores constants
195461Short dump w. object constants in data flow
173900Customer overview: Business partner in a/c display
151194Action box: No multiple selection for hit list
189007Object storage->Change object: COMMIT WORK missing
184715Customer overview: Information module for BB plans
163367JUMP/JUMPON calls in front office processes
160774Customer overview:Information modules not displayed
154300Incorrect config.deter. in front office environment
214667Print BB plan notification with incorrect address
213557Customer overvw: Display payts of cash sec. deposit
146714Incorrect sequence of tabs for move-in/move-out
151298Entering short text for front office processes
166072EC20: Blank lines between clipboard & search fields
207741Conect. obj. in FO process: outage message not available
175692Status of transferred security deposits incorrect
200961CIC: Error in search with phone no. (USA add.form.)
178246Error handling: BB plan in rate maintenance
191598Short dump with non-CHAR constants in data flow
147450Display not updated after data changes
168553Action box calls with multiline search object type
330479Front office: Default call / selecting service is missing
155171Data environment display:Long runtime or short dump
151129Data flow problems with multi-line parameters
169961Unexpected exception ISU_S_MOVE_IN_CHANGE
311158CIC0: Memory consumption through finder hit list
151213Generated parameter dialogs for multi-lang. system
154158Unexpected exception ISU_S_MOVE_IN_CHANGE
431157CIC0: Memory consumption with finder hit list as of 4.61