SAP Table BSEG - Accounting Document Segment

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
BELNR X BELNR_D CHAR 7 10 0 Accounting Document Number
GJAHR X GJAHR NUMC 17 4 0 Fiscal Year
BUZEI X BUZEI NUMC 21 3 0 Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document
BUZID BUZID CHAR 24 1 0 Identification of the Line Item
AUGDT AUGDT DATS 25 8 0 Clearing Date
AUGCP AUGCP DATS 33 8 0 Clearing Entry Date
AUGBL AUGBL CHAR 41 10 0 Document Number of the Clearing Document
BSCHL BSCHL CHAR 51 2 0 TBSL Posting Key
KOART KOART CHAR 53 1 0 Account Type
UMSKZ UMSKZ CHAR 54 1 0 Special G/L Indicator
UMSKS UMSKS CHAR 55 1 0 Special G/L Transaction Type
ZUMSK DZUMSK CHAR 56 1 0 Target Special G/L Indicator
SHKZG SHKZG CHAR 57 1 0 Debit/Credit Indicator
GSBER GSBER CHAR 58 4 0 TGSB Business Area
PARGB PARGB CHAR 62 4 0 TGSB Trading Partner's Business Area
MWSKZ MWSKZ CHAR 66 2 0 Sales Tax Code
QSSKZ QSSKZ CHAR 68 2 0 T059Q Withholding Tax Code
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 70 13 2 Amount in Local Currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 77 13 2 Amount in Document Currency
KZBTR KZBTR_FI CURR 84 13 2 Original Reduction Amount in Local Currency
PSWBT PSWBT CURR 91 13 2 Amount for Updating in General Ledger
PSWSL PSWSL CUKY 98 5 0 TCURC Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures
TXBHW TXBHW CURR 103 13 2 Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency
TXBFW TXBFW CURR 110 13 2 Original Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
MWSTS MWSTS CURR 117 13 2 Tax Amount in Local Currency
WMWST WMWST CURR 124 13 2 Tax Amount in Document Currency
HWBAS HWBAS CURR 131 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Local Currency
FWBAS FWBAS CURR 138 13 2 Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
HWZUZ HWZUZ CURR 145 13 2 Provision Amount in Local Currency
FWZUZ FWZUZ CURR 152 13 2 Additional Tax in Document Currency
SHZUZ SHZUZ CHAR 159 1 0 Debit/Credit Addition for Cash Discount
STEKZ CHAR2 CHAR 160 2 0 Version Number Component
MWART MWART CHAR 162 1 0 Tax Type
TXGRP TXGRP NUMC 163 3 0 Group Indicator for Tax Line Items
KTOSL KTOSL CHAR 166 3 0 Transaction Key
QSSHB QSSHB CURR 169 13 2 Withholding Tax Base Amount
KURSR KURSR DEC 176 9 5 Hedged Exchange Rate
GBETR GBETR CURR 181 13 2 Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency
BDIFF BDIFF CURR 188 13 2 Valuation Difference
BDIF2 BDIF2 CURR 195 13 2 Valuation Difference for the Second Local Currency
VALUT VALUT DATS 202 8 0 Value Date
ZUONR DZUONR CHAR 210 18 0 Assignment Number
SGTXT SGTXT CHAR 228 50 0 Item Text
ZINKZ DZINKZ CHAR 278 2 0 Exempted from Interest Calculation
VBUND RASSC CHAR 280 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
BEWAR RMVCT CHAR 286 3 0 T856 Transaction Type
ALTKT BILKT_SKA1 CHAR 289 10 0 Group Account Number
VORGN VORGN CHAR 299 4 0 Transaction Type for General Ledger
FDLEV FDLEV CHAR 303 2 0 T036 Planning Level
FDGRP FDGRP CHAR 305 10 0 T035 Planning Group
FDWBT FDWBT CURR 315 13 2 Planned Amount in Document or G/L Account Currency
FDTAG FDTAG DATS 322 8 0 Planning Date
FKONT FIPLS NUMC 330 3 0 Financial Budget Item
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 333 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 337 10 0 Cost Center
PROJN PROJN CHAR 347 16 0 Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR
AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 363 12 0 AUFK Order Number
VBELN VBELN_VF CHAR 375 10 0 Billing Document
VBEL2 VBELN_VA CHAR 385 10 0 Sales Document
POSN2 POSNR_VA NUMC 395 6 0 Sales Document Item
ETEN2 ETENR NUMC 401 4 0 VBEP Delivery Schedule Line Number
ANLN1 ANLN1 CHAR 405 12 0 ANLH Main Asset Number
ANLN2 ANLN2 CHAR 417 4 0 ANLA Asset Subnumber
ANBWA ANBWA CHAR 421 3 0 TABW Asset Transaction Type
BZDAT BZDAT DATS 424 8 0 Asset Value Date
PERNR PERNR_D NUMC 432 8 0 Personnel Number
XUMSW XUMSW CHAR 440 1 0 Indicator: Sales-Related Item ?
XHRES XHRES CHAR 441 1 0 Indicator: Resident G/L Account?
XKRES XKRES CHAR 442 1 0 Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account?
XOPVW XOPVW CHAR 443 1 0 Indicator: Open Item Management?
XCPDD XCPDD CHAR 444 1 0 Indicator: Address and Bank Data Set Individually
XSKST XSKST CHAR 445 1 0 Indicator: Statistical Posting to Cost Center
XSAUF XSAUF CHAR 446 1 0 Indicator: Posting to Order Is Statistical
XSPRO XSPRO CHAR 447 1 0 Indicator: Posting to Project Is Statistical
XSERG XSERG CHAR 448 1 0 Indicator: Posting to Profitability Analysis Is Statistical
XFAKT XFAKT CHAR 449 1 0 Indicator: Billing Document Update Successful?
XUMAN XUMAN CHAR 450 1 0 Indicator: Transfer Posting from Down Payment?
XANET XANET CHAR 451 1 0 Indicator: Down Payment in Net Procedure?
XSKRL XSKRL CHAR 452 1 0 Indicator: Line Item Not Liable to Cash Discount?
XINVE XINVE CHAR 453 1 0 Indicator: Capital Goods Affected?
XPANZ XPANZ CHAR 454 1 0 Display Item
XAUTO XAUTO CHAR 455 1 0 Indicator: Line Item Automatically Created
XNCOP XNCOP CHAR 456 1 0 Indicator: Items Cannot Be Copied?
XZAHL XZAHL CHAR 457 1 0 Indicator: Is Posting Key Used in a Payment Transaction?
SAKNR SAKNR CHAR 458 10 0 G/L Account Number
HKONT HKONT CHAR 468 10 0 General Ledger Account
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 478 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 488 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
FILKD FILKD CHAR 498 10 0 Account Number of the Branch
XBILK XBILK CHAR 508 1 0 Indicator: Account Is a Balance Sheet Account?
GVTYP GVTYP CHAR 509 2 0 P&L Statement Account Type
HZUON HZUON CHAR 511 18 0 Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts
ZFBDT DZFBDT DATS 529 8 0 Baseline Date for Due Date Calculation
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 537 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
ZBD1T DZBD1T DEC 541 3 0 Cash Discount Days 1
ZBD2T DZBD2T DEC 543 3 0 Cash Discount Days 2
ZBD3T DZBD3T DEC 545 3 0 Net Payment Terms Period
ZBD1P DZBD1P DEC 547 5 3 Cash Discount Percentage 1
ZBD2P DZBD2P DEC 550 5 3 Cash Discount Percentage 2
SKFBT SKFBT CURR 553 13 2 Amount Eligible for Cash Discount in Document Currency
SKNTO SKNTO CURR 560 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Local Currency
WSKTO WSKTO CURR 567 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Document Currency
ZLSCH SCHZW_BSEG CHAR 574 1 0 T042E Payment Method
ZLSPR DZLSPR CHAR 575 1 0 Payment Block Key
ZBFIX DZBFIX CHAR 576 1 0 Fixed Payment Terms
HBKID HBKID CHAR 577 5 0 T012 Short Key for a House Bank
BVTYP BVTYP CHAR 582 4 0 Partner Bank Type
NEBTR NEBTR CURR 586 13 2 Net Payment Amount
MWSK1 MWSKX CHAR 593 2 0 Tax Code for Distribution
DMBT1 DMBTX CURR 595 13 2 Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution
WRBT1 WRBTX CURR 602 13 2 Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown
MWSK2 MWSKX CHAR 609 2 0 Tax Code for Distribution
DMBT2 DMBTX CURR 611 13 2 Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution
WRBT2 WRBTX CURR 618 13 2 Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown
MWSK3 MWSKX CHAR 625 2 0 Tax Code for Distribution
DMBT3 DMBTX CURR 627 13 2 Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution
WRBT3 WRBTX CURR 634 13 2 Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown
REBZG REBZG CHAR 641 10 0 Number of the Invoice the Transaction Belongs to
REBZJ REBZJ NUMC 651 4 0 Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo)
REBZZ REBZZ NUMC 655 3 0 Line Item in the Relevant Invoice
REBZT REBZT CHAR 658 1 0 Follow-On Document Type
ZOLLT DZOLLT CHAR 659 8 0 Customs Tariff Number
ZOLLD DZOLLD DATS 667 8 0 Customs Date
LZBKZ LZBKZ CHAR 675 3 0 State Central Bank Indicator
LANDL LANDL CHAR 678 3 0 T005 Supplying Country
DIEKZ DIEKZ CHAR 681 1 0 Service Indicator (Foreign Payment)
SAMNR SAMNR NUMC 682 8 0 Invoice List Number
ABPER ABPER_RF ACCP 690 6 0 Settlement Period
VRSKZ VRSKZ CHAR 696 1 0 Insurance Indicator
VRSDT VRSDT DATS 697 8 0 Insurance Date
DISBN DISBN CHAR 705 10 0 Number of Bill of Exchange Usage Document (Discount Doc.)
DISBJ DISBJ NUMC 715 4 0 Fiscal Year of Bill of Exchange Usage Document
DISBZ DISBZ NUMC 719 3 0 Line Item within the Bill of Exchange Usage Document
WVERW WVERW CHAR 722 1 0 Bill of Exchange Usage Type
ANFBN ANFBN CHAR 723 10 0 Document Number of the Bill of Exchange Payment Request
ANFBJ ANFBJ NUMC 733 4 0 Fiscal Year of the Bill of Exchange Payment Request Document
ANFBU ANFBU CHAR 737 4 0 T001 Company Code in Which Bill of Exch.Payment Request Is Posted
ANFAE ANFAE DATS 741 8 0 Bill of Exchange Payment Request Due Date
BLNBT BLNBT CURR 749 13 2 Base Amount for Determining the Preference Amount
BLNKZ BLNKZ CHAR 756 2 0 Subsidy Indicator for Determining the Reduction Rates
BLNPZ BLNPZ DEC 758 7 2 Preference Percentage Rate
MSCHL MSCHL CHAR 762 1 0 Dunning Key
MANSP MANSP CHAR 763 1 0 T040S Dunning Block
MADAT MADAT DATS 764 8 0 Date of Last Dunning Notice
MANST MAHNS_D NUMC 772 1 0 Dunning Level
MABER MABER CHAR 773 2 0 T047M Dunning Area
ESRNR ESRNR CHAR 775 11 0 ISR Subscriber Number
ESRRE ESRRE CHAR 786 27 0 ISR Reference Number
ESRPZ ESRPZ CHAR 813 2 0 ISR Check Digit
KLIBT KLIBT CURR 815 13 2 Credit Control Amount
QSZNR QSZNR CHAR 822 10 0 Certificate Number of the Withholding Tax Exemption
QBSHB QBSHB CURR 832 13 2 Withholding Tax Amount (in Document Currency)
QSFBT QSFBT CURR 839 13 2 Withholding Tax-Exempt Amount (in Document Currency)
NAVHW NAVHW CURR 846 13 2 Non-Deductible Input Tax (in Local Currency)
NAVFW NAVFW CURR 853 13 2 Non-Deductible Input Tax (in Document Currency)
MATNR MATNR CHAR 860 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 878 4 0 T001W Plant
MENGE MENGE_D QUAN 882 13 3 Quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 889 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
ERFMG ERFMG QUAN 892 13 3 Quantity in Unit of Entry
ERFME ERFME UNIT 899 3 0 T006 Unit of Entry
BPMNG BPMNG QUAN 902 13 3 Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit
BPRME BPRME UNIT 909 3 0 T006 Order Price Unit (Purchasing)
EBELN EBELN CHAR 912 10 0 EKKO Purchasing Document Number
EBELP EBELP NUMC 922 5 0 EKPO Item Number of Purchasing Document
ZEKKN DZEKKN NUMC 927 2 0 Sequential Number of Account Assignment
ELIKZ ELIKZ CHAR 929 1 0 "Delivery Completed" Indicator
VPRSV VPRSV CHAR 930 1 0 Price Control Indicator
PEINH PEINH DEC 931 5 0 Price Unit
BWKEY BWKEY CHAR 934 4 0 T001K Valuation Area
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 938 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
BUSTW BUSTW CHAR 948 4 0 Posting String for Values
REWRT REEWR CURR 952 13 2 Invoice Value Entered (in Local Currency)
REWWR REFWR CURR 959 13 2 Invoice Value in Foreign Currency
BONFB BONFB CURR 966 13 2 Amount Qualifying for Bonus in Local Currency
BUALT BUALT CURR 973 13 2 Amount Posted in Alternative Price Control
PSALT PSALT CHAR 980 1 0 Alternative Price Control
NPREI NPREI CURR 981 11 2 New Price
TBTKZ TBTKZ CHAR 987 1 0 Indicator: Subsequent Debit/Credit
SPGRP SPGRP CHAR 988 1 0 Blocking Reason: Price
SPGRM SPGRM CHAR 989 1 0 Blocking Reason: Quantity
SPGRT SPGRT CHAR 990 1 0 Blocking Reason: Date
SPGRG SPGRG CHAR 991 1 0 Blocking Reason: Order Price Quantity
SPGRV SPGRV CHAR 992 1 0 Blocking Reason: Project Budget
SPGRQ SPGRQ CHAR 993 1 0 Manual Blocking Reason
STCEG STCEG CHAR 994 20 0 VAT Registration Number
EGBLD EGBLD CHAR 1014 3 0 T005 Country of Destination for Delivery of Goods
EGLLD EGLLD CHAR 1017 3 0 T005 Supplying Country for Delivery of Goods
RSTGR RSTGR CHAR 1020 3 0 T053R Reason Code for Payments
RYACQ RYACQ CHAR 1023 4 0 Year of acquisition
RPACQ RPACQ NUMC 1027 3 0 Period of Acquisition
RDIFF RDIFF CURR 1030 13 2 Exchange Rate Gain/Loss Realized
RDIF2 RDIF2 CURR 1037 13 2 Exchange Rate Difference Realized for Second Local Currency
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 1044 10 0 Profit Center
XHKOM XHKOM CHAR 1054 1 0 Indicator: G/L Account Assigned Manually?
VNAME JV_NAME CHAR 1055 6 0 T8JV Joint Venture
RECID JV_RECIND CHAR 1061 2 0 Recovery Indicator
EGRUP JV_EGROUP CHAR 1063 3 0 T8JF Equity Group
VPTNR JV_PART CHAR 1066 10 0 KNA1 Partner Account Number
VERTT RANTYP CHAR 1076 1 0 Contract Type
VERTN RANL CHAR 1077 13 0 Contract Number
DEPOT RLDEPO CHAR 1094 10 0 Securities Account
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 1104 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
IMKEY IMKEY CHAR 1119 8 0 Internal Key for Real Estate Object
DABRZ DABRBEZ DATS 1127 8 0 Reference Date for Settlement
POPTS POPTSATZ DEC 1135 9 6 Real Estate Option Rate
FIPOS FIPOS CHAR 1140 14 0 Commitment Item
KSTRG KSTRG CHAR 1154 12 0 CKPH Cost Object
NPLNR NPLNR CHAR 1166 12 0 AUFK Network Number for Account Assignment
AUFPL AUFPL_CH NUMC 1178 10 0 Task List Number for Operations in Order
APLZL APLZL_CH NUMC 1188 8 0 General Counter for Order
PROJK PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 1196 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
PAOBJNR RKEOBJNR NUMC 1204 10 0 Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
PASUBNR RKESUBNR NUMC 1214 4 0 Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA)
SPGRS SPGRS CHAR 1218 1 0 Blocking Reason: Item Amount
SPGRC SPGRC CHAR 1219 1 0 Blocking Reason: Quality
BTYPE JV_BILIND CHAR 1220 2 0 T8JA Payroll Type
ETYPE JV_ETYPE CHAR 1222 3 0 T8JE Equity Type
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 1225 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
LNRAN LNRAN NUMC 1226 5 0 Sequence Number of Asset Line Items in Fiscal Year
HRKFT HRKFT CHAR 1231 4 0 TKKH1 Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element
DMBE2 DMBE2 CURR 1235 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency
DMBE3 DMBE3 CURR 1242 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency
DMB21 DMB2X CURR 1249 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
DMB22 DMB2X CURR 1256 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
DMB23 DMB2X CURR 1263 13 2 Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
DMB31 DMB3X CURR 1270 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
DMB32 DMB3X CURR 1277 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
DMB33 DMB3X CURR 1284 13 2 Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown
MWST2 MWST2 CURR 1291 13 2 Tax Amount in Second Local Currency
MWST3 MWST3 CURR 1298 13 2 Tax Amount in Third Local Currency
NAVH2 NAVH2 CURR 1305 13 2 Non-Deductible Input Tax in Second Local Currency
NAVH3 NAVH3 CURR 1312 13 2 Non-Deductible Input Tax in Third Local Currency
SKNT2 SKNT2 CURR 1319 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Second Local Currency
SKNT3 SKNT3 CURR 1326 13 2 Cash Discount Amount in Third Local Currency
BDIF3 BDIF3 CURR 1333 13 2 Valuation Difference for the Third Local Currency
RDIF3 RDIF3 CURR 1340 13 2 Exchange Rate Difference Realized for Third Local Currency
HWMET HWMET CHAR 1347 1 0 Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined
GLUPM GLUPM CHAR 1348 1 0 Update Method for FM - FI-CA Integration
XRAGL XRAGL CHAR 1349 1 0 Indicator: Clearing was Reversed
UZAWE UZAWE CHAR 1350 2 0 Payment Method Supplement
LOKKT ALTKT_SKB1 CHAR 1352 10 0 Alternative Account Number in Company Code
FISTL FISTL CHAR 1362 16 0 Funds Center
GEBER BP_GEBER CHAR 1378 10 0 Fund
STBUK STBUK CHAR 1388 4 0 T001 Tax Company Code
TXBH2 TXBH2 CURR 1392 13 2 Tax Base/Original Tax Base in Second Local Currency
TXBH3 TXBH3 CURR 1399 13 2 Tax Base/Original Tax Base in Third Local Currency
PPRCT PPRCTR CHAR 1406 10 0 Partner Profit Center
XREF1 XREF1 CHAR 1416 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
XREF2 XREF2 CHAR 1428 12 0 Business Partner Reference Key
KBLNR KBLNR_FI CHAR 1440 10 0 KBLK Document Number for Earmarked Funds
KBLPOS KBLPOS NUMC 1450 3 0 KBLP Earmarked Funds: Document Item
STTAX STTAX CURR 1453 13 2 Tax Amount as Statistical Information in Document Currency
FKBER FKBER_SHORT CHAR 1460 4 0 Functional Area
OBZEI OBZEI NUMC 1464 3 0 Number of Line Item in Original Document
XNEGP XNEGP CHAR 1467 1 0 Indicator: Negative posting
RFZEI RFZEI_CC NUMC 1468 3 0 Payment Card Item
CCBTC CCBTC CHAR 1471 10 0 Payment cards: Settlement run
KKBER KKBER CHAR 1481 4 0 T014 Credit Control Area
EMPFB EMPFB CHAR 1485 10 0 Payee/Payer
XREF3 XREF3 CHAR 1495 20 0 Reference Key for Line Item
DTWS1 DTAT16 NUMC 1515 2 0 Instruction Key 1
DTWS2 DTAT17 NUMC 1517 2 0 Instruction Key 2
DTWS3 DTAT18 NUMC 1519 2 0 Instruction Key 3
DTWS4 DTAT19 NUMC 1521 2 0 Instruction Key 4
GRICD J_1AGICD_D CHAR 1523 2 0 J_1AGICD Activity Code for Gross Income Tax
GRIRG REGIO CHAR 1525 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
GITYP J_1ADTYP_D CHAR 1528 2 0 J_1ADTYP Distribution Type for Employment Tax
XPYPR XPYPR CHAR 1530 1 0 Indicator: Payment Order Exists for this Item
KIDNO KIDNO CHAR 1531 30 0 Payment Reference
ABSBT ABSBT CURR 1561 13 2 Credit Management: Hedged Amount
IDXSP J_1AINDXSP CHAR 1568 5 0 J_1AINFT20 Inflation Index
LINFV J_1ALINFVL DATS 1573 8 0 Last Adjustment Date
KONTT KONTT_FI CHAR 1581 2 0 Account Assignment Category for Industry Solution
KONTL KONTL_FI CHAR 1583 50 0 Acct Assignment String for Industry-Specific Acct Assignmnts
TXDAT TXDAT DATS 1633 8 0 Date for Defining Tax Rates
AGZEI AGZEI DEC 1641 5 0 Clearing Item
PYCUR PYCUR CUKY 1644 5 0 TCURC Currency for Automatic Payment
PYAMT PYAMT CURR 1649 13 2 Amount in Payment Currency
BUPLA BUPLA CHAR 1656 4 0 Business Place
SECCO SECCO CHAR 1660 4 0 Section Code
LSTAR LSTAR CHAR 1664 6 0 Activity Type
CESSION_KZ CESSION_KZ CHAR 1670 2 0 TCESSION Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator
PRZNR CO_PRZNR CHAR 1672 12 0 CBPR Business Process
PPDIFF PPDIFF CURR 1684 13 2 Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 1.Loc.Curr.(Part Payments)
PPDIF2 PPDIF2 CURR 1691 13 2 Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 2.Loc. Curr.(Part Payments)
PPDIF3 PPDIF3 CURR 1698 13 2 Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 3.Loc.Curr.(Part Payments)
PENLC1 PENALTY1 CURR 1705 13 2 Penalty Charge Amount in First Local Currency
PENLC2 PENALTY2 CURR 1712 13 2 Penalty Charge Amount in Second Local Currency
PENLC3 PENALTY3 CURR 1719 13 2 Penalty Charge Amount in Third Local Currency
PENFC PENALTY CURR 1726 13 2 Penalty Charge Amount in Document Currency
PENDAYS PDAYS INT4 1736 10 0 Number of Days for Penalty Charge Calculation
PENRC PENRC CHAR 1740 2 0 Reason for Late Payment
SCTAX SCTAX CURR 1762 13 2 Tax Portion FI-CA Local Currency
FKBER_LONG FKBER CHAR 1769 16 0 Functional Area
GMVKZ FM_GMVKZ CHAR 1785 1 0 Item is in Execution
SRTYPE FM_SRTYPE CHAR 1786 2 0 Type of Additional Receivable
INTRENO VVINTRENO CHAR 1788 13 0 Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
MEASURE FM_MEASURE CHAR 1801 24 0 Funded Program
AUGGJ AUGGJ NUMC 1825 4 0 Fiscal Year of Clearing Document
PPA_EX_IND EXCLUDE_FLG CHAR 1829 1 0 PPA Exclude Indicator
DOCLN DOCLN6 CHAR 1830 6 0 Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger
SEGMENT FB_SEGMENT CHAR 1836 10 0 Segment for Segmental Reporting
PSEGMENT FB_PSEGMENT CHAR 1846 10 0 Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting
PFKBER SFKBER CHAR 1856 16 0 Partner Functional Area
HKTID HKTID CHAR 1872 5 0 T012K ID for Account Details
KSTAR KSTAR CHAR 1877 10 0 CSKA Cost Element
XLGCLR XLGCLR CHAR 1887 1 0 Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups
TAXPS TAX_POSNR NUMC 1888 6 0 Tax document item number
PAYS_TRAN FPS_TRANSACTION CHAR 1898 35 0 Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider
PGEBER FM_PFUND CHAR 1933 10 0 Partner Fund
PBUDGET_PD FM_PBUDGET_PERIOD CHAR 1973 10 0 FM: Partner Budget Period
PEROP_BEG FM_PEROP_FI_LOW DATS 1983 8 0 Billing Period of Performance Start Date
PEROP_END FM_PEROP_FI_HIGH DATS 1991 8 0 Billing Period of Performance End Date
IGNR_IVREF FMFG_IGNORE_INV_REF CHAR 2000 1 0 FMFG: Ignore the invoice reference during FI doc splitting
PRODPER JV_PRODPER DATS 2001 8 0 Production Month (Date to find period and year)

990035Additional information: Transferring posted data
904652MIRO: Different from FB60
1385914TAXPS as new field in BSEG
1451330Storing customer fields from BSEG in APPEND
1431727AC interface: Separate summarization of tax data
1265329Inconsistencies between table isjpinvsumit and table BSEG
647424Redetermining field TXGRP in BSET and BSEG
1227677Supply BSEG for SAPKH60014 due to problem in SR3
1031706NewGL Migration: Cost element (COST_ELEM) field not filled 2
1117587FAGLL03: Special fields for documents in non-leading ledger
547613BSEG: Error in SAPKH46C35 and SAPKH46B44
728326Program for filling of new field BSEG-FKBER_LONG
645356No summarization of FI documents from MM due to BSEG-XREF3
391309GB01 Boolean class 015: FI subst. for call-up point 3
508420FBV1: VBSEG-ANBWA not saved when parking
458660MIRO: Incorrect tax group in table BSEG
457525FB03:further improvements to the generic services (BSEG)
124745Invoice verification:Transfer of PO text to CO doc
413418AC-INT: Summarization of FI documents using functional area
380239GB01 Booln clss 009:fld BSEG-PARGB nt rlsd fr sbstn
363309Extended withholding tax with line item display
126857Display of amts with correct decimal places in SE16