SAP Table T880 - Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
RCOMP X RCOMP_D CHAR 3 6 0 T880 Company
NAME1 NAME_1 CHAR 9 30 0 Company name
CNTRY LAND CHAR 39 3 0 T005 Country of company
NAME2 NAME_2 CHAR 42 30 0 Name of company 2
LANGU SPRAS LANG 72 1 0 T002 Language Key
STRET STRASSE CHAR 73 30 0 Street address of the company
POBOX POSTFACH CHAR 103 10 0 Post office box of the company
PSTLC PLZ CHAR 113 10 0 Global company zip code
CITY ORT CHAR 123 30 0 City where company is located
CURR WAERH CUKY 153 5 0 TCURC Local currency
MODCP MODCP CHAR 158 4 0 Global company grouping code
GLSIP GLSIP CHAR 162 1 0 Write line items
RESTA RECHTSSTS CHAR 163 1 0 Legal status of company
RFORM RECHTFORM CHAR 164 30 0 Legal form of company
ZWEIG WI_ZWEIG CHAR 194 30 0 Industrial sector
MCOMP SCOMP CHAR 224 4 0 T001 Master data company code
MCLNT SCLNT NUMC 228 3 0 Master data client
LCCOMP KZ_LCCOMP CHAR 231 1 0 Consolidation company indicator
STRT2 STRE2 CHAR 232 30 0 Street of company 2
INDPO INDPO CHAR 262 1 0 Read purchase order

1693521FI invoice receipt: Partner profit center goes missing