SAP Table T059Q - Withholding Tax

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LAND1 X LAND1 CHAR 3 3 0 T005 Country Key
QSSKZ X QSSKZ CHAR 6 2 0 T059Q Withholding Tax Code
QSCOD QSCOD CHAR 8 4 0 Official Withholding Tax Code
QSBEZ QSBEZ CHAR 12 40 0 Description of Withholding Tax Code
QPROZ QPROZ DEC 52 5 2 Percentage Subject to Withholding Tax
QSATZ QSATZ DEC 55 4 2 Withholding Tax Rate
XNTTO XNTTO CHAR 58 1 0 Indicator: Base for calculating net withholding tax ?
XQSBZ XQSBZ CHAR 59 1 0 Indicator: Withholding tax posting with payment ?
QSATR QSATR DEC 60 4 2 Reduced Withholding Tax Rate for Exemption
XQFOR XQFOR CHAR 63 1 0 Indicator: Calculate withholding tax according to formula?
QMIND QMIND CURR 64 13 2 Minimum amount for withholding tax report (Shiharai Choso)
QMIWA QMIWA CUKY 71 5 0 TCURC Currency for minimum amount
BLAND REGIO CHAR 76 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
FPRCD FPRCD CHAR 79 3 0 Provincial tax code
QEKAR QEKAR CHAR 82 4 0 Income Type
QSATS QSATS DEC 86 4 2 German Reunification Tax for the Withholding Tax
J_1ITXVNTY J_1ITXVNTY CHAR 99 1 0 Type of Company
J_1IXVNDS J_1ITXVNDS CHAR 100 20 0 withholding tax - vendor type description