Transaction SAP VOFA - Facture: Types de document

Notes associées
118295Copying the billing types FAZ/FAS is not possible
1048202Posting Correction invoice to Correction invoice (Poland)
179200Branch/head office relationship is not converted
489676External billing documents cannot be cancelled due to VF 188
456187No S060 update for rebate documents or cancellation
368599Incorrect clearing of down payments
363901Country-specific buffering RV_BELEG/number assignment in SD
200703Subsequent settlement: Error in Standard Customizing
213526Customizing of down payment processing SD/FI
548517FAQ: Text determination in SD I
192072SD-FI: Branch/Head office relationship
8583Transferring SD bill.doc. no. as external doc. no.
366213Down paymnt clearings n considrd if payer n customr
301254Creation of billing index
1259505FAQ: New cancellation procedure in SD
858703Customizing for the resource-related down payment
118743Collective note performance in SD
80233Debit-side settlement: Customizing, error messages