SAP Note 118743 - Collective note performance in SD

Composant : Sales and Distribution - Billing

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La Note SAP traite du problème de l'augmentation des temps de traitement lors de la manipulation de grands documents SD ou d'un nombre important de documents dans un traitement collectif. La cause principale est identifiée comme étant les comparaisons intensives entre différentes tables internes qui augmentent de manière quadratique le temps d'exécution en fonction du nombre d'éléments traités, dominant ainsi le temps de traitement pour les grands documents. Une solution proposée consiste à modifier le programme pour que le temps d'exécution évolue selon n * log(n) au lieu de n², réduisant considérablement le temps d'exécution pour les grands documents tout en affectant négligeablement les plus petits. L'identification des problèmes de performance peut être surveillée à l'aide de la transaction SM50, permettant une analyse directe des durées d'exécution des rapports et des goulets d'étranglement associés. De plus, les corrections spécifiques du code source sont listées en fonction de l'information de version SAP correspondante.

Mots Clés :
availability controlsaplpc45 184207 46c partner profit center derivation /customer /vendorsaplpcrw 184207 46c partner profit center derivation /customer /vendor   ''    141379 46a long runtime, text determinatn   ''    377274 50a performance prob drng collective billing&deliverysaplscd1  92597 45a read change documents - performance improvementsaplv60a 163348 45a perfrmnc doc, text determinatn   ''    377274 50a performance prob drng collective billing&deliverysaplv45t  84661 45a performance sd texts, contract document flowssaplv60f 319126 50a performance billing planssd70av3a 353518 50a selection, function update/performancesaplmcs1 70091  31h performance sis sales order, creating billing documentssaplmcs5  70091 31h performance sis sales order, pymt card chck   ''    173374 46b incorrect secured values, ac interfacesaplstxd  84661 45a performance sd texts, imprvd readng contr lines drng crtn, ''    315236 50a performance probs cancelling order-relatd bill

Notes associées :

910143Performance: Document flow display
841758Procedure when you experience performance problems
766827Composite SAP note: Performance SCM 4.0
426373Performance problem with the general billing interface
423088Condition screen: Function update/performance
422974Performance during reading of document conditions
396737Billing outputs: Performance problem during printing and EDI
395117Performance problem while processing SD documents
392867SD-billing document: Performance problems reading partners
389061Incorrect entries in revenue table (VBREVE)
377274Performance problem during collective billing and delivery
362057Runtime error w/ collectv billing, text determinatn
359557Long runtimes when saving deliveries w/o reference document
357643Performance bil.doc cancellation - index update
353518Selection of outputs takes much time
340092Optimization data record processing before/after DB access
338126Faster processing of different tables
337299Better DB access fr control, revenue and reference table
326647Performance problems when creating invoices
324026Performance improvement for creating FI documents
320959Collective note: Storage problems in the FI/CO interface
319126Performance of billing plans
317545Improved reading control lines during posting line creation
316001Improved reading and processing of billing document items
315463Improved reading of conditions (performance)
315236Performance probs cancelling order-relatd
311911Performance (prices) in general billing interface
309225Runtime during collective billing run (texts)
300725Performance: Documents with many items
209207Performnce problm w.transfer to Financal Accountng
192423Delivery Processing Performance: Consulting
186019Performance of billing update
185081Collective processing: Performance
184207Partner profit center derivation /customer /vendor
183809Performance optimization while reading sales doc.
174537Performance of billing (partners)
174327Processing FI/CO document: Performance improvement
173374Incorrect secured values in FI
172676Freeing up memory space
171760Transf.bill.doc SD/FI:Perf.probl.dur.pymt card chck
171295CO interface: performance of availability control
163348Perfrmnc doc. flow, file VBFA (billng doc) 2. part
160226Performance billing (customer hierarchy)
154091Performance in delivery process: Collective note
146542SD-FI-Schnittstelle : Performanceverbesserung (2)
141379Long runtime for COPCA_DOCUMENT_CHECK
136281Runt. prob. w. reposting billing documents into CO
135122Performance during collective billing
127139Document flow performance, file VBFA (billing doc.)
122153ATP: bad performance for large SD documents
118394SD FI interface : Performance improvement
105512Performance in contract document flows
100093Performance problem during transfer from SD to FI
99581Perform. for EDI inbound process. of sales orders
97509Billing performance (account determination)
91830Performance in pricing
84661Performance SD texts (for collective processing)
79873Performance in the FI/CO interface
70091Performance SIS sales order, delivery, billing doc.
63070Group condition processing in sales order
25528Parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time
23154VF04 SAPMV60S: Tuning > Checklist + Notes