SAP Table LFA1 - Vendor Master (General Section)

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LIFNR X LIFNR CHAR 3 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
LAND1 LAND1_GP CHAR 13 3 0 T005 Country Key
NAME1 NAME1_GP CHAR 16 35 0 Name 1
NAME2 NAME2_GP CHAR 51 35 0 Name 2
NAME3 NAME3_GP CHAR 86 35 0 Name 3
NAME4 NAME4_GP CHAR 121 35 0 Name 4
ORT01 ORT01_GP CHAR 156 35 0 City
ORT02 ORT02_GP CHAR 191 35 0 District
PSTL2 PSTL2 CHAR 236 10 0 P.O. Box Postal Code
PSTLZ PSTLZ CHAR 246 10 0 Postal Code
REGIO REGIO CHAR 256 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
SORTL SORTL CHAR 259 10 0 Sort field
STRAS STRAS_GP CHAR 269 35 0 House number and street
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 304 10 0 Address
MCOD1 MCDK1 CHAR 314 25 0 Search term for matchcode search
MCOD2 MCDK2 CHAR 339 25 0 Search term for matchcode search
MCOD3 MCDK3 CHAR 364 25 0 Search term for matchcode search
ANRED ANRED CHAR 389 15 0 Title
BAHNS BAHNS CHAR 404 25 0 Train station
BBBNR BBBNR NUMC 429 7 0 International location number (part 1)
BBSNR BBSNR NUMC 436 5 0 International location number (Part 2)
BEGRU BRGRU CHAR 441 4 0 Authorization Group
BRSCH BRSCH CHAR 445 4 0 Industry key
BUBKZ BUBKZ NUMC 449 1 0 Check digit for the international location number
DATLT DATLT CHAR 450 14 0 Data communication line no.
DTAMS DTAMS CHAR 464 1 0 Indicator for Data Medium Exchange
DTAWS DTAWS CHAR 465 2 0 Instruction key for data medium exchange
ERDAT ERDAT_RF DATS 467 8 0 Date on which the Record Was Created
ERNAM ERNAM_RF CHAR 475 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ESRNR ESRNR CHAR 487 11 0 ISR Subscriber Number
KONZS KONZS CHAR 498 10 0 Group key
KTOKK KTOKK CHAR 508 4 0 T077K Vendor account group
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 512 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
LNRZA LNRZA CHAR 522 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of the Alternative Payee
LOEVM LOEVM_X CHAR 532 1 0 Central Deletion Flag for Master Record
SPERR SPERB_X CHAR 533 1 0 Central posting block
SPERM SPERM_X CHAR 534 1 0 Centrally imposed purchasing block
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 535 1 0 T002 Language Key
STCD1 STCD1 CHAR 536 16 0 Tax Number 1
STCD2 STCD2 CHAR 552 11 0 Tax Number 2
STKZA STKZA CHAR 563 1 0 Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax?
STKZU STKZU CHAR 564 1 0 Liable for VAT
TELBX TELBX CHAR 565 15 0 Telebox number
TELF1 TELF1 CHAR 580 16 0 First telephone number
TELF2 TELF2 CHAR 596 16 0 Second telephone number
TELFX TELFX CHAR 612 31 0 Fax Number
TELTX TELTX CHAR 643 30 0 Teletex number
TELX1 TELX1 CHAR 673 30 0 Telex number
XCPDK XCPDK CHAR 703 1 0 Indicator: Is the account a one-time account?
XZEMP XZEMP CHAR 704 1 0 Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ?
VBUND RASSC CHAR 705 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
FISKN FISKN_K CHAR 711 10 0 LFA1 Account number of the master record with fiscal address
STCEG STCEG CHAR 721 20 0 VAT Registration Number
STKZN STKZN CHAR 741 1 0 Natural Person
SPERQ QSPERRFKT CHAR 742 2 0 Function That Will Be Blocked
GBORT GBORT_Q CHAR 744 25 0 Place of birth of the person subject to withholding tax
GBDAT GBDAT_Q DATS 769 8 0 Date of birth of the person subject to withholding tax
SEXKZ SEXKZ CHAR 777 1 0 Key for the Sex of the Person Subject to Withholding Tax
KRAUS KRAUS_CM CHAR 778 11 0 Credit information number
REVDB REVDB_CM DATS 789 8 0 Last review (external)
QSSYS QSSYS_IST CHAR 797 4 0 TQ02B Vendor's QM system
KTOCK KTOCK CHAR 801 4 0 T077K Reference Account Group for One-Time Account (Vendor)
PFORT PFORT_GP CHAR 805 35 0 PO Box city
WERKS WERKS_EXT CHAR 840 4 0 T001W Plant (Own or External)
LTSNA LTSNA CHAR 844 1 0 Indicator: vendor sub-range relevant
WERKR WERKR CHAR 845 1 0 Indicator: plant level relevant
PLKAL FABKL CHAR 846 2 0 TFACD Factory calendar key
DUEFL DUEFL_BKPF CHAR 848 1 0 Status of Data Transfer into Subsequent Release
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 849 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
SPERZ SPERZ CHAR 864 1 0 Payment Block
SCACD SCACD CHAR 865 4 0 Standard carrier access code
SFRGR SFRGR CHAR 869 4 0 Forwarding agent freight group
LZONE LZONE CHAR 873 10 0 Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered
XLFZA XLFZA CHAR 883 1 0 Indicator: Alternative payee using account number
DLGRP DLGRP CHAR 884 4 0 Service agent procedure group
FITYP J_1AFITP_D CHAR 888 2 0 J_1AFITP Tax type
STCDT J_1ATOID CHAR 890 2 0 J_1ATODC Tax Number Type
REGSS J_1AREGSS CHAR 892 1 0 Registered for Social Insurance
ACTSS J_1AACTSS CHAR 893 3 0 J_1AACT Activity Code for Social Insurance
STCD3 STCD3 CHAR 896 18 0 Tax Number 3
STCD4 STCD4 CHAR 914 18 0 Tax Number 4
IPISP J_1BINDEQU CHAR 932 1 0 Tax Split
TAXBS TAXBS NUMC 933 1 0 Tax Base in Percentage
PROFS PROFS CHAR 934 30 0 Profession
STGDL STGDL CHAR 964 2 0 VTSGD Shipment: statistics group, transportation service agent
EMNFR EMNFR CHAR 966 10 0 External manufacturer code name or number
LFURL URL CHAR 976 132 0 Uniform Resource Locator
J_1KFREPRE REPRES CHAR 1108 10 0 Name of Representative
J_1KFTBUS GESTYP CHAR 1118 30 0 BUSTYPE Type of Business
J_1KFTIND INDTYP CHAR 1148 30 0 INDUSTYPE Type of Industry
CONFS CONFS_X CHAR 1178 1 0 Status of Change Authorization (Central)
UPDAT UPDAT_RF DATS 1179 8 0 Date on Which the Changes Were Confirmed
UPTIM UPTIM_RF TIMS 1187 6 0 Time of Last Change Confirmation
NODEL NODEL_X CHAR 1193 1 0 Central deletion block for master record
QSSYSDAT QQSSYSDAT DATS 1194 8 0 Validity date of certification
PODKZB PODKZB CHAR 1202 1 0 Vendor indicator relevant for proof of delivery
FISKU FISKU CHAR 1203 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Master Record of Tax Office Responsible
STENR STENR CHAR 1213 18 0 Tax Number at Responsible Tax Authority
CARRIER_CONF /SPE/CARRIER_CNF CHAR 1231 1 0 Carrier confirmation is expected
ALC FMFG_ALC CHAR 1245 8 0 FMFGT_ALC Agency Location Code
PSOFG PSOFG CHAR 1258 10 0 PSO19 Processor group
PSOIS PSOIS CHAR 1268 20 0 Subledger acct preprocessing procedure
PSON1 NAME1_GP CHAR 1288 35 0 Name 1
PSON2 NAME2_GP CHAR 1323 35 0 Name 2
PSON3 NAME3_GP CHAR 1358 35 0 Name 3
PSOVN PSOVN CHAR 1393 35 0 First Name
PSOTL PSOTL CHAR 1428 20 0 Title
PSOHS PSOHS CHAR 1448 6 0 House number: is no longer used from Release 4.6B
PSOST PSOST CHAR 1454 28 0 Street: No longer used from Release 4.6B
STAGING_TIME WRF_PSCD_MST DEC 1492 3 0 Staging Time in Days
SUBMI_RELEVANT WRF_SUBMI_RELEVANT CHAR 1495 1 0 Cross Docking: Relevant for Collective Numbering

1224011Error AD 285 or DT 304 in ACT phase of upgrade or in EHPI
1557535RFUMSV00: Performance when reading adress data
1421692Recommendations for modifying BP exchange from CRM to ERP
186910Customers / vendors with incorrect address
1105558BP_CVI: Migration report from Note 851445 terminates
1293225Instruction Keys for Estonia
1286565FTW1A: DART extracts only 35 characters of Address fields
1171560FBL1N/FBL5N: Custom selections for master data ignored
125131Entry of user-defined fields in IDoc CREMAS
1035668BG VAT report - legislative requirement for none EU members
157009Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) UK
680695Unicode conversion in tables LFA1, KNA1 and KNVK
958424BP:Error message for tax code 2 customized
867821BP_TR1: The FI vendor assignment in Table BC001
727478Modified Objects (excluding DDIC) for ISS, PIS, COFINS; CSLL
836334Tax numbers under EBP 4.0 and SRM server 5.0
673941Unicode conversion for address tables (ADRC, ADRP)
787971Info:ME021 with ship. cost trans. using CPD forwarding agent
715247Problems with the code page conversion during data loading
97032Addresses: Preliminary conversion in Release 4.5/4.6/4.7
608105Changes to customer and vendor master
668023XD99 / XK99: Mass change for TLFNS is not possible
646822Quarterly adjustment: No update of tables KNA1 and LFA1
607717ITY: Possible to select blocked/deleted vendor on IT 194
608238Automatic Tax code determination for Inbound Orders
547957EDI ORDERS ORDCHG: output of the ILN of the vendor
490913RFW1099M enhancements 1099-MISC USA
566520Long runtime mass maintenance MM17, XD99, XK99, MEMASSIN
500312Batch input: incorrect transfer of old LFA1 data
550550XK99: Segment E1LFA1A, field QSSYSDAT
490433RFKQST00: Addition for the German country version IV
360191INT: Distributed FI vendor maintenance
526081Tax office responsible and tax number with credit-side BP
536447XK99: LFM2-LEBRE not available in mass maintenance
493948Tax number for article 14
410277Customer master records point to plant addresses after upgra
486912ALE distribution field 'Tax office' for constr.ded. tax
491442XK99: LFA1-FISKU & -STENR 'Tax office' not mass-maintainable
444784Expiring currency in vendor master
446076Texts: Program icons not exploded in print (preview)
387040XK99: LFM1-LEBRE unavailable in mass maintenance
310886Line items: Dynamic selections ignored
90875Text for customer or vendor number
308844ITY2001: Infotype 194 terminates during create/editing
18295Incorrect zip code or PO box in address