SAP Note 18295 - Incorrect zip code or PO box in address

Component : Bestellungen -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
When experiencing issues with incorrect printing of PO box or zip code on purchase orders in SAP, it is typically due to errors in the SAPScript layout set MEDRUCK. The solution involves adjusting the layout set MEDRUCK in transaction SE71, where users must modify the text elements under the ADDRESS section. Specific instructions include editing and saving changes in the ADDRESS PARAGRAPH, ensuring fields such as TITLE, NAME, STREET, POBOX, CITY, POSTCODE, COUNTRY, REGION, and FROMCOUNTRY are correctly aligned and formatted without errors. The adjustments ensure that vendor address details are accurately displayed based on the maintained data in the vendor master and properly reflected in the printed purchase order. Address configurations need to align with the settings in tables T0005 and T001-LAND1 to ensure the correct country and address keys are used.

Key words :
&lfa1-ort02&  postcode &lfa1-pstlz&  country  &lfa1-land1&  region   &lfa1-regio&  fromcountry &t001-land1&endaddressnote, se71 -> medruck -> create/change -> goto -> windows -> text elements select address -> edit -> text elements, &lfa1-name4&  street   &lfa1-stras&  pobox    &lfa1-pfach&  code &lfa1-pstl2&, solution correct layout set medruck, sapscript layout set medruck, table t0001-land1, correct country key, title    &lfa1-anred&, city     &lfa1-ort01&, text element

Related Notes :

35931Collective note: Formatting/printing addresses