SAP Table ANLA - Asset Master Record Segment

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
BUKRS X BUKRS CHAR 3 4 0 T001 Company Code
ANLN1 X ANLN1 CHAR 7 12 0 ANLH Main Asset Number
ANLN2 X ANLN2 CHAR 19 4 0 ANLA Asset Subnumber
ANLKL ANLKL CHAR 23 8 0 ANKA Asset Class
GEGST GEGST CHAR 31 8 0 Technical asset number
ANLAR ANLAR CHAR 39 5 0 Asset types
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 44 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 56 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
AENAM AENAM CHAR 64 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT_ANLA DATS 76 8 0 Changed on
XLOEV XLOEV CHAR 84 1 0 Indicator: Account marked for deletion?
XSPEB XSPEB_ANLA CHAR 85 1 0 Indicator: Asset Locked to Acquisition Postings
FELEI FELEI CHAR 86 4 0 Screen layout for Asset Accounting
KTOGR KTOGR CHAR 90 8 0 T095A Account determination
XOPVW OPVWA CHAR 98 1 0 Asset under construct. with line item settlement
ANLTP ANLTP NUMC 99 1 0 Asset Category
ZUJHR DZUJAHR NUMC 100 4 0 Fiscal year in which first acquisition was posted
ZUPER DZUPER NUMC 104 3 0 Period in which first acquisition was posted
ZUGDT DZUGDAT DATS 107 8 0 Asset value date of the first posting
AKTIV AKTIVD DATS 115 8 0 Asset capitalization date
ABGDT ABGDAT DATS 123 8 0 Asset value date for the last retirement
DEAKT DEAKT DATS 131 8 0 Deactivation date
GPLAB GPLAB DATS 139 8 0 Planned retirement date
BSTDT BSTDT DATS 147 8 0 Asset purchase order date
ORD41 ORD41 CHAR 155 4 0 Evaluation group 1
ORD42 ORD42 CHAR 159 4 0 Evaluation group 2
ORD43 ORD43 CHAR 163 4 0 Evaluation group 3
ORD44 ORD44 CHAR 167 4 0 Evaluation group 4
ANLUE ANLUE CHAR 171 12 0 Asset super number
ZUAWA DZUAWA CHAR 183 3 0 TZUN Key for sorting according to assignment numbers
ANEQK ANEQK NUMC 186 1 0 Indicator: Historical management
ANEQS ANEQS NUMC 187 1 0 Completeness indicator for the asset
LIFNR AM_LIFNR CHAR 188 10 0 LFA1 Account number of vendor (other key word)
LAND1 AM_LAND1 CHAR 198 3 0 T005 Asset's country of origin
LIEFE LIEFE CHAR 201 30 0 Name of asset supplier
HERST HERST CHAR 231 30 0 Manufacturer of asset
EIGKZ EIGKZ CHAR 261 1 0 Property indicator
AIBN1 AIBN1 CHAR 262 12 0 ANLH Original asset that was transferred
AIBN2 AIBN2 CHAR 274 4 0 ANLA Original asset that was transferred
AIBDT AIBDT DATS 278 8 0 Original acquisition date of AuC/ transferred asset
URJHR URJHR NUMC 286 4 0 Fiscal year of original acquisition
URWRT URWRT CURR 290 13 2 Original acquisition value
ANTEI ANTEI DEC 297 5 2 In-house production percentage
PROJN PROJN CHAR 300 16 0 Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR
EAUFN AM_AUFNR CHAR 316 12 0 AUFK Investment Order
MEINS MEINS UNIT 328 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
MENGE AM_MENGE QUAN 331 13 3 Quantity
TYPBZ TYPBZ_ANLA CHAR 338 15 0 Asset type name
IZWEK IZWEK CHAR 353 2 0 Reason for investment
INKEN INKEN CHAR 355 1 0 Inventory indicator
IVDAT IVDAT_ANLA DATS 356 8 0 Last inventory date
INVZU INVZU_ANLA CHAR 364 15 0 Supplementary inventory specifications
VMGLI VMGLI CHAR 379 4 0 Property classification key
XVRMW XVRMW CHAR 383 1 0 Manual net worth tax value
WRTMA WRTMA CURR 384 13 2 Manual net worth tax value
EHWRT EHWRT CURR 391 13 2 Assessed value
AUFLA AUFLA_ANLA DATS 398 8 0 Date of conveyance
EHWZU EHWZU_ANLA DATS 406 8 0 Date of last notice of assessment
EHWNR EHWNR_ANLA CHAR 414 16 0 Tax number of the notice of assessment
GRUVO GRUVO_ANLA DATS 430 8 0 Land Register of
GREIN GREIN_ANLA DATS 438 8 0 Land register entry on
GRBND GRBND_ANLA CHAR 446 5 0 Land register volume
GRBLT GRBLT_ANLA CHAR 451 5 0 Land register page
GRLFD GRLFD_ANLA CHAR 456 4 0 Land register entry: Sequence number
FLURK FLURK_ANLA CHAR 460 4 0 Land register map number
FLURN FLURN_ANLA CHAR 464 10 0 Plot number
FIAMT FIAMT CHAR 474 25 0 Local tax office
STADT ORT01_ANLA CHAR 499 25 0 Municipality
GRUND GRUND CHAR 524 3 0 Reason for manual valuation of net assets
FEINS FEINS UNIT 527 3 0 T006 Area unit
GRUFL GRUFL QUAN 530 13 3 Surface area
INVNR INVNR_ANLA CHAR 537 25 0 Inventory number
VBUND RASSC CHAR 562 6 0 T880 Company ID of Trading Partner
SPRAS SPRAS LANG 568 1 0 T002 Language Key
TXT50 TXA50_ANLT CHAR 569 50 0 Asset description
TXA50 TXA50_MORE CHAR 619 50 0 Additional asset description
XLTXID XLTXID CHAR 669 1 0 Indicator: Long text active
XVERID XVERID CHAR 670 1 0 Long text indicator:Property values
XTCHID XTCHID CHAR 671 1 0 Indicator: Technical view long text
XKALID XKALID CHAR 672 1 0 Indicator: Long text active
XHERID XHERID CHAR 673 1 0 Indicator: Long text for manufacturer/origin
XLEAID XLEAID CHAR 674 1 0 Indicator: Leasing data long text
LEAFI LEAFI CHAR 675 10 0 LFA1 Leasing company
LVDAT LVDAT DATS 685 8 0 Leasing agreement date
LKDAT LKDAT DATS 693 8 0 Leasing agreement notice date
LEABG LEABG DATS 701 8 0 Lease start date
LEJAR LEJAR NUMC 709 3 0 Length of lease in years
LEPER LEPER NUMC 712 3 0 Length of lease in periods
LRYTH LRYTH NUMC 715 3 0 Lease payment cycle
LEGEB LEGEB CURR 718 13 2 Periodic lease payment paid to leasing company/lessor
LBASW LBASW CURR 725 13 2 Leasing base value as new
LKAUF LKAUF CURR 732 13 2 Leased asset purchase price
LMZIN LMZIN DEC 739 7 4 Leasing monthly interest rate (Capital Lease)
LZINS LZINS DEC 743 7 4 Leasing interest rate (capital lease)
LTZBW LTZBW DATS 747 8 0 Posting date of the last lease payment
LKUZA LKUZA CURR 755 13 2 Total of posted leasing payments
LKUZI LKUZI CURR 762 13 2 Total leasing interest posted
LLAVB LLAVB CURR 769 13 2 Total of long-term leasing liability
LEANZ LEANZ DEC 776 5 0 Number of lease payments
LVTNR LVTNR CHAR 779 15 0 Leasing agreement number
LETXT LETXT CHAR 794 50 0 Leasing data text
XAKTIV XAKTIV CHAR 844 1 0 Indicator: Capitalize fixed asset
ANUPD ANUPD CHAR 845 1 0 Indicator: Type of change to table
LBLNR LBLNR CHAR 846 10 0 No. of last document with which posting to asset was made
XV0DT XV0DT DATS 856 8 0 Change date: View 0
XV0NM XV0NM CHAR 864 12 0 Name of person in charge, who changed View0
XV1DT XV1DT DATS 876 8 0 Change date: View 1
XV1NM XV1NM CHAR 884 12 0 Name of person in charge, who changed view 1
XV2DT XV2DT DATS 896 8 0 Change date: View 2
XV2NM XV2NM CHAR 904 12 0 Name of the person in charge, who changed view 2
XV3DT XV3DT DATS 916 8 0 Change date: View 3
XV3NM XV3NM CHAR 924 12 0 Name of the person in charge, who changed view 3
XV4DT XV4DT DATS 936 8 0 Change date: View 4
XV4NM XV4NM CHAR 944 12 0 Name of the person in charge, who changed view 4
XV5DT XV5DT DATS 956 8 0 Change date:View 5
XV5NM XV5NM CHAR 964 12 0 Name of the person in charge who changed view 5
XV6DT XV6DT DATS 976 8 0 Change date:View 6
XV6NM XV6NM CHAR 984 12 0 Name of the person in charge who changed view 6
AIMMO AIMMO NUMC 996 1 0 Indicator: real estate
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 997 22 0 ONR00 Object number
LEART LEART CHAR 1019 2 0 Leasing type
LVORS LVORS CHAR 1021 1 0 Advance payments
GDLGRP GDLGRP CHAR 1022 8 0 Evaluation group 5
POSNR AM_POSNR NUMC 1030 8 0 PRPS WBS element investment project
XERWRT XERWRT CHAR 1038 1 0 Indicator: Ignore memo value
XAFABCH XAFABCH CHAR 1039 1 0 Asset acquired used
XANLGR XANLGR_1 CHAR 1040 1 0 Indicator: Asset is a group asset
MCOA1 MCOA1 CHAR 1041 30 0 Search term for matchcode search
XINVM IM_XINVM CHAR 1071 1 0 Asset under Construction for Investment Measures
SERNR AM_SERNR CHAR 1072 18 0 Serial number
UMWKZ AM_UMWKZ CHAR 1090 5 0 T087K Reason for environmental investment
LRVDAT AM_LRVDAT DATS 1095 8 0 Date of last revaluation
ACT_CHANGE_PM AAPM_ACT_CHANGE_PM CHAR 1103 1 0 Change Asset Master Record from Equipment Master
HAS_TDDP HAS_TDDP CHAR 1104 1 0 Asset Has Time-Dependent Valuation Parameters in ANLBZA
LAST_REORG_DATE FAA_LAST_REORG DATS 1105 8 0 Date of Last Reorganization

1496486REPORTING - changed interface for ALV output
947554Russia SAP_APPL ECC 6.0 Upgrade from CCIS/CEE Add-On
1024253Matchcode regeneration in Unicode systems
335065 Include user-defined fields in reports
1496720Quantity management and quantity specification in reporting
1319368ANLBZA - Archiving
1250015ANLBZW - Archiving
1058984Frequent audit trail problems (transactions AUT01-AUT10)
364878Reconciliation with FI-GL during the fiscal year
71079Investment acct. assignment fields for assets
21583Stat. update of cap. inv. order/WBS el. from asset
426036Long runtimes / no end for total reports with DB6
68802Legacy data trnsfr: diff.fields n.ready f.input
100261Field contents are deleted by substitution
51907Field selection of AuC of cap. investm. measure