SAP Table AUFK - Order master data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFNR X AUFNR CHAR 3 12 0 AUFK Order Number
AUART AUFART CHAR 15 4 0 T003O Order Type
AUTYP AUFTYP NUMC 19 2 0 Order category
REFNR AUFREFNR CHAR 21 12 0 AUFK Reference order number
ERNAM AUFERFNAM CHAR 33 12 0 Entered by
ERDAT AUFERFDAT DATS 45 8 0 Created on
AENAM AUFAENAM CHAR 53 12 0 Last changed by
AEDAT AUFAEDAT DATS 65 8 0 Change date for Order Master
KTEXT AUFTEXT CHAR 73 40 0 Description
LTEXT AUFLTEXT CHAR 113 1 0 Long Text Exists
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 114 4 0 T001 Company Code
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 118 4 0 T001W Plant
GSBER GSBER CHAR 122 4 0 TGSB Business Area
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 126 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
CCKEY CCKEY CHAR 130 23 0 Cost collector key
KOSTV AUFKOSTV CHAR 153 10 0 Responsible cost center
STORT AUFSTORT CHAR 163 10 0 T499S Location
SOWRK AUFSOWRK CHAR 173 4 0 T001W Location plant
ASTKZ AUFSTKZ CHAR 177 1 0 Identifier for statistical order
WAERS AUFWAERS CUKY 178 5 0 TCURC Order Currency
ASTNR AUFASTNR NUMC 183 2 0 TKO03 Order status
STDAT AUFSTDAT DATS 185 8 0 Date of last status change
ESTNR AUFESTNR NUMC 193 2 0 TKO03 Status reached so far
PHAS0 AUFPHAS0 CHAR 195 1 0 Phase "Order created"
PHAS1 AUFPHAS1 CHAR 196 1 0 Phase "Order released"
PHAS2 AUFPHAS2 CHAR 197 1 0 Phase "order completed"
PHAS3 AUFPHAS3 CHAR 198 1 0 Phase "order closed"
PDAT1 AUFPDAT1 DATS 199 8 0 Planned release date
PDAT2 AUFPDAT2 DATS 207 8 0 Planned completion date
PDAT3 AUFPDAT3 DATS 215 8 0 Planned closing date
IDAT1 AUFIDAT1 DATS 223 8 0 Release date
IDAT2 AUFIDAT2 DATS 231 8 0 Technical completion date
IDAT3 AUFIDAT3 DATS 239 8 0 Close date
VOGRP AUFSPSET CHAR 248 4 0 Group of disallowed transactions
LOEKZ AUFLOEKZ CHAR 252 1 0 Deletion flag
PLGKZ PLGKZ CHAR 253 1 0 Identifier for planning with line items
KVEWE KVEWE CHAR 254 1 0 T681V Usage of the condition table
KAPPL KAPPL CHAR 255 2 0 T681A Application
KALSM AUFKALSM CHAR 257 6 0 T683 Costing Sheet
ZSCHL AUFZSCHL CHAR 263 6 0 Overhead key
ABKRS AUFABKRS NUMC 269 2 0 Processing group
KSTAR AUFKSTAR CHAR 271 10 0 CSKA Settlement cost element
KOSTL AUFKOSTL CHAR 281 10 0 Cost center for basic settlement
SAKNR AUFSAKNR CHAR 291 10 0 G/L account for basic settlement
SETNM AUFSETNM CHAR 301 12 0 Allocation set
CYCLE ST_KOSTL CHAR 313 10 0 Cost center to which costs are actually posted
SDATE SDATE DATS 323 8 0 Start Date
SEQNR AUFSEQNR NUMC 331 4 0 Sequence number
USER0 AUFUSER0 CHAR 335 20 0 Applicant
USER1 AUFUSER1 CHAR 355 20 0 Applicant's telephone number
USER2 AUFUSER2 CHAR 375 20 0 Person responsible
USER3 AUFUSER3 CHAR 395 20 0 Telephone number of person in charge
USER4 AUFUSER4 CURR 415 11 2 Estimated total costs of order
USER5 AUFUSER5 DATS 421 8 0 Application Date
USER6 AUFUSER6 CHAR 429 15 0 Department
USER7 AUFUSER7 DATS 444 8 0 Work Start
USER8 AUFUSER8 DATS 452 8 0 End of Work
USER9 AUFUSER9 CHAR 460 1 0 Identifier for work permit issued
OBJNR J_OBJNR CHAR 461 22 0 ONR00 Object number
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 483 10 0 Profit Center
PSPEL PS_PSP_ELE NUMC 493 8 0 PRPS Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
AWSLS AWSLS CHAR 501 6 0 Variance Key
ABGSL ABGR_SCHL CHAR 507 6 0 Results Analysis Key
TXJCD TXJCD CHAR 513 15 0 TTXJ Tax Jurisdiction
FUNC_AREA FKBER CHAR 528 16 0 Functional Area
SCOPE SCOPE_CV CHAR 544 2 0 Object Class
PLINT PLINT CHAR 546 1 0 Indicator for Integrated Planning
KDAUF KDAUF CHAR 547 10 0 Sales Order Number
KDPOS KDPOS NUMC 557 6 0 Item Number in Sales Order
AUFEX AUFEX CHAR 563 20 0 External order number
IVPRO IM_PROFIL CHAR 583 6 0 TAPRF Investment measure profile
LOGSYSTEM LOGSYSTEM CHAR 589 10 0 Logical System
FLG_MLTPS CO_MLTPS CHAR 599 1 0 Order with multiple items
ABUKR IM_ABUKRS CHAR 600 4 0 T001 Requesting company code
AKSTL PS_AKSTL CHAR 604 10 0 Requesting cost center
SIZECL IM_SIZECL CHAR 614 2 0 TAIF5 Scale of investment objects
IZWEK IZWEK CHAR 616 2 0 Reason for investment
UMWKZ AM_UMWKZ CHAR 618 5 0 T087K Reason for environmental investment
KSTEMPF CO_KSTEMPF CHAR 623 1 0 Indicator: Direct cost collector
ZSCHM PS_ZSCHM CHAR 624 7 0 Interest Profile for Project/Order Interest Calculation
PKOSA PKOSA_D CHAR 631 12 0 AUFK Cost collector for production process PROCNR
ANFAUFNR AUFANFNR CHAR 643 12 0 AUFK Requesting order
PROCNR CKML_F_PROCNR NUMC 655 12 0 Production Process
PROTY CKML_PROZESS_TYP CHAR 667 4 0 Process Category (Procurement/Consumption)
RSORD RSORD CHAR 671 1 0 Refurbishment order indicator (PM)
BEMOT BEMOT CHAR 672 2 0 TBMOT Accounting Indicator
ADRNRA AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 674 10 0 Address number
ERFZEIT CO_INS_TIME TIMS 684 6 0 Time created
AEZEIT CO_CHG_TIME TIMS 690 6 0 Changed at
CSTG_VRNT CK_KLVAR CHAR 696 4 0 TCK03 Costing Variant
COSTESTNR CK_KALNR NUMC 700 12 0 Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
VERAA_USER VERAA_USER CHAR 712 12 0 USR02 User Responsible for CO Internal Order
VNAME JV_NAME CHAR 724 6 0 T8JV Joint Venture
RECID JV_RECIND CHAR 730 2 0 Recovery Indicator
ETYPE JV_ETYPE CHAR 732 3 0 T8JE Equity Type
OTYPE JV_OTYPE CHAR 735 4 0 Joint Venture Object Type
JV_OCO JV_OR_CO CHAR 747 1 0 JV original cost object
/CUM/INDCU /CUM/INDCU CHAR 748 1 0 CU: Order is Used for Compatible Units
/CUM/CMNUM /CUM/CMNUM CHAR 749 12 0 CU: Construction Measure Number
/CUM/AUEST /CUM/AUEST CHAR 761 1 0 CU: Automatic Copy of Estimated Costs
/CUM/DESNUM /CUM/DESNUM CHAR 762 12 0 CU: Design Number
VAPLZ GEWRK CHAR 774 8 0 Main work center for maintenance tasks
WAWRK WERGW CHAR 782 4 0 T001W Plant associated with main work center
FERC_IND FE_IND CHAR 786 4 0 FERC_C7 Regulatory indicator

75233Search f. orders by short text; upper/lowercase letters
1079126Performance probl. in CO-PC-OBJ per-end closing: Oracle Hint
495766Internal order: Change selected master data using module
121240Alloctns/post.w/ordrs:incor.ttls recds
1233981Some missing long texts in PP after TDMS run
846338Total estmtd costs differ from estmtd costs per value ctgry
694697Substitution for internal order: Field is not existing
705126BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN: Error during various scenarios
36326Enhancement of KKRAMERK (3.0/4.0 orders)
484642Processing-intensive SQL statement for the VIAUF_AFVC view
671380BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN: Error in the BAdI
73414Performance of results analysis for sales orders
739377BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN: Append fields not transferred
666025BCT-CO: BW Extracts Creating Indexes on R/3 System
612635Settlement PKOSA: Lock on table AUFK
319410Includng customer-specific flds frm AUFK into AUFKR
538267BCT-CO: 0COORDER_ATTR/TEXT - Development PI 2002-2
5304041KE0: Short dump DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
304424Transaction COGI:No lock for repetitive manufacturing
502044CJ2B: Display/highlighting PM/SM order: TIME_OUT
486797Selection variant for internal order: variant DB634 obsolete
442023SAPKKA12: Many lock entries in the test run
365054Expensive statement on view CAUFV
421089Termination message CO062 when saving a sales order
421339Process instructions are not deleted from database
106930FAQ: Lines missing in reports
383102Partner information as characteristic in COPA
381277Selection of user-defined fields: Dump in RKOSEL00
305826CO02:Backflush indicatr and storage locatn when you reassign
353492BAPI_INTERNALORDER... exception/message handling
362666Dump for production orders with status selction profile
187906Performance: Customer developments in PP and PM
209904Performance/period-end closing for prod.orders & COH
323156Drlldwn reprtng: new charactrstcs fr CO acct assgmt
302597CO04, CO05: Performance of order selection
322874RSQL error 13 in settlement via order groups
317329 Coll. availability check: Termination when you lock
200228Performance problems in PS under Oracle
135254Perfrmance problems in Projct System as of Rel. 4.0