SAP Transaction FB05 - Post with Clearing

Related Notes
526482Vendor credit memos posted by transaction FB05 not reported
490485OI processing: All columns are displayed
1073742FB05: System variant not taken into account
580618FB05: Error mssg F5787 due to inconsistent withholding tax
442588No withholding tax information in the documnt after clearing
1341817RFUMSV25: Partial payment w/ partially deductible income tax
1533237FB05/down payment: Incorrect tax amount in local currency
196943FEBA: Items not cleared automaticly durg batch input
188782Selctn itms bank sttmnt sbsqunt prcssng
751319RFUMSV25 - Posting key debits/credits incorrect
165724F110: Update termination F1805 when clearing
849676FB05, FB01: Window size is changed
1247640RFUMSV25: Error F5 078 when batch input session is running
323102F5263 with batch input, items not active
1119897RFUMSV25: Partial payment for active document splitting
574714BW extraction 0FI_GL_4 blocks online transactions
1639236Error AA 571 during clearing of down payments
113933Error G4024 / g4016 in clearing with different acct
892440Differences after euro changeover: Bal <> zero in clearing
92204G4017 with Interco payments to non Isoil Companies
1513596RFUMSV25: FB01 transfer posting w/ active document splitting
1322800FB05: Corrupt sorting of customer-specific fields
407746Differences after euro conversn: balance <> zero for clearg
697643FF747 if clearing with cash discount
617197FBA7 / FBA6: Message 7Q338 for down payment
174257Changeover a/c crcy: Inconsistency Cash Management
113185G4024 in clearing FI and MM open items
87188Clearing only MM documents brings G4016
1369338RFUMSV25: Different document type for clearing documents
603353FB05/FB1K: Warning message for clearing with W/Tax
1259205FI: Document number gaps in FI documents due to error msgs
518059Differences after euro changeover: Balance <> Zero
598514FB05: Incorrect withholding tax w/ external document number
217250Withholding tax w/payment transactions
446159Wrong exch rate diff w/cross-company code clearing
432280Account assignment in the document
455824SG105 or SG111 for incoming and outgoing payment in FI
68410Post-selection of open item
307237 Clearing OI: withholding tax line item disappears
1441695FB05: FKBER is not transferred despite clearing rule
401855Incoming/outgoing payment: incorrect cash discount amounts
1459191FB01: Default acct assignment from OKB9 despite field status
168541SCS etc.: BTCI incorr. actual princpl
167874SCS/ext.HEsett./sls-bsd RA: BTCI transfer posting AP
756928FB05 - F5060 with clearing of cash discount items w/ tax
318782Gap in document number assignment for FS215/FS216
83285No CO account assignment in clearing lines
385228Cursor branches to field which is not ready for input
359369Incorrect cash discount determination / clearing
202078FS216 when reversing a vendor invoice
921658FB02: FKBER deleted in index tables
898246 FI: Clearing rules are ignored
94911Batch input: Double documents after update RC 255
394996BER: Clearing open items in CML via FI transactions
358487Actl data in plan: initl/increasd primry csts rcrds
391048F5060 Clearing net-posted invoices
165307Incorrect automatic lines for clearing entries
107852Cost elements transf post: CO/RE & RE a/c assignmnt
126873Reversal of clearing documents
428391Inexplicable document number gaps in FI (II)
1254760J_1HDTAX:Incorrect partial payment transfer incase of NewG/L
111447Carry-forward of residual items/partial pymt: F4745
1313244FB08: Document number gaps when working in several sessions
536881Overflow when clearing with FB05
17649Selected items are inactive for FB05
116247Credit management: differences after upgrade to 4.0
604809Payment requests for documents already cleared
1506951RERAPPRV: Clearing of open items
585513Inexplicable document number gaps in FI (III)
207446FB60: Document with empty vendor can be posted
911979RFUMSV25: Rate payment by bill of exchange
1431707Vendor clearing: Update termination with F1 805
128697RFUMSV25 revised version on sapservX
356865List of possible fields for clearing rules in FI
396134Differences aftr euro changeover: balance <> zero w/ payment
571504Deduction of the input VAT from 1.1 2003 (Slovakia)
1331317EhP3: Authorization check for profit center
331202Required field check for automatically genrtd clearing items
1460367New G/L Roll-out for SCC Japan
411064Clearing customer/vendor: F5060 due to balance in 2nd LC
96227Problems with dialog boxes for exiting or deleting
48814OI processing: Showing additional fields?
307060F-03 generates different clearing documents
201970No entries in value table TBKKTIME
1228601FB05: When are certain display variants used?
151867Agreement numbers in clearing items
300929User settings for table control in OI processing
4932384.6: Open item processing: Display additional fields?
486201Update termination w/ clearing because of memory bottleneck
173610Why is a zero line generated for clearing?
1377736FB01-Transfer posting for deferred tax w/ document splitting
37844Performance: document number assignment RF_BELEG
860302Bottleneck during clearing
648267FSCM-DM: Open item processing enhancements
104491FB03: Amounts in same currency are different
175014Clearing causes different results
213558RFUMSV00: Message in country currency
1600667Transactions that conflict with themselves
90512Postings TR-TM / TR-LO / FI: field transfer