483245 | VT01N/VT02N: Delivery item not generated for HU |
562729 | Authorization check in variant transaction |
384279 | No delivery item generation for HU in the shipment |
579961 | Updating texts for the shipment |
518599 | Variant for the GI for the activity profiles VT01N/VT02n |
439370 | VT01N/VT02n: Generation of the delivery item for the HU |
387025 | Starting goods issue through activity profile |
422283 | Shipping material displayed in wrong row |
578627 | RVTEXTE does not clean up any VTTK DUMMY texts |
560602 | No change log HU delivery position gen. in DY from Trapo |
623738 | VT01/02: Text types are missing |
492194 | Dang.goods check:Country/mode of transport catgy combination |
604574 | Error message: No text types available: VTTK / EMBK / AKKP |
383526 | Search help handling for numeric voyage numbers |
658696 | HUs for deliveries no longer assigned are displayed |
807926 | FCX - Add freight cost estimate button to shipment screen |
674750 | Message: Weight not calculated correctly |
964266 | VL09: M7 203 Freight costs as delivery costs |
619276 | You cannot pack handling units |
528887 | Document display in the selection log for blocking reason |
595354 | VT02N: Shipment cost information with HUs is incomplete |
587249 | Activity profiles: Dialog box for fast entry |
585636 | RGX - Add Routing Guide display to Shipment Screens |
791894 | Too many handling units provided |
559301 | Freight list: Deliveries in shipment are not printed |
493251 | FCX - Add Customer freight function to Ship. Overview screen |
374511 | Termination executing shipment cost info in the shipment |
413475 | Determinatn of currency for shipment cost info from shipment |
408864 | VT02N: VY002 MESSAGE_TYPE_X at READ TABLE i_vbplk |
847585 | Intercompany bill created by activity profile |
642481 | Shipment cost status change not extracted |
390778 | Termination when saving a shipment |
1061037 | VT03N: Incorrect no. of HUs with GI during freight cost est. |
411652 | Deleted Handling Units in shipment processing |
514542 | Pro forma billing document w/ activ. profile of shipment |
386186 | F4 option shipping units in VT02N not working |
512000 | Incorrect end status for ext. transportation planning system |
724274 | Batch input capability of new shipment transactions |
512001 | Output executed although status not set |
423941 | Incorrect key figures in the TIS or BW |
984680 | Filling error: Valid data is marked as deleted |
1034861 | VT03N: Freight cost estimate wiht HUs after GI is zero (II) |
314239 | Deliveries without forwarding agent are selected |
372411 | Deleted handling unit in shipment processing |
934370 | VT03N: Result of freight cost estimate w/ HUs is 0 after GI |
319239 | Delivery selected several times for shipment |
424327 | Activity profile in shipment processing |
395723 | Triggering outputs through activity profile |
386198 | Set shipping unit dimensions and weights from container |
383585 | Upper/lower case handling for voyage number |
902413 | Shipment costs at reversal with transaction VL09 |
431380 | Transportation, list blocked deliveries in the selection log |
980967 | Error message M7203 |
437812 | Enhancements to the (re-)installation IS Beverage 4602 |
612292 | Total weight incorrect for shipment and delivery |
740989 | FAQ: Activity Profiles in Transportation. |
1002904 | Analysis of TMC2P, TMC2Q and TMC2F |
801419 | Performance problems in shipment (cost) processing |
641244 | Information: Processing commercial truck tolls (Germany) |
731790 | RCM News |
489231 | OLM SP1 Functionality |