Transaction | Text |
VKVG | Maintain Condition Elements |
VKVI | General View Maintenance - W.Qualif. |
VKXX | Create Test for RKA |
VKYY | Change Test for RKA |
VKZZ | Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions |
VL00 | Shipping |
VL01 | Create Delivery |
VL01N | Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref. |
VL01NO | Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref. |
VL02 | Change Outbound Delivery |
VL02N | Change Outbound Delivery |
VL03 | Display Outbound Delivery |
VL03N | Display Outbound Delivery |
VL03N_ITEM | Display Outbound Delivery with Item |
VL04 | Process Delivery Due List |
VL06 | Delivery Monitor |
VL06C | List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation |
VL06D | Outbound Deliveries for Distribution |
VL06F | General delivery list - Outb.deliv. |
VL06G | List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue |
VL06I | Inbound Delivery Monitor |
VL06IC | Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv. |
VL06ID | Inbound Deliveries for Distribution |
VL06IF | Selection inbound deliveries |
VL06IG | Inbound deliveries for goods receipt |
VL06IP | Inbound deliveries for putaway |
VL06L | Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
VL06P | List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking |
VL06T | List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning) |
VL06U | List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries |
VL08 | Confirmation of Picking Request |
VL09 | Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note |
VL10 | Edit User-specific Delivery List |
VL10A | Sales Orders Due for Delivery |
VL10B | Purchase Orders Due for Delivery |
VL10BATCH | VL10 Background planning |
VL10BATCH_A | Background Planning VL10 (0 Tbstrps) |
VL10BATCH_B | Background Planning VL10 (3 Tbstrps) |
VL10C | Order Items Due for Delivery |
VL10CU | Delivery Scenarios |
VL10CUA | User Roles (List Profiles) |
VL10CUC | Create Profile - Delivery |
VL10CUE | Exclude Function Code Profile |
VL10CUF | F Code VL10 Profile |
VL10CUV | Delivery Scenarios |
VL10CU_ALL | User Roles (List Profiles) |
VL10D | Purch. Order Items due for Delivery |
VL10E | Order Schedule Lines due for Deliv. |
VL10F | PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv. |
VL10G | Documents due for Delivery |
VL10H | Items Due for Delivery |
VL10HU | Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs |
VL10I | Schedule Lines due for Delivery |
VL10U | Cross-System Deliveries |
VL10UC | Check / combine unchecked deliveries |
VL10X | VL10 (technical) |
VL12 | Delivery creation in background |
VL21 | Post goods issue in background |
VL21A | Post goods receipt as batch |
VL22 | Display Delivery Change Documents |
VL22N | Display Delivery Change Documents |
VL23 | Goods Issue (Background Processing) |
VL23N | Goods Issue (Background Processing) |
VL30 | Shipping |
VL31 | Create Inbound Delivery |
VL31N | Create Inbound Delivery |
VL31W | Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB) |
VL32 | Change Inbound Delivery |
VL32N | Change Inbound Delivery |
VL32W | Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB) |
VL33 | Display Inbound Delivery |
VL33N | Display Inbound Delivery |
VL34 | Worklist Inbound Deliveries |
VL35 | Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time |
VL35_S | Create Wave Picks: Shipment |
VL35_ST | Create Wave Picks: Shipment/Time |
VL36 | Change Picking Waves |
VL37 | Wave Pick Monitor |
VL38 | Groups Created: Wave Picks |
VL39 | Billing Documents for Wave Picks |
VL41 | Create Rough GR |
VL42 | Change Rough GR |
VL43 | Display Rough GR |
VL51 | Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr. |
VL51A | Create Schedule |
VL52 | Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr. |
VL52A | Change Schedule |
VL53 | Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr. |
VL53A | Change Schedule |
VL54A | Create Shipment From Schedule |
VL60 | Extended Inbound Delivery Processing |
VL60C | Clearing |
VL60P | Posting |
VL60P1 | Maintenance Profiles for GR Dialog |
VL60P2 | Maintenance of User Groups |
VL60PM1 | Maintenance of Function Profile |
VL60PM2 | Maintenance of Object Profiles |
VL60PM3 | Maintenance of Selection Profiles |