SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
VKVG Maintain Condition Elements
VKVI General View Maintenance - W.Qualif.
VKXX Create Test for RKA
VKYY Change Test for RKA
VKZZ Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions
VL00 Shipping
VL01 Create Delivery
VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
VL02 Change Outbound Delivery
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N_ITEM Display Outbound Delivery with Item
VL04 Process Delivery Due List
VL06 Delivery Monitor
VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor
VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries
VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway
VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
VL06U List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request
VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List
VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery
VL10B Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
VL10BATCH VL10 Background planning
VL10BATCH_A Background Planning VL10 (0 Tbstrps)
VL10BATCH_B Background Planning VL10 (3 Tbstrps)
VL10C Order Items Due for Delivery
VL10CU Delivery Scenarios
VL10CUA User Roles (List Profiles)
VL10CUC Create Profile - Delivery
VL10CUE Exclude Function Code Profile
VL10CUF F Code VL10 Profile
VL10CUV Delivery Scenarios
VL10CU_ALL User Roles (List Profiles)
VL10D Purch. Order Items due for Delivery
VL10E Order Schedule Lines due for Deliv.
VL10F PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv.
VL10G Documents due for Delivery
VL10H Items Due for Delivery
VL10HU Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs
VL10I Schedule Lines due for Delivery
VL10U Cross-System Deliveries
VL10UC Check / combine unchecked deliveries
VL10X VL10 (technical)
VL12 Delivery creation in background
VL21 Post goods issue in background
VL21A Post goods receipt as batch
VL22 Display Delivery Change Documents
VL22N Display Delivery Change Documents
VL23 Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL23N Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL30 Shipping
VL31 Create Inbound Delivery
VL31N Create Inbound Delivery
VL31W Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)
VL32 Change Inbound Delivery
VL32N Change Inbound Delivery
VL32W Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)
VL33 Display Inbound Delivery
VL33N Display Inbound Delivery
VL34 Worklist Inbound Deliveries
VL35 Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time
VL35_S Create Wave Picks: Shipment
VL35_ST Create Wave Picks: Shipment/Time
VL36 Change Picking Waves
VL37 Wave Pick Monitor
VL38 Groups Created: Wave Picks
VL39 Billing Documents for Wave Picks
VL41 Create Rough GR
VL42 Change Rough GR
VL43 Display Rough GR
VL51 Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL51A Create Schedule
VL52 Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL52A Change Schedule
VL53 Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL53A Change Schedule
VL54A Create Shipment From Schedule
VL60 Extended Inbound Delivery Processing
VL60C Clearing
VL60P Posting
VL60P1 Maintenance Profiles for GR Dialog
VL60P2 Maintenance of User Groups
VL60PM1 Maintenance of Function Profile
VL60PM2 Maintenance of Object Profiles
VL60PM3 Maintenance of Selection Profiles
Lines 88501 to 88600 of 91333 entries
1 884 885 886 887 888 914