Transaction | Text |
VL60PM4 | Maintain Column Profiles |
VL60PM5 | Maintenance of Filter Profiles |
VL60PM6 | Maintenance of Config. Profiles |
VL60V | Edit Document |
VL64 | Worklist Inbound Deliveries |
VL65 | Inbound Delivery Purge Report |
VL66 | Inbound Delivery Delete Report |
VL70 | Output From Picking Lists |
VL71 | Output from Outbound Deliveries |
VL72 | Output from Groups of Deliveries |
VL73 | "Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries" |
VL74 | Output from Handling Units |
VL75 | Shipping Notification Output |
VL76 | Output from Rough Goods Receipt |
VLAL | Archive Deliveries |
VLBT | Plan Delivery Creation as a Job |
VLE1 | Picking with Picking Waves |
VLIDAR | Display inbound dly from archive |
VLK1 | Picking with Picking Waves |
VLK2 | Picking with Picking Waves |
VLK3 | Picking with Picking Waves |
VLLA | RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis |
VLLC | RWE: Archive Data |
VLLD | Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log |
VLLE | RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis |
VLLF | Picking Waves: Archive Data |
VLLG | RWE: Analyze Complete Overview |
VLLP | Rough Workload Forecast: Display Log |
VLLQ | RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis |
VLLR | RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis |
VLLS | Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42 |
VLLV | W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves |
VLMOVE | HU Goods Movements |
VLODAR | Display outbound dly from archive |
VLPOD | POD - Change Outbound Delivery |
VLPODA | POD - Display Outbound Delivery |
VLPODF | Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing |
VLPODL | Worklist: POD Deliveries |
VLPODQ | Automatic PoD Confirmation |
VLPODW1 | Proof of Delivery (Communicator) |
VLPODW2 | Proof of Delivery via WEB |
VLPP | Packing Req. for Item Categories |
VLRL | Reload Delivery |
VLSP | Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split |
VLSPS | Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan |
VLUNIV | Change Delivery (General) |
VL_COMPLETE | Completion of Deliveries |
VM01 | Create Hazardous Material |
VM02 | Change Hazardous Material |
VM03 | Display Hazardous Material |
VM04 | Filling Haz. Substance Table MGEF |
VMCDBG | VMC NewDebugger |
VMCDBG_ALT_CONTROL | VMC Debugger: Alternative Controller |
VMCDBG_LAUNCH | VMC NewDebugger with Port Selection |
VMCJDB | VM Container Mini Debugger |
VMG1 | Create Material Group 1 |
VMG2 | Create Material Group 2 |
VMG3 | Create Material Group 3 |
VMG4 | Create Material Group 4 |
VMG5 | Create Material Group 5 |
VMIMG | Value Mapping Customizing |
VMP_EXECUTE | Visual Manufacturing Planner |
VMP_MAINTAIN | Cockpit for VMP |
VN01 | Number Assignment for SD Documents |
VN03 | Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions |
VN04 | Number Assignment for Master Conds. |
VN05 | No.Assignment for Address List(SSup) |
VN06 | Create No.Interval-Sales Activities |
VN07 | Maintain number range for shipments |
VN08 | Number range for shipment costs |
VN09 | Number range for proc. shipment cost |
VN10 | Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE |
VNE1 | Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif. |
VNE2 | Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif. |
VNE4 | Access Sequences (Ship.Notification) |
VNE5 | View V_TNAPN Appl. E1 |
VNE6 | Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif. |
VNE7 | View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification) |
VNE8 | View V_TVLK_NGW (Rough GI) |
VNE9 | Conditions: V_T681F for B E1 |
VNEA | Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR |
VNEB | Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif. |
VNEC | Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt) |
VNED | Access Sequences (Rough GR) |
VNEE | View V_TNAPN Appl. M1 |
VNEF | Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR |
VNEG | Conditions: V_T681F for B M1 |
VNEH | View V_TNAPR Appl. E1 |
VNEI | View V_TNAPR Appl. M1 |
VNKP | Number Range Maintenance: RV_VEKP |
VNOP | C SD-VN Maintain TVAK |
VNPU | Partner Conversion |
VN_TP02 | Salutation |
VN_TP04 | Marital property regime |
VN_TP05 | Employee Group |
VN_TP06 | Rating |
VN_TP07 | Credit Rating Institute |
VN_TP10 | Loan to manager |
VN_TP11 | Employment Status |
VN_TP12 | German Banking Act Credit Info. |