Transaction | Text |
VI61 | Conversion - Reference Country |
VI62 | Conversion - Reference Country |
VI63 | Assign Delivery Item Categories |
VI64 | Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery |
VI64X | Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery |
VI65 | Maintain Market Organizations |
VI66 | Maintain No. of Market Organization |
VI67 | Maintain CAP Products List Nos |
VI68 | Control Commodity Code/Code Number |
VI69 | Maintain CAP Products Group |
VI70 | Default Values - Stock Transp. Order |
VI71 | Change Preference Values |
VI72 | Display Insurance - Customs |
VI73 | Maintain Vendor Declaration |
VI73N | Maintain Vendor Declaration |
VI74 | Display Vendor Declaration |
VI74N | Display Vendor Declaration |
VI75 | Vendor Declarations - Dunning notice |
VI76 | Mode of Transport - Office of Exit |
VI77 | Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery |
VI77X | Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery |
VI78 | Foreign Trade: Country Data |
VI79 | Display FT Data in Goods Receipt |
VI79X | Display FT Data in Goods Receipt |
VI80 | Change FT Data in Goods Receipt |
VI80X | Change FT Data in Goods Receipt |
VI81 | Check Report: CAP Products |
VI81X | Check Report: CAP Products |
VI82 | Check General Customer Master Data |
VI82X | Incompleteness: FT Customer Data |
VI83 | Check Customer Master/Legal Control |
VI83X | Incompleteness:Customer Control Data |
VI84 | Doc.Payments: Check Customer Master |
VI84X | Billing Doc.Incompleteness Customer |
VI85 | Incompleteness: Foreign Trade Vendor |
VI86 | Incompleteness: Cross-plant |
VI87 | Foreign Trade: Header Data Proposal |
VI88 | Input Table for Preference Determin. |
VI89 | Customs Law Description |
VI90 | Fill Foreign Components in BOMs |
VI91 | Display Foreign Components in BOMs |
VI92 | Preference: Alternative Comm. Code |
VI93 | Foreign Trade: Import Control |
VI94 | Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries |
VI94X | Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries |
VI95 | Def.Val.f.Foreign Trade Header Data |
VI96 | Customer Exits: Default Values |
VI97 | Define Control Codes |
VI98 | Receipt-Basis for Intercomp.Billing |
VI99 | Returns and Credit Memos |
VIAR | Archive Shipment Costs |
VIB1 | Send IDoc Output |
VIB2 | Call Print Program From VI10/VI14 |
VIB3 | Foreign Trade Output Status |
VIB4 | Print Transaction: Initial Procg |
VIB5 | Print Transaction: Repeat Procg |
VIB6 | Print Transaction: Error in Procg |
VIB7 | Send IDoc Output - Initial Procg |
VIB8 | Send IDoc Output - Repeat Procg |
VIB9 | Send IDoc Output - Error in Procg |
VIBA | Send IDoc Output-AES-Initial Procg |
VIBB | Send IDoc Output-AES-Repeat Procg |
VIBC | Send IDoc Output-AES-Error in Procg |
VIBD | Printing: Analysis form data audit |
VIBN | Monitor messages |
VIC00 | Consistency Check IMG ShpmtCostCalc. |
VICC | Convert format currency field |
VICI | Call shipment info via CALL TRANS |
VIE4 | Incompleteness Periodic Declarations |
VIEX | FT: Journal Export Actual |
VIFBW | Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW |
VII4 | Merge: Rest - Import Code Number |
VII5 | Import control in the material doc. |
VIIM | FT: Op. Cockpit: Purchase order |
VIJ1 | Journal Import |
VIJ2 | Journal Export |
VILG | FT: Country Group Definition |
VILI | FT: Export Deliveries Journal |
VIM4 | Merge: EU - Import Code Number |
VIM6 | Customer Exits: Data Selection |
VIMM | Decl. Recpts/Disptch Min. Oil Prod. |
VIMU | Foreign Trade: Comparison of codes |
VINC | List of Incomplete SD Documents |
VINFO1 | Forward Information |
VINK | Import Processing: Quota Number |
VINP | Import Processing: Ceiling Numbers |
VINTEG1 | Insurance Components Active? |
VINTEG2 | Define Information Origin |
VINTEG3 | Define Information Category |
VINTEG4 | Define Communication Type |
VINTEG50 | Process Information Container |
VIPL | Display Customs Duty for Ceiling |
VIR1 | Import Reorg. - Incompleteness |
VIR2 | Export Reorg. - Incompleteness |
VIRL | Reload shipments |
VIS3 | Check program: Cross-plant |
VISW | Service: Information: Keywords |
VITATAX | Correction Run for Italian Taxes |