SAP Transaction VOFM - Configuration for Reqs, Formulae

Related Notes
209536Transport connection for VOFM routines
598475XPRA RV80HGEN when transporting VOFM objects
188809SDINVOFM displays incorrect information
406054PERFORM_NOT_FOUND: VOFM-objects in add-on system
329263Maintenance of copy routines for MFA not possible
383544Problems when creating VOFM routines for AFS
198630VOFM: TADIR entry in spite of termination
417947Termination MOVE_TO_LIT_NOTALLOWED_NODATA in VOFM transactio
1170000VOFM: Problems when copying formulas with enhancements
356737Customer name range for VOFM routines
206191VOFM: TADIR entry in spite of termination II
400040Various problems with VOFM, O5F5, O54R (IS-Oil vers. 385067)
388998VOFM: Check report for entries in TFRM/TFRMT
1236911Customer-specific copy. req. RV45B602 deleted during upgrade
594229'Orginal System' for VOFM objects
108774Cash discount for billing docs w/ negative final amount
408091Correct syntax error in /AFS/SAPLIDOC_PRICE_RETAIL
321839Menu path formula definition for gross/net rules missing
590252CRM Brazil: Tax rate displayed if tax is not applicable
93534OIL-MAP Assignment user-exit routines+carrier pgm.
326560Various problems when using VOFM functions
727391New Objects (excluding DDIC) for ISS, PIS, COFINS; CSSL
446915IS-Oil: Dropped/moved user exits between 31H + 4.x
385067Various problems with VOFM functions in Release 4.6C
759965New Condition Formulas for MP-135 and ISS 2004
338393Message VL200 for the batch sales order stock
458361Customizing correction in/for pricing procedure WTY
603576 Condition 8 fails for subtotals
950775Creation of formroutine for CS Default Values is not allowed
715399Exemption for bollo in Italy
983822Upgrading to AFS 6.0: Changes in Application modules
381348Using user exit, customer exit, VOFM in SD
403288Error in the pricing after ATP split
393012VOFM: Syntax error for user-defined routines
867942VAT Pro-Rata: Calculation formula
449546Access requirement in account determination does not work
621715Syntax Error in Billing after SP9 application in 470
303827Enable Group Conditions 4 and 5 in IS-OIL 4.0B
323299Pricing syntax error after applying hotpack 45
308296CONVT_NO_NUMBER termination with 'Activate all'
568446Argentina: Credit invoice funcionality
425737Advice note collection: Risk management, miscellaneous
98417Roundoff using T001R
51481Group conditions: Zero prices are active
84229Third party - partial delivery - billing for GR and IR
91761Incorrect weights/volumes f.replenishmnt deliveries
386244CS: double Include statements after formula transport
524453Purchasing text determination is not transported
398105Delivery receives credit block with change of delivery
378623TAB/TAS item: Message V1178 occurs too often
28683PERFORM_NOT_FOUND: VOFM routine is not active
78167Currency on item level (Workaround)
39818Condition formula and user exit in billing doc.
1025825Deactivation with tax exemption licenses incorrect
191572Pricing is incomplete without clear reason
26277Change risk class: Sales order -> delivery
19942Considering a manually changed group condition
572758Customer extension overwritten during upgrade
394488Customer formula routines 600/631 - 635 lost after upgrade
488271Data transp routine 'Billing document->Bill doc' n executed
33258Processing free-of-charge items
628306Enhancement for use of 'Enhanced rebate processing'
98290Requirement 40 for tax exemption licenses
721345 Rounding due amount for billing documents
35806Tax exemption licenses for France
1338876Pricing not be retermined in a sales order copy from billing
19712Manual cond. should correspond to pricing condition
82876Predefined scale basis in partial invoices
97288Down payment processing with Tax Jurisdiction Code
809820Userexit concept for pricing
603984Billing Split for Proforma Invoices: VAT Rules, India - 2003
515349Invoice split during retroactive billing
22808Transferring formulas
605041Routine 350 for determining billing type for VAT - India
114978Generation report use within IS-Oil
73664Print indicator: subtotals with same value
593672Tax exemption license in Italy (2)
489542SD: Slovakia: 10-Heller-rounding in country currency
914627No open credit value despite confirmed quantity
1166653Incorrect deactivation for tax exemption licenses (2)
33382Free-of-charge items in intercompany billing
96521Oil: Delete TRESN-reservation because of user-exit
108488VOFM: Problems with access key
140711Brazil: Enabling Intercompany Billing w Nota Fiscal
327220VOFM function and its objects
161072BR:SD: Alternative rounding for Nota Fiscal
1081176RCMGT FCX RGX Post installation tasks for Shipment routing
92321Foreign trade: field overflow from preference determination
15462The cost in the billing document is '0'
46573Weight header conditions in the billing document
489676External billing documents cannot be cancelled due to VF 188
93533OIL-EXG Assignment user-exit routines+carrier pgm.
137339Cleared billing documents can be cancelled
53593Q&A - Delivery text from stock transfer order
393304Confirmed quantity not cancelled in spite of block
883378DP90 with down payment: Partial down payment clearing
724354DP90: Information from contract instead of sales document
102374Constant net price during milestone billing
674112Updating of credit values in spite of credit block
74794Maximum condition basis in billing document