SAP Note 605041 - Routine 350 for determining billing type for VAT - India

Component : Sales and Distribution - Sales

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
located vbtyp         -     sd document category vkorg         -     sales organization vtweg         -     distribution channel spart         -     division ex_fkart      -     billing type, mandt   -   client spras   -   language id land1   -   country key koart   -   account type fityp   -   tax type typ_txt -   text, mandt   -  client land1   -  country key koart   -  account type fityp   -  tax type regio   -  region, mandt - client land1 - country key koart - account type fityp - tax type, mandt         -     client land1         -     country key wkreg         -     region, sales area wise billing type, j_1ibildet - billing type determination - india, exports intst_fkart   -     billing type, exemptions def_fkart     -     billing type, default vat billing type

Related Notes :

622668Syntax error & Unicode Error in routine 349, 350 & 351
608190Creation of maintenance view for new SD VAT views & tables
607851Customization changes in Sales Procedure for VAT- Stage 0-2
607270Configuration changes in Sales Process - VAT- Stage 0 to 1
603984Billing Split for Proforma Invoices: VAT Rules, India - 2003