SAP Transaction VA32 - Change Scheduling Agreement

Related Notes
496267Deletion and creation of item: delivery schedule not copied
409927Negative delivery qty in scheduling agreement
185064System message S:000 when creating an item
168283Incom. orders, plnd. revenues f.deliv.scheds.negat.
370888CS:deleting schedul.agreemnt:take j_2cvblb into a/c
371592CS:deleting schedul.agreemnt:take j_2cvblb into a/c
988563System does not create Correction Delivery in Agreement.
189748Error in planning check
112839Incorrect batch handling with note 107117
60196 Goods issue cumulative quantity is not correct
319032Object dependencs n evaluatd in characteristic overview
88357Requirements not adjusted in correction delivery
442980VL10: Authorization not checked for VA02/VA03/VA33
369137Termination when creating a delivery schedule
837653.1H: Incorrect component qty after configuration
977899Error message in Idoc (Basic type : J3CSDEF1) processing.
130678Dely qty without open qty (VBTYP in document flow)
91273JIT del.sche.: no del. schedul. and requirements
986290Error in processing of scheduling agreement Idoc.
212297Correctn del.reduces planned independent requiremts
104625Scheduling agreement without requirement
133204Over-confirmation if order items were delivered
82688Update termin. when you create/change deliv. sched.
122182VA01/VA02: Message V1260 not displayed
125736Negative cumul. received qty in delivery sched.
147958Incor.requirements f.scheduling agreement w.release
446516X:IS-MP: Activating user columns in characteristic overview
403325Sales doc search by purchase order number/sold-to party
72733Schedule line w/o dates, changeable conf.quantity
416362Comp supplier schedule agrmnt with incorrect pld revenue
397453Planned delivery date <-> real goods receipt date
155581VA32 - schedule line - incorrect date
487914Allocations: Product allocation assignment is not updated
103750Reason f. reject. in sched. agreem. with deliv. sched.
90536Recip. data for goods receipt/issue slip extended
364966Incoming sales orders: double revrsal w/ scheduling agreemnt
444729Component supplier scheduling agreement: Terminatn/update t.
610898Incoming sales order: Incorrect values for changing SA
391297No incompleteness through subsequent Customizing change
1002664FAQ: Text determination problems after upgrade
691352Confirmed quantity in sales document too high
147028VA02: Item cannot be deleted due to subseq.doc.
137559Deleting delivery after reversal of goods movement
96781Incorrect reqs. f. sched. agrmnt w. deliv scheds.
93080Planned delivery date <-> Actual goods receipt date
132863GI: Correction report for Note 137559 (125269)
454893CHECKLISTSD: Sales document output as an e-mail
188083Update terminations after client copy (remote copy)
1012159Authorization check in transactions V.0*
377289CHECKLISTSD: Unrequired output processing
121096Plan.all.qty incorrect, sched.agreemnt, chg. LF
82309Update termin. when saving delivery scheds. (VA32) after del. sched.agreem.w.deliv.sched.
216448BW/SIS: Incorrect update / SD user exit
206337Collective note: Import CATT PCS AUTOMOTIVE 4.6B
447659X: ATP in sales order with batch selection criteria
197211Fiscal year change in scheduling agreements
125763SIS: Collective note - component supplier
580783Fiscal year change with variant 'C': analysis report
395569CHECKLISTSD: Change outputs
547508FAQ: Schedule line overview and ATP
954372Short dump when navigating to text screen (troubleshooting)