Transaction | Text |
/CEM/EXC_PROFILE | Execution Profile Maintenance |
/CEM/EXEC_CONTROLLER | Execution Controller |
/CEM/FICO_SNRO | Maintain Number Ranges: FI Docs |
/CEM/GRID_CEMI | Configure grid display for Inbound |
/CEM/GRID_CEMO | Configure grid display for Outbound |
/CEM/IC_CUST | InterCompany Customizing |
/CEM/IC_HIER | Entitlements Track Option |
/CEM/LRO | Lock Requests Display |
/CEM/LRO_ARCHIVE_DE | LRO Archive Delete program |
/CEM/LRO_ARCHIVE_RD | Archive LRO read |
/CEM/LRO_ARCHIVE_WR | Archive LRO Write |
/CEM/PRFMAINT_CTX_GR | Profile Maint Context and Group |
/CEM/PRF_COND_MAP | Profile Type and Condn. Type Mapping |
/CEM/PRF_TYPE | Profile types |
/CEM/PROFILE | Profile Type Creation |
/CEM/PROFILE_MAINT | Profile Determination Rules |
/CEM/REVAL_ENT | Revalidate Entitlements |
/CEM/REVAL_RPH | Revalidate RPH |
/CEM/REVAL_RSH | Revalidate RPH |
/CEM/RPH | Transaction:Rolling Purchase History |
/CEM/RPH_APPL | Entitlements application attributes |
/CEM/RPH_APP_ATTR | RPH Partner related Appl Attributes |
/CEM/RPH_ARCHIVE_DE | Rolling PH Archive Delete program |
/CEM/RPH_ARCHIVE_RD | RPH Archive Read program |
/CEM/RPH_ARCHIVE_WR | Rolling Purchase History Archive |
/CEM/RPH_ATTR | RPH Monitor |
/CEM/RPH_BL | Maintain Business Logic Profile |
/CEM/RPH_BL_DEF | Define Business Logic Profile |
/CEM/RPH_DD | Maintain Data Determination Profile |
/CEM/RPH_DD_DEF | Define Data Determination Profile |
/CEM/RPH_DOC_TYPE | Define Document Type |
/CEM/RPH_EXEC_CONT | Entitlements - Process enhancements |
/CEM/RPH_EXEC_DEF | Define Execution Profile |
/CEM/RPH_EXEC_PRF | Maintain Execution Profile |
/CEM/RPH_H_EXTN | RSH: Header extension |
/CEM/RPH_I_EXTN | RSH: Item extension |
/CEM/RPH_LE | Define logical event attributes |
/CEM/RPH_LE_DEF | Define logical event attributes |
/CEM/RPH_MAP_DOC | Map Document Types |
/CEM/RPH_MNTR | RPH monitor |
/CEM/RPH_PRCODE | Entitlements process code definition |
/CEM/RPH_PRGRM_ATT | Define Program Attributes |
/CEM/RSH | Transaction: Rolling Sales History |
/CEM/RSH_PART_PRF | Rolling history: Partner profile |
/CEM/RSH_PRF_DEFN | Rolling history: Profile definition |
/CEM/RSH_PROD_PRF | Rolling history: Product profile |
/CEM/SET_TYPES_CND | Entitlement Condition Types |
/CEM/SET_TYPES_PRT | Partner Types |
/CEM/SNUM_BATCH | Batch Run : Number Ranges |
/CEM/SNUM_CENT | Summary : Number Ranges |
/CEM/SNUM_RPH | RPH : Number Ranges |
/CEM/SNUM_SUMM | Summary : Number Ranges |
/CEM/SUMM | Transaction for Summary records |
/CEM/SUMM_APPL | Entitlements application attributes |
/CEM/SUMM_ARCHIVE_DE | Summary Archive Delete program |
/CEM/SUMM_ARCHIVE_RD | Summary Archive Read program |
/CEM/SUMM_ARCHIVE_WR | Summary Archive |
/CEM/SUMM_BL | Maintain Business Logic Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_BL_DEF | Define Business Logic Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_B_PURP | Define BDOC purpose |
/CEM/SUMM_CREATE | Create summary records |
/CEM/SUMM_CUST | Transaction for Customizing for Summ |
/CEM/SUMM_DD | Maintain Data Determination Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_DD_DEF | Define Data Determination Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_DEF | Summary definition |
/CEM/SUMM_EXEC_CONT | Entitlements - Process enhancements |
/CEM/SUMM_EXEC_DEF | Maintain Execution Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_EXEC_PRF | Define Execution Profile |
/CEM/SUMM_H_EXTN | Summary: Header extension |
/CEM/SUMM_I_EXTN | Summary: Item extension |
/CEM/SUMM_LE_DEF | Define logical event attributes |
/CEM/SUMM_MAP_PART | Map Settlement Partner |
/CEM/SUMM_PART_DEF | Define Settlement Partner |
/CEM/SUMM_PRCODE | Entitlements process code definition |
/CEM/SUMM_PRGRM_ATT | Define Program Attributes |
/CEM/SUMM_PRG_MPCND | Maintain Ent. conditions mapping |
/CEM/SUMM_PRG_MPPTR | Maintain Ent. partner mapping |
/CEM/SUMM_REPROCESS | Summary Settlements |
/CEM/SUMM_SET_COND | Summary : Define settlement cond. |
/CEM/SUMM_SET_MAPCND | Summary : Map settlement conditions |
/CEM/VC_SUMM | Test transation |
/CEM/VIEW_CALL_SORC | Call maintenance view |
/CRMBW/CONFIG_WIZARD | Interactive Reporting Configuration |
/CRMBW/CONT_GEN | BI Content Generation |
/CRMTS/43000029 | IMG Activity: /CRMTS/CLAIM_RULE_01 |
/CRMTS/CLAIM_RULE | Edit Formula Builder rules |
/CRMTS/CLAIM_RULE_01 | Edit Case Type determination rule |
/CRMTS/NR_RA_CLM | Number range maintenance: /CRMTS/CLM |
/CRYSTAL/PUBCLIENTS | Maint View for multiple publisher |
/CRYSTAL/RPTADMIN | Administer Crystal Report Content |
/CUM/ANALYSIS | CU: Compare Plan vs. Actual Costs |
/CUM/CM01 | CU: Create Construction Measure |
/CUM/CM02 | Change Construction Measure |
/CUM/CM03 | Display Construction Measure |
/CUM/CM04 | CU: Delete Construction Measure |
/CUM/CMNR | No. Range Maintnce: /CUM/CMNUM |
/CUM/CU01N | Create Compatible Unit |
/CUM/CU02N | Change Compatible Unit |
/CUM/CU03N | Display Compatible Unit |