Transaction | Text |
/DSD/SV_LC_COUNT | Confirm Load |
/DSD/SV_LC_DELETE | Delete Loading Confirmation Data |
/DSD/SV_LIST_SHIP | List of Shipments |
/DSD/SV_LIST_STOCK | List of Stock on Truck |
/DSD/SV_MAN_COR | Reprocess MM Record |
/DSD/SV_MR_DEL | Delete Obsolete Movement Record Data |
/DSD/SV_RELOAD | Reload |
/DSD/SV_RL_RELEASE | Release Final Unloading Document |
/DSD/SV_STOCK_AD_CR | Create SV Material Movements |
/DSD/SV_STOCK_AD_DP | Display SV Material Movements |
/DSD/TCBUS | DSD Loc: Tax Condition Builder USA |
/DSD/VC_B_ACC | Access Sequences (Visit List) |
/DSD/VC_B_C01 | Create Message: Visit List |
/DSD/VC_B_C02 | Change Message: Visit List |
/DSD/VC_B_C03 | Display Message: Visit List |
/DSD/VC_B_CAT | Field Catalog (Visit List) |
/DSD/VC_B_CT1 | Create Condition Tables |
/DSD/VC_B_CT2 | VL Messages - Change ConTab |
/DSD/VC_B_CT3 | VL Messages - Display ConTab |
/DSD/VC_B_MAP | Assignment of Message Schema |
/DSD/VC_B_SCH | Message Schema (Visit List) |
/DSD/VC_B_TYP | Message Types (Visit List) |
/DSD/VC_GEN | Generate Visit Lists |
/DSD/VC_GEOCODE | Geocoding |
/DSD/VC_MESSAGES | Output Processing |
/DSD/VC_RSNAST00 | Selection of Messages to Process |
/DSD/VC_RSNAST0D | Generic output issue |
/DSD/VC_RSNAST0F | Selection of Incorrect Messages |
/DSD/VC_SETTLE | Comparison: Deliveries - Visit Lists |
/DSD/VC_TEXT_CONTROL | Text Control for DSD Visit Control |
/DSD/VC_VL | Maintain Visit List |
/DSD/VC_VLC_ARCH | Visit List Archiving Control |
/DSD/VC_VLRANGE | Maintain Number Ranges: SC Lists |
/DSD/VC_VL_DELETE | Delete Visit Lists |
/DSD/VC_VL_VIEW | Display Sales Call List |
/DSD/VC_VP | Maintain Visit Plans |
/DSD/VC_VPRANGE | Maintain Number Ranges: SC Schedules |
/DSD/VC_VP_CREATE | Create Sales Call Schedules |
/DSD/VC_VP_VIEW | Display Sales Call Schedules |
/EACA/CHANGE_TEMPLAT | Characteristics for GL - Templates |
/EACA/GLCONTROL | Characteristics for GL - Templates |
/EACA/GLPOST_ACCDATA | Post G/L Acct Document to Data Basis |
/EACA/GLPOST_ACCSYST | G/L Acct Doc. for Accounting System |
/EACA/GLPOST_REFDOC | Enter Sample Documents |
/EACA/GLPST_REF_ACCS | Enter Sample Documents |
/EACA/GL_BREP | GL Balance Reporting |
/EACA/GL_CONFIGURE | Configure xGL |
/EACA/GL_DOCNR | GL Document Number Maintenance |
/EACA/GL_DOC_DISPLAY | Document Display |
/EACA/GL_DOC_JOURNAL | Document Journal |
/EACA/GL_IMG | IMG Display for General Ledger |
/EACA/GL_MANPOS_VM | Set Up General Ledger Acct Posting |
/EACA/GL_MD | GL Master Data: Maintenance |
/EACA/GL_POST_ACT | Activate G/L Account Posting |
/EACA/GL_PRNTA_SHOW | Display Source Document/Sample Docs |
/EACA/GL_REFDOC_SHOW | Display Sample Document |
/EACA/GL_REVERSAL | Reverse G/L Acct Posting/Source Doc. |
/EACA/GL_REV_DOC | Reverse G/L Acct Posting/Acc. Doc. |
/EACA/PMCFACTIV | Activate Profitability Mgt View |
/EACA/PMCFSTR_BTAPRO | Configure BTA Profit from PM View |
/EACA/PMCFSTR_CR_JR | Struct. Config. of C&R Journal |
/EACA/PMCFVARI | PM: Variant Maintenance |
/EACA/PM_CK_GRPS | Char. and Key Figure Grp Maintenance |
/EACA/PM_PPR_DISP | Line Item List (Source Document) |
/EACA/PM_PPR_LI | Manual Entry of Line Items |
/EACA/PM_UR_ADMIN | Execute Assignment Changes (Realgmt) |
/EACA/PM_UR_MAINTAIN | Maintain Assignment Changes |
/EACC/50000020 | IMG Activity: /EACC/SIMG_INST_COMP |
/EACC/ACSYST_COPY | Copy Valuation Systems |
/EACC/ACTIVATE_AE | Activation of the Accounting Engine |
/EACC/ARCHIVE_CONFIG | Document Archiving Maintenance |
/EACC/ARCHIVE_RUN | Carry Out Document Archiving |
/EACC/CONFIGS | Journal Configurations |
/EACC/DMM_COPYTOOL | Copying Map Objects |
/EACC/DMM_OBJMAP | BW Objects for Accounting Views |
/EACC/DMM_OBJMAP_V | BW Objects for Accounting Views |
/EACC/DMON | Monitor Flow Control |
/EACC/DM_DEBUG | Activate Breakpoints |
/EACC/DOCJOURNALCONF | Configuration of the Doc. Journal |
/EACC/DOC_REPORT | Document Display |
/EACC/DR_CONFIG | Derivation: Add Source Characterstcs |
/EACC/DR_CUST | Derivation: Add Source Characterstcs |
/EACC/FOBU | E-Accounting Formula Editor |
/EACC/JOURNALCONF | Derivation Test |
/EACC/JOURNALCONTENT | Accounting Engine Journals Overview |
/EACC/JOURNAL_REPORT | Journal Report |
/EACC/KF_CHAR_USAGE | Use of Char/Key Fig for Data Basis |
/EACC/READ_REG | Display Characteristic Registration |
/EACC/REGIST_01 | Char. and Key Figure Registration |
/EACC/SARA | EACC-Archiving |
/EACC/SHOW_PLIMA | Most Recent Configuration PLIMA |
/FMP/MP_CHANGE | Change Material Prices |
/FMP/MP_COMPARE | Compare Material Prices |
/FMP/MP_DISPLAY | Display Material Prices |
/FMP/MP_HISTORY | Display Material Prices History |
/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP | Additional search helps |
/FSCAA/VC_FIELD | Structure Definition and Fld Mapping |
/FSCAA/V_IF_2_CLASS | Relation Interfaces and Classes |
/FSIH/CNCL | Give Notice on Expired Ins. Policies |
/FSIH/DISB | Disburse Insurance Premiums |