Transaction | Text |
/CUM/DESIGN | Compatible Unit Design Builder |
/CUM/DESIGN_CHANGE | Change designs |
/CUM/DESIGN_LIST | Display designs |
/CUM/DESNR | No. Range Maintnce: /CUM/DESNM |
/CUM/GEN_CU_CLASS | CU: Generate CU Class Structure |
/CUM/SELECTION | Display Compatible Units |
/CUM/SELECTION_1 | Change Compatible Units |
/CWM/CHECK_TRANSIT | Analysis of Stock in Transit |
/CWM/IMG | IMG Catch Weight Management |
/CWM/MESSAGES | CWM Message Attributes |
/CWM/RHU_STOCK_DIFF | Correction of HU Stock Differences |
/CWM/STOCK | Stock Overview |
/CWM/STOCK_CHECK | Check Stock Variance |
/CWM/TCWM | Activate Catch Weight Management |
/CWM/VALPROC | Default for Valuation Procedure |
/DSD/01002309 | IMG Activity: /DSD/VC_CALTYP |
/DSD/56000001 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CON_RN |
/DSD/91000222 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_DRVTXT |
/DSD/91000223 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TRADAT |
/DSD/91000224 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAARTT |
/DSD/91000225 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RACKDRS |
/DSD/91000226 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RADISTYP |
/DSD/91000227 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAPAYMNT |
/DSD/91000228 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAPROFIL |
/DSD/91000229 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAREASON |
/DSD/91000230 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RATIMTYP |
/DSD/91000231 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAVISCOD |
/DSD/91000232 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RTATYP |
/DSD/91000233 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TBALCTRL |
/DSD/91000234 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CLEARSET |
/DSD/91000235 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CLUSTAT |
/DSD/91000236 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_POSTSET |
/DSD/91000237 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSO |
/DSD/91000238 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSOASSM |
/DSD/91000239 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSOSLTY |
/DSD/91000240 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TCSTAMAP |
/DSD/91000241 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TCSTATYP |
/DSD/91000242 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TIDTAARE |
/DSD/91000243 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TSLTYASM |
/DSD/91000244 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TSLTYP |
/DSD/91000249 | IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TBALHD |
/DSD/91000253 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_ACTIVETA |
/DSD/91000255 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDID |
/DSD/91000256 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_FSR |
/DSD/91000257 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDEL |
/DSD/91000258 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLCOC |
/DSD/91000259 | IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLINV |
/DSD/DE_ENTRY | Tour Data Entry: Entry |
/DSD/DE_FUPREC | Tour Data Entry Control |
/DSD/DE_SL | Tour Data Entry: Selection |
/DSD/DX_AUDIT | Display DEX data for audit purpose |
/DSD/DX_CARCHIVE | DEX - Archiving Control |
/DSD/GS_DMI_CHK_PAR | Check Customizing Parameters |
/DSD/HH_CRED | Send DSD-Specific Credit Data |
/DSD/HH_CUST | Send DSD-Specific Customer Data |
/DSD/HH_DRIV | Send Driver Data |
/DSD/HH_DRVTXT | Send Driver Texts |
/DSD/HH_MAT | Send DSD-Specific Material Data |
/DSD/HH_PAYM | Maintain Extended Terms of Payment |
/DSD/HH_PRINT_BC | Print Bar Code |
/DSD/HH_RA_DELE | Route Settlement Deletion Program |
/DSD/HH_TEST | Test Route Accounting DB |
/DSD/HH_VEHI | Send Vehicle Data |
/DSD/ME_CLEANUP | Remove Tour Data |
/DSD/ME_CPT | DSD Connector Cockpit |
/DSD/PR_PRO_ARCH | Deletion of Deal Conditions |
/DSD/PR_PRO_CH | Change Deal Conditions |
/DSD/PR_PRO_CR | Create Deal Conditions |
/DSD/PR_PRO_DP | Display Deal Conditions |
/DSD/PR_PRO_LIST | Display List of Deal Conditions |
/DSD/PR_PRO_RESULT | Display List of Result in Orders |
/DSD/RP_DYNDISP | Dynamic Transportation Planning |
/DSD/RP_TOUR | Maintain Tours |
/DSD/RP_VT11 | DSD Shipment List |
/DSD/SL_AUTOFSR_EXCL | Control Automatic Settlement |
/DSD/SL_CLEAR | DSD Clearing: Without Dialog |
/DSD/SL_CLEARDIALOG | DSD Clearing: With Dialog |
/DSD/SL_CLEAR_APPLOG | DSD: Application Log for Clearing |
/DSD/SL_COCKPIT | Settlement Cockpit |
/DSD/SL_DIFIAC | Interim Accounts |
/DSD/SL_FSR | DSD Final Settlement Run |
/DSD/SL_IACFIN | Interim Accounts, Final Difference |
/DSD/SL_LIST_DOC_DIF | Differences in Settlement Document |
/DSD/SL_MS_PRESALES | Carry Out Presales Processing |
/DSD/SL_MS_SETTLE | Perform Final Settlement |
/DSD/SL_PMGIAC | General Accounts Driver, Customer |
/DSD/SL_PMSIAC | Specific Accounts Driver, Customer |
/DSD/SL_RADB | Fill Route Accounting DB |
/DSD/SL_SNUM_FSR | Maintain Number Ranges FinalSett.Run |
/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLCOC | Number Ranges COCI - Maintain Docs. |
/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDEL | Maintain DSD Del. Doc. Number Range |
/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDID | Maintain Number Range Settlem. Docs |
/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLINV | Maintain Number range Ext. Inv. No. |
/DSD/SL_TGFIND | Determination Tolerance Groups |
/DSD/SL_TGGRP | Tolerance Groups |
/DSD/SL_TGSEARCH | Serach Criteria Tolerance Groups |
/DSD/SL_TGTYP | Tolerance Types |
/DSD/ST_TOUR | Overview of DSD Tours |
/DSD/SV_CHECK_CG | Check Counting Groups in material ma |
/DSD/SV_LC_ADJUST | Confirm Load Adjustment |