Transaction | Text |
FKKBI_BT_DEL | Delete Billing Orders |
FKKBI_BT_MON | Monitor Billing Orders |
FKKBI_BW_MA | BI Extraction EDRs |
FKKBI_BW_MON | Analysis of BW Extraction Orders |
FKKBI_EDRRJ_MON | Monitor Provisionally Rejected EDRs |
FKKBI_EDRWO_MON | Monitor Permanently Rejected EDRs |
FKKBI_EDR_CLEAN | Clean Up Transfer Period |
FKKBI_EDR_MON | Monitor Billable EDRs |
FKKBI_EDR_RELOAD | Reload Provisionally Rejected EDRs |
FKKBPCL | Process BP Duplicates |
FKKBPCLCLAR | Clarification of BP Duplicates |
FKKBPCLDISP | Display of BP Duplicates |
FKKBPCLIMP | Import of BP Duplicate |
FKKBRFCIMP | BRF: Copy Implementing Classes |
FKKBRFTRANS | BRF:Transport of Application Classes |
FKKCC_MD_CLU | Clean Up Trigger Table |
FKKCC_MD_COM | Comparison of Master Data with SAPCC |
FKKCC_MD_MAN | Manual Master Data Distribution |
FKKCC_MD_MIG | Migration of Master Data to SAP CC |
FKKCC_MD_MON | Master Data Distribution Monitor |
FKKCC_MD_PRC | Replication of Incorr.Dist.Records |
FKKCLERK_CM_CUAGENT | Responsiblity Maintenance for Clerk |
FKKCLERK_CM_CUCENTER | Maintain Department Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_CM_CUDUNN | Simulate Responsibility for WorkItem |
FKKCLERK_CM_CUUNIT | Maintain Unit Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_CU_BUSACH | Maintain Posting Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_CU_MASACH | Maintain Dunning Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_DN_CUAGENT | Responsiblity Maint. for Specialist |
FKKCLERK_DN_CUCENTER | Maintain Department Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_DN_CUUNIT | Maintain Unit Responsibilities |
FKKCLERK_RESP | Assign Responsibilities |
FKKCOLL_MONI | Monitor of Collections Services |
FKKCRM_AUTH_CHECK | Dummy: FCC Authorization Check |
FKKCRM_INFO_MOD | Assign Info Module to Profiles |
FKKCRM_INFO_PROF | Define Information Module |
FKKEXC_AGENT | Post Agent Receivable |
FKKEXC_MONI | Monitor for Ext. Cash Desks via XI |
FKKEXC_RETRY | Post External Payments (Retry) |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH | Archive Billing Documents |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH_CUS1 | Retention Period: Arch. Billing Docs |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH_CUS2 | Retention Period: Arch. Billing Docs |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH_DEL | Delete Archived Billing Documents |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH_MA | Parallel Archiving Billing Documents |
FKKINVBILL_ARCH_READ | Display Archived Billing Documents |
FKKINVBILL_A_DEL | Delete Billing Additional Data |
FKKINVBILL_DISP | Display Billing Document |
FKKINVBILL_NUM | Number Range for Billing Documents |
FKKINVBILL_REV_M | Mass Reversal of Billing Document |
FKKINVBILL_REV_S | Single Reversal of Billing Document |
FKKINVBILL_REV_S_NEW | Single Reversal of Billing Document |
FKKINVBILL_SIM_DEL | Delete Simulated Billing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH | Archive Invoicing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH_CUS1 | Retention Prd of Archived Inv.Doc. |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH_CUS2 | Retention Prd of Archived Inv.Doc. |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH_DEL | Delete Archived Invoicing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH_MA | Parallel Archiving Invoicing Docs |
FKKINVDOC_ARCH_READ | Display Archived Invoicing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_DISP | Display Invoicing Document |
FKKINVDOC_NUM | Number Range for Invoicing Documents |
FKKINVDOC_SIM_DEL | Deletion of Simulated Invoicing Docs |
FKKINVSRCD_NUM | Number Range of Source Documents |
FKKINV_AUTH_CHECK | Dummy: RFC Authorization Check |
FKKINV_BW_MA | BI Extraction of Invoicing Documents |
FKKINV_BW_MON | Analysis of BW Extraction Orders |
FKKINV_BW_SIM | Individ. Simulation of BW Extraction |
FKKINV_CFC | Clarification Processing: Invoicing |
FKKINV_CFCNUM | Number Range Maintenance: FKKINVCFC |
FKKINV_CYC_MA | Create Periodic Invoicing Orders |
FKKINV_ENH_DEFREV | Create Enhancement: Deferred Revenue |
FKKINV_ENH_OFFSET | Create Enhancemt: Offsetting in Inv. |
FKKINV_M | Mass Invoicing |
FKKINV_MA | Invoicing |
FKKINV_MON | Analysis of Invoicing Orders |
FKKINV_REV_M | Mass Reversal of Invoicing Doc. |
FKKINV_REV_MA | Reversal of Documents |
FKKINV_REV_S | Ind. Reversal of Invoicing Documents |
FKKINV_REV_TASK | Manage Reversal Tasks |
FKKINV_S | Individual Invoicing |
FKKLM | Edit Business Partner Lock |
FKKLS | Display Business Partner Lock |
FKKORD1 | Edit Requests |
FKKORD1_APPR | Check Requests |
FKKORD1_EXT | Display Requests |
FKKORD2 | Edit Standing Requests |
FKKORD2_APPR | Approve Standing Requests |
FKKORD2_EXT | Display Standing Requests |
FKKORD2_YEAREND | Create EF for Standing Request |
FKKORD3 | Edit General Requests |
FKKORD3_APPR | Check General Requests |
FKKORD3_EXT | Display General Requests |
FKKORD4 | Edit Request Templates |
FKKORDA | Approve Request |
FKKORDM | Create Documents from Requests |
FKKORDNR | Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ORD |
FKKRCD1 | Display Change Documents Requests |
FKKS | Contract A/R + A/P |
FKKSK_VATLED | Electronic VAT Ledger |
FKKSK_VATLEDQ | Electronic VAT Ledger Quarter |
FKKSK_VATMNT | Electronic VAT Ledger Maintenance |
FKKSNEW | Contract A/R + A/P |