Transaction | Text |
FLQQC5 | Queries for Sequences (FI Info.) |
FLQQC7 | Test Query (FI Payment Document) |
FLQQD1 | Edit Query (Invoice Information) |
FLQQD3 | Display Query (Invoice Information) |
FLQQD5 | Query Sequences (Invoices) |
FLQQD7 | Test Query (Other FI Document) |
FLQREP | Payment Report |
FLQT1 | Create Transfer Posting |
FLQT1B | Create Transfer with Batch Input |
FLQT2 | Change Transfer Posting |
FLQT3 | Display Transfer |
FLQTRCBPOS | Commitment Item Derivation |
FLQTRFIPOS | Liquidity Items for Commitment Item |
FLQUPGRP | Upload Query Sequence (Assignment) |
FLQUPINFAC | Upload Info Accounts (Application) |
FLQUPQR | Upload Queries |
FLT02 | Flight Scheduling: Generate Details |
FLVN1 | Create Vendor |
FLVN2 | Change Vendor |
FLVN3 | Display Vendor |
FM+0 | Display FM Main Role Definition |
FM+1 | Maintain FM Main Role Definition |
FM+2 | Display FM Amount Groups |
FM+3 | Maintain FM Amount Groups |
FM+4 | Display FM Budget Line Groups |
FM+5 | Maintain FM Budget Line Groups |
FM+6 | Display FM Document Classes |
FM+7 | Maintain FM Document Classes |
FM+8 | Display FM Activity Categories |
FM+9 | Maintain FM Activity Categories |
FM+A | Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt |
FM+B | Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt |
FM03 | Display FM Document |
FM03A | Display FM Document with Archive |
FM2BL_DERIVE | Derive FM totals transfer to BL |
FM2BL_DERIVE1 | Derive FM totals transfer to FI |
FM2BL_DERIVER | CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to BL |
FM2BL_DERIVER1 | CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to FI |
FM2E | FM: Change Budget Document |
FM2F | FM: Display Budget Document |
FM2G | Field Contents in Funds Centers |
FM2M | Index of Funds Centers |
FM30 | |
FM3G | Commitment Item Hierarchy |
FM3M | Index of Commitment Items |
FM3N | Commitment Items for G/L Accounts |
FM48 | Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn |
FM48_1 | PS-CM: Create Planning Layout |
FM48_2 | PS-CM: Change Planning Layout |
FM48_3 | PS-CM: Display Planning Layout |
FM49 | Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn |
FM4G | Budget Structure Element Hierarchy |
FM4M | Directory of Functional Areas |
FM5I | FIFM: Create Fund |
FM5M | Index of Funds |
FM5S | FIFM: Display Fund |
FM5U | FIFM: Change Fund |
FM6I | FIFM: Create Application of Funds |
FM6M | Index of Application of Funds |
FM6S | FIFM: Display Application of Funds |
FM6U | FIFM: Change Application of Funds |
FM71 | Maintain Cover Pool |
FM72 | Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool |
FM73 | Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp. |
FM78 | Charact.Groups for Cover Pools |
FM79 | Grouping Chars for Cover Pool |
FM7A | Indiv. Processing of CE Rules |
FM7B | Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover |
FM7C | Generate Cover Pools from Rules |
FM7G | Edit rules |
FM7K | Copy Cover Eligibility Rules |
FM7K_N | Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers |
FM7L | Delete Cover Eligibility Rules |
FM7M | Directory of Funded Programs |
FM7P | Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E. |
FM7S | MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty |
FM7U | Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE |
FM80 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display |
FM81 | Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update |
FM9B | FM: Copy Budget Version |
FM9C | Plan Data Transfer from CO |
FM9D | FM: Block Budget Version |
FM9E | FM: Unblock Budget Version |
FM9K | FIFM: Change Budget Structure |
FM9L | FM: Display Budget Structure |
FM9M | FM: Delete Budget Structure |
FM9N | FM: Generate Budget Object |
FM9O | Copy Supplement Budget |
FM9P | Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values |
FM9Q | FM: Total Up Budget |
FM9QBTP | Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type |
FM9QBUD | FM: Reconstruct Budget |
FM9QRIB | FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues |
FM9R | Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure |
FM9S | HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects |
FM9T | Check Assignment Object |
FM9TBUD | Check budget objects |
FM9U | FM: Checking Budget Consistency |
FM9W | Adjust Funds Management Budget |
FM9X | FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item |