SAP Transactions

Transaction Text
FIRPGR Repetitive Code Groups Maintenance
FISEPA Create Internal Bank for SEPA
FISK_VAT Slovakia VAT Ledger Statement
FISPLOGCUST Customizing for Log Categories
FISPLOGDISP Display of Log Entries
FISPLOGORGA Reorganize Log Entries
FITP_RESPO Contact Partner Responsibilities
FITP_SETTINGS Settings for Travel Planning
FITP_SETTINGS_TREE Tree Maintenance Current Settings
FIWTAR_VEND_EXMP Vendor Exemption Update
FIWTIN_NR_COPY Transaction to copy number range
FIWTIN_QRETURNS Quarterly Returns for India
FIWTRCT Vendor specific threshold amounts
FIWTSA_CERT Withholding Tax Cert.for Ven(SAU)
FIWTSA_NRC Number range maintenance: IDSAUWTCER
FIZA_VAT SA: VAT reporting
FI_APAR_SEPA_CONV Create SEPA Mandates in Mass Run
FI_APAR_SEPA_CUST FI General Settings for SEPA
FI_APAR_SEPA_FIELDS FI Changeable Fields for SEPA
FI_DRILLDOWN GT Documents for FI Document
FJA1 Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts
FJA2 Change Last Adjustment Dates
FJA3 Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation
FJA4 Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC)
FJA5 Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC)
FJA6 Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC)
FK01 Create Vendor (Accounting)
FK02 Change Vendor (Accounting)
FK02CORE Maintain vendor
FK03 Display Vendor (Accounting)
FK04 Vendor Changes (Accounting)
FK05 Block Vendor (Accounting)
FK06 Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng)
FK08 Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng)
FK09 Confirm Vendor List (Accounting)
FK10 Vendor Account Balance
FK10N Vendor Balance Display
FK10NA Vendor Balance Display
FK10NET Vendor Balance Display
FK15 Transfer vendor changes: receive
FK16 Transfer vendor changes: receive
FK59 C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A
FKCB FI-CA Dunning - Customizing
FKCJ BP Control: Activities
FKCUMTAX Summarize Tax Lines UK
FKEXMA Monitor Tax Exemptions
FKI0 Execute Report
FKI1 Create Report
FKI2 Change Report
FKI3 Display Report
FKI4 Create Form
FKI5 Formular ändern
FKI6 Display Form
FKIB Background Processing
FKIC Maintain Currency Translation Type
FKIK Maintain Key Figures
FKIM Report Monitor
FKIO Transport Reports
FKIP Transport Forms
FKIQ Import Reports from Client 000
FKIR Import Forms from Client 000
FKIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.
FKIV Maintain Global Variable
FKIX Reorganize Drilldown Reports
FKIY Reorganize Report Data
FKIZ Reorganize Forms
FKJOCMDR Job Commander Standalone
FKJOCMDR1 Job Commander from FuMo (List)
FKJOCNT Job Container
FKJOXTR Job Container
FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS_MA Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH Archiving of Billed Items
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_CUS1 Res. Time Archived Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_DEL Delete Archived Billed BITs
FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_MA Archive Billed Items
FKKBIXBIT4_DEL Delete Billed Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT4_MON Analysis of Billed Items
FKKBIXBITB_MON Analysis of Billable Items
FKKBIXBITR_MON Analysis of Raw Data
FKKBIXBITX_DEL Delete Excepted Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT_CONF Config. of Billable Item Classes
FKKBIXBIT_GEN Generate Billable Item Classes
FKKBIXBIT_MON Display of Billable Items
FKKBIXBIT_REV Reverse Billable Item
FKKBIXBIT_REV_MON Analysis of Reversal Requests
FKKBIX_M Mass Billing
FKKBIX_S Individual Billing
FKKBI_BA_MON Monitor Billing Accounts
FKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG Log Billing Procedures
FKKBI_BILL_REV_M Mass Reversal of Billing Document
FKKBI_BILL_REV_S Single Reversal of Billing Document
FKKBI_BT_BILL Execute Billing Orders
FKKBI_BT_CRT Create Billing Orders
Lines 14301 to 14400 of 91333 entries
1 142 143 144 145 146 914