689449 | Note 605829: Enhancement to 'Net proposal' |
304745 | Transaction Recorder and FB50, FB60, FB70 |
833303 | FB01, FB60 dump in case of cross-company-code postings |
376688 | Bank details branch in FB60 and FB70 |
772344 | FI-EnjoySAP: Final amount proposal incorrect |
1163678 | FB60: entered tax amount is not displayed or is incorrect |
369330 | Warning: customer/vendor subject to w/tax version 2 |
1618818 | FB60 tax screen - net proposal incorrect for forgn currency |
1589039 | Incorrect taxable values on tax tab page |
481161 | F5060 for posting with multiline tax |
500873 | FB50: Performance with many templates |
564373 | FB60: Additional information for note 534225 |
1093088 | F5060 Direct tax balance on Tax screen in Argentina/Peru |
554902 | FB60: Installment payment with amount split |
955478 | Error FB60 F5 060 due to incorr exchange rate difference row |
1483296 | FF 796 when entering tax for the vendor and tax is zero |
453633 | FB60: Local time instead of CPU time in parked document |
310485 | Enjoy transactions in FI and previous posting transactions |
504784 | FI/MM: Problems with screen variants (composite SAP note) |
882213 | ENJOYSAP: Validation of G/L account items in displayed area |
420164 | Enjoy: Storing batch input session names in FB50/60/70 |
1629530 | FB60/FB70 dump BCD_ZERODIVIDE if net tax base |
331997 | FB60: Screen variant overwrites transaction varint |
516467 | FB60: Follow-up Note for 497854 |
1248088 | FB60 has balance in amount of input tax for manual tax |
863267 | FAQ: Validations in Enjoy transactions |
539451 | Enjoy: Installment payment with amount split |
376206 | Incorrect address display in FB60 and FB70 |
1093085 | FB60 - F5061 balance in 2nd/3rd loc currncy - Argentina/Peru |
503778 | Local time instead of CPU time in completely park. document |
628345 | FB60: One-time vendor with amount split |
414177 | FB60: Tax data disappears from 'Basic data' tab page |
495355 | BDC_ZERODIVIDE in program 'SAPLTAX1' form 'SKONTO_ERMITTELN' |
613761 | MIR4:Payment conditions are not displayed |
484463 | FB60: Screen variant of transaction variant ineffective |
719340 | MIRO FB60 FB70 - tax base cannot be changed |
546625 | EnjoySAP message F5A060 in tab page 'Amount split' |
317022 | FB50: F5165 'Company code & is not defined' |
772949 | ENJOY: BADI for alternative branch to vendor master data |
201846 | FB60: Document posted in wrong fiscal year |
328623 | FB50: No check of posting date |
330945 | FI Enjoy transactions and screen variants |
329820 | FB60: F5060 after entering a profitability segment |
328476 | FV60: tree Customizing not taken into account |
675187 | FB01: IBAN entry w/ required entry field bank det. not poss. |
1171092 | F5 060 w/ direct tax in FB60/FB70 Argentina/Peru |
486587 | FB60 and so on (Enjoy): Saved tree settings |
841884 | Customer fields in the Enjoy entry transactions |
1492575 | EnjoySAP: Substitution is not performed for lines |
354489 | FB60: Sporadic update termination F1807 |
1259117 | ENJOY/NewGL: F4 help triggers dump |
317872 | FB60: Payment details not copied |
1090810 | Designation of tax code in MIRO for plants abroad |
516242 | FB60/MIRO change HWSTE is not transferred |
387154 | FB50: F1806 'SYST: BSEG-PSWSL not set...' |
338030 | FB60: message F5507 after document type change |
324195 | FB60:RW012 'Error when...'after one-time processing |
512561 | FB60/MIRO: Restricting changes to tax base |
350637 | FB60: Reset user-specific Customizing |
506473 | FB60: Difference line in the split without terms of payment |
824166 | FBV0/ENJOY: When posting after simulation FDLEV is empty |
406563 | FB60/MIRO: Changing HWSTE does not work |
1175497 | F4 help MWSKZ in FB01 ME21N ME31K for CoCd w/o Plants Abroad |
1673662 | ENJOY: ENJOY: Posting/completely despite validation error IV |
1551857 | FB60 - Error FF 716 if "Cancel" chosen after warning FF 707 |
721687 | FBV0/EnjoySAP: FDLEV empty when posting from simulation |
850566 | F4 help for PA w/ MIRO, FB60, FB70 for comp code without PA |
1644111 | ENJOY: Posting/completely despite validation error III |
336821 | MIRO: Default values tax codes |
1580950 | ENJOY: Posting/completely despite validation error II |
197329 | FB50/FB60/FB70: No message from validation |
1660466 | ENJOY: Konfiguration Sachkontensubscreen via Table Control |
325240 | FB60: document with empty vendor is postable |
502066 | FB60: F5839 "Payment term & not defined" |
488557 | FBCJ: No message 7Q333 or 7Q334 with withholding tax |
386041 | FB60: F1806 "System error: BSEG-PSWSL not set in document &" |
733609 | Payment-relevant posting key and withholding tax |
339765 | FB50: Document type from SPA/GPA 'BAR' not required |
207446 | FB60: Document with empty vendor can be posted |
968860 | Create BSET entry for exchange diff. (Singapore legal req.) |
336711 | FI-ENJOY: data is not held |
323813 | FV60/FB60: document created without secondary index |
1574649 | ENJOY: Posting/completely despite validation error |
417893 | Profit center is not transferred into the budgetary ledger |
1141955 | FB01 should also create exchg rte diff lines w/o tax rate |
573849 | FV60 + FIPP: Document cannot be posted (workflow) |
595717 | Miro / FB60: Terms of payment and amount split |
442588 | No withholding tax information in the documnt after clearing |
925287 | DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION with manual tax in the vendor |
339666 | FB60: Document with initial vendor / G/L account |
354862 | ENJOY: terms of payment on basic data screen |
325595 | A tightened program check with posting |
215681 | OBZT: Tax code is not checked against tax procedure |
609711 | FB01: Withholding tax for payment |
186961 | Maintenance of screen variants for Enjoy transactions |
951338 | WIA - Translation LWSTE not with translation date WWERT |
575249 | MIRO: Derivation of value date via BADI |
814723 | Production Month Handling in Joint Venture Accting ERP2005 |