SAP Table WBHK - Trading Contract: Header Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TKONN X TKONN CHAR 3 10 0 Trading Contract: Trading Contract Number
TCTYP TCTYP CHAR 13 4 0 TB2BE Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type
KUNNR KUNAG CHAR 17 10 0 KNA1 Sold-to party
BTBSTA BTBSTA CHAR 27 1 0 TB2BA Trading Contract: Application Status
TKWAERS TKWAERS CUKY 28 5 0 TCURC Trading Contract: Currency of Trading Contract
TKRATE KURSK DEC 33 9 5 Exchange Rate for Price Determination
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 38 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 50 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZEIT ERZEIT TIMS 58 6 0 Time, at Which Record Was Added
AENAM AENAM CHAR 64 12 0 Name of Person Who Changed Object
AEDAT AEDAT DATS 76 8 0 Changed On
AEZEIT AEZEIT TIMS 84 6 0 Time of Change
VKORG VKORG CHAR 90 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 94 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
TKSACHB TKSACHB CHAR 98 12 0 Trading Contract: Person Responsible
BSTNK BSTNK CHAR 110 20 0 Customer purchase order number
BSTDK BSTDK DATS 130 8 0 Customer purchase order date
SDWRS WAERK CUKY 138 5 0 TCURC SD Document Currency
TKRATE_SD TKRATE_SD DEC 143 9 5 GT Exchange Rate Sales Order Currency / Local Currency
KURST_SD KURST CHAR 148 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
BUDAT BUDAT DATS 152 8 0 Posting Date in the Document
PRSDT_SD PRSDT DATS 160 8 0 Date for pricing and exchange rate
KURST KURST CHAR 168 4 0 TCURV Exchange Rate Type
AUGRU AUGRU CHAR 172 3 0 Order reason (reason for the business transaction)
ABSSC ABSSCHE_CM CHAR 175 6 0 T691M Payment guarantee procedure
LCNUM LCNUM CHAR 181 10 0 AKKP Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number
AKPRZ AKPRZ DEC 191 5 2 Depreciation percentage for financial document processing
LOGSYS LOGSYS CHAR 194 10 0 Logical system
AUDAT AUDAT DATS 204 8 0 Document Date (Date Received/Sent)
EXNUM EXNUM CHAR 212 10 0 Number of foreign trade data in MM and SD documents
FT_HEADER_COM HKCOM CHAR 222 1 0 Trading Contract: Document is Complete
COMPLETE HKCOM CHAR 223 1 0 Trading Contract: Document is Complete
ANGDT_SD ANGDT_V DATS 224 8 0 Quotation/Inquiry is valid from
BNDDT_SD BNDDT DATS 232 8 0 Date until which bid/quotation is binding (valid-to date)
SUBMI_SD SUBMI_SD CHAR 240 10 0 Collective number (SD)
LIFSK_SD LIFSK CHAR 250 2 0 TVLS Delivery block (document header)
FAKSK_SD FAKSK CHAR 252 2 0 TVFS Billing block in SD document
NETWR_SD NETWR_AK CURR 254 15 2 Net Value of the Sales Order in Document Currency
VKGRP VKGRP CHAR 262 3 0 TVKGR Sales Group
VKBUR VKBUR CHAR 265 4 0 TVBUR Sales Office
AUTLF_SD AUTLF CHAR 269 1 0 Complete delivery defined for each sales order?
VSBED_SD VSBED CHAR 270 2 0 TVSB Shipping Conditions
BSARK_SD BSARK CHAR 272 4 0 T176 Customer purchase order type
BSTZD_SD BSTZD CHAR 276 4 0 Purchase order number supplement
IHREZ_SD IHREZ CHAR 280 12 0 Your Reference
BNAME_SD BNAME_V CHAR 292 35 0 Name of orderer
TELF1_SD TELF1_VP CHAR 327 16 0 Telephone Number
MAHZA_SD MAHZA DEC 343 3 0 Number of contacts from the customer
MAHDT_SD MAHDT DATS 345 8 0 Last customer contact date
TAXK1_SD TAXK1_AK CHAR 353 1 0 Alternative tax classification
TAXK2_SD TAXK2 CHAR 354 1 0 Tax classification 2 for customer
TAXK3_SD TAXK3 CHAR 355 1 0 Tax classification 3 for customer
TAXK4_SD TAXK4 CHAR 356 1 0 Tax Classification 4 Customer
TAXK5_SD TAXK5 CHAR 357 1 0 Tax classification 5 for customer
TAXK6_SD TAXK6 CHAR 358 1 0 Tax classification 6 for customer
TAXK7_SD TAXK7 CHAR 359 1 0 Tax classification 7 for customer
TAXK8_SD TAXK8 CHAR 360 1 0 Tax classification 8 for customer
TAXK9_SD TAXK9 CHAR 361 1 0 Tax classification 9 for customer
XBLNR_SD XBLNR_V1 CHAR 362 16 0 Reference Document Number
VBTYP_SD VBTYP_V CHAR 378 1 0 Document category of preceding SD document
STCEG_L_SD LAND1TX CHAR 379 3 0 T005 Tax Destination Country
ANDTX_SD LANDTX CHAR 382 3 0 T005 Tax departure country
KVGR1_SD KVGR1 CHAR 385 3 0 Customer group 1
KVGR2_SD KVGR2 CHAR 388 3 0 Customer group 2
KVGR3_SD KVGR3 CHAR 391 3 0 Customer group 3
KVGR4_SD KVGR4 CHAR 394 3 0 Customer group 4
KVGR5_SD KVGR5 CHAR 397 3 0 Customer group 5
AUART AUART CHAR 400 4 0 TVAK Sales Document Type
QUAN_COMPLETE HKCOM_QUAN CHAR 404 1 0 Trading Contract: Quantities In Document Are Complete
KOKRS KOKRS CHAR 405 4 0 TKA01 Controlling Area
KKBER KKBER CHAR 409 4 0 T014 Credit Control Area
KNKLI KNKLI CHAR 413 10 0 KNA1 Customer's account number with credit limit reference
GRUPP GRUPP_CM CHAR 423 4 0 Customer Credit Group
SBGRP SBGRP_CM CHAR 427 3 0 Credit representative group for credit management
CTLPC CTLPC_CM CHAR 430 3 0 Credit management: Risk category
CMWAE WAERS_CM CUKY 433 5 0 TCURC Currency key of credit control area
CMFRE CMFRE DATS 438 8 0 Release date of the document determined by credit management
CMNUP CMNUP DATS 446 8 0 Date of next credit check of document
CMNGV CMNGV DATS 454 8 0 Next date
AMTBL AMTBL_CM CURR 462 15 2 Released credit value of the document
LFSPG WLFSPG CHAR 470 2 0 TMFS Vendor billing document block: Document header
WKURS_DAT WWERT_D DATS 472 8 0 Translation Date
WBPCH TC_LAST_CHANGED_FLAG CHAR 480 1 0 Trading Contract Last Chngd Flag (Customer, Trader, Vendor)
KURRF KURRF DEC 481 9 5 Exchange rate for FI postings
TC_RELEASED TC_RELEASED CHAR 486 1 0 Release Status for Follow-On Document Generation
TKONN_EX TKONN_EX CHAR 487 30 0 Trading Contract: External Document Number
TCCAT TCCAT CHAR 517 1 0 Trading Contract: Contract Category
WE_KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 518 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
STCEG_L LAND1TX CHAR 528 3 0 T005 Tax Destination Country
LANDTX LANDTX CHAR 531 3 0 T005 Tax departure country
XEGDR XEGDR CHAR 534 1 0 Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ?
TEW_TYPE WB2_TEW_TYPE CHAR 537 4 0 TEWTYPE Trading Execution Workbench Type
SUCC_ARCH WB2_SUCC_ARCHIVED CHAR 541 1 0 Network Archived
ABRVW ABRVW CHAR 542 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
KNUMV_SD KNUMV CHAR 545 10 0 Number of the document condition
PRICING_TYPE WB2_PRICING_TYPE CHAR 555 1 0 Definition of Pricing Procedure in Trading Contract
KALSM_SD KALSM_D CHAR 556 6 0 T683 Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...)
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 562 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)

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