SAP Note 963314 - RVTEXTE - Documentation for the correction report

Component : Word Processing -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses confusion related to the functions of the RVTEXTE correction report due to missing documentation. It specifies selection options for the report, including text object, type, language, name, user specifics, and commit frequency. Details on action parameters vary by SAP release, such as managing dummy texts, handling texts without document reference, and correcting data inconsistencies in text determination procedures. The note stresses use of the latest report version to leverage enhanced functionalities and ensure data consistency. Always confirm actions in the dialog box when deleting or altering data to prevent unintentional loss.

Key words :
vbka $ vttk $ kna1 intern knb1 intern knvk intern knvv intern                      recommendation, test run action 'z' >>>>> obsolete, error group/incompletion procedure, restore access sequences >>>>> obsolete, copy control access sequences, initial text group object, selection criteria 'text object', selection criteria/indicators, confirmation prompt appears, action parameter 'a'

Related Notes :

966625Dummy/phantom texts or unclear text origin
900607Checklist: SD texts when upgrading to 4.70 and higher