SAP Table AKKP - Documentary Payment Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master - Header Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
LCNUM X LCNUM CHAR 3 10 0 AKKP Financial doc. processing: Internal financial doc. number
REFLCNUM AKKSUCH CHAR 13 40 0 Financial document processing: Search term
AKKEI AKKEI CHAR 53 1 0 Financial document processing: Export / Import
BUKRS BUKRS CHAR 54 4 0 T001 Company Code
AKART AKART CHAR 58 2 0 Financial document processing: Type of financial document
AKKTP AKKTP CHAR 60 1 0 Financial document processing: Financial document category
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 61 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
ELIFN ELIFN CHAR 71 10 0 LFA1 Vendor Account Number
CADNR AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 81 10 0 Address number
INTER INTER CHAR 91 1 0 International address version ID
WAEMP KUNNR CHAR 92 10 0 KNA1 Customer Number
CADNR_WE AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 102 10 0 Address number
AKKST AKKST CHAR 112 1 0 Financial document processing: Status
TSSTA STTMS NUMC 113 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTA STTMZ CHAR 127 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMA TEXT40 CHAR 133 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
TSSTB STTMS NUMC 173 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTB STTMZ CHAR 187 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMB TEXT40 CHAR 193 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
TSSTC STTMS NUMC 233 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTC STTMZ CHAR 247 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMC TEXT40 CHAR 253 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
TSSTD STTMS NUMC 293 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTD STTMZ CHAR 307 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMD TEXT40 CHAR 313 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
TSSTE STTMS NUMC 353 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTE STTMZ CHAR 367 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMME TEXT40 CHAR 373 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
AENDGRUND AENDGRUND CHAR 413 1 0 Financial document processing: Reason for change
TSSTF STTMS NUMC 414 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTF STTMZ CHAR 428 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMF TEXT40 CHAR 434 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
TSSTZ STTMS NUMC 474 14 0 Financial document determination: Time stamp for status
TZSTZ STTMZ CHAR 488 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Status of time zone
KOMMZ TEXT40 CHAR 494 40 0 Text, 40 Characters Long
AADAT AADAT NUMC 534 14 0 Financial document processing: Request date
AATZO AATZO CHAR 548 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Time zone - Request Date
AIDAT AIDAT NUMC 554 14 0 Financial document processing: Opening date
AITZO AITZO CHAR 568 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Time zone - Opening date
AJDAT AJDAT NUMC 574 14 0 Financial document processing: Date of receipt
AJTZO AJTZO CHAR 588 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Time zone - Date of receipt
AXDAT AXDAT NUMC 594 14 0 Financial document processing: Validity end date
AXTZO AXTZO CHAR 608 6 0 TTZZ Financial document processing: Time zone - Validity end date
AXLND LAND1 CHAR 614 3 0 T005 Country Key
AXORT CITYC CHAR 617 4 0 City Code
AXREG REGIO CHAR 621 3 0 T005S Region (State, Province, County)
AYDAT AYDAT NUMC 624 14 0 Financial document processing: Latest shipping date
AYTZO AYTZO CHAR 638 6 0 TTZZ Financial doc. processing: Time zone - Latest shipping date
AODAT AODAT NUMC 644 14 0 Financial doc. procg: Latest date of shipped bill of lading
AOTZO AOTZO CHAR 658 6 0 TTZZ Fin.doc.procg: Time zone-Latest date-Shipped bill of lading
AHDAT AHDAT NUMC 664 14 0 Financial doc. processing: Date when docs presented to bank
AHTZO AHTZO CHAR 678 6 0 TTZZ Financial doc. processing : Time zone - Presentation to bank
ANYTG ANYTG NUMC 684 3 0 Financial doc. procg: No. of days for submitt. docs to bank
WRTAK WRTAK CURR 687 15 2 Financial document processing: Financial document value
WAERS AKWAE CUKY 695 5 0 TCURC Currency key for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade
IAPRZ IAPRZ DEC 700 5 2 Financial doc. proc.: Consumption factor of letter of credit
EUPRZ EUPRZ DEC 703 5 2 Financial document processing: Allowed overdraft percentage
ZTERM DZTERM CHAR 706 4 0 Terms of Payment Key
INCO1 INCO1 CHAR 710 3 0 TINC Incoterms (Part 1)
INCO2 INCO2 CHAR 713 28 0 Incoterms (Part 2)
AUTLF AUTLF CHAR 741 1 0 Complete delivery defined for each sales order?
ATRSI ATRSI CHAR 742 1 0 Financial document processing: Reload indicator
AMINQ AMINQ QUAN 743 13 3 Financial document processing: Minimum quantity
AMAXQ AMAXQ QUAN 750 13 3 Financial document processing: Maximum quantity
MEINS MEINS UNIT 757 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 760 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT_TS ERDAT_TS NUMC 772 14 0 Date on which record has been added (time stamp)
ERDAT_TZ ERDAT_TZ CHAR 786 6 0 TTZZ Date on which record has been added (time zone)
VOLL VOLL CHAR 792 1 0 Financial document processing: Document completion flag
AKKCONFIRM AKKCONFIRM CHAR 793 12 0 USR02 Financial doc.procg: MAIL user of person confirming fin.doc.
UNPRZ UNPRZ DEC 805 5 2 Allowed shortfall percentage rate for financial documents
KUNFS KUNFS CHAR 808 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Field sel. cust./vendor numbers
KUNCK KUNCK CHAR 809 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Check customer / vendor numbers
AADFS AADFS CHAR 810 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld selection - Request date
AADCK AADCK CHAR 811 1 0 Financial document processing: Check request date
AIDFS AIDFS CHAR 812 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld selection - Opening date
AIDCK AIDCK CHAR 813 1 0 Financial document processing: Check creation date
AEDFS AEDFS CHAR 814 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Fld selection - Date of receipt
AEDCK AEDCK CHAR 815 1 0 Financial document processing: Check date of receipt
AXDFS AXDFS CHAR 816 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Field selection - Validity end date
AXDCK AXDCK CHAR 817 1 0 Financial document processing: Check validity end date
AVDFS AVDFS CHAR 818 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Field selection - Latest shipping date
AVDCK AVDCK CHAR 819 1 0 financial document processing: Check latest shipping date
ALDFS ALDFS CHAR 820 1 0 Financial doc.procg: Fld selection - Date of bill of lading
ALDCK ALDCK CHAR 821 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Check date of shipped bill of lading
ADDFS ADDFS CHAR 822 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld ctrl - Submission of doc.
ADDCK ADDCK CHAR 823 1 0 Financial document processing: Check submission of document
AWEFS AWEFS CHAR 824 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Field selection - Financial doc. value
AWECK AWECK CHAR 825 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Check financial document value
IAPFS IAPFS CHAR 826 1 0 Financial document processing: Field selection consumption
EUPFS EUPFS CHAR 827 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld selection for overdraft %
EUPCK EUPCK CHAR 828 1 0 Financial document processing: Check percentage of overdraft
TEZFS TEZFS CHAR 829 1 0 Financial doc. proc.: Field selection terms of payment
TEZCK TEZCK CHAR 830 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Check terms of payment
INCFS INCFS CHAR 831 1 0 Financial document processing: Incoterms field selection
INCCK INCCK CHAR 832 1 0 Financial doc. processing: Check INCOTerms
AUTFS AUTFS CHAR 833 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Field selection for partial dlv. ind.
AUTCK AUTCH CHAR 834 1 0 Financial document processing: Check partial delivery ind.
ATRFS ATRFS CHAR 835 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld selection - Reload ind.
ATRCK ATRCK CHAR 836 1 0 Financial doc. procg: Check reload indicator
AMIFS AMIFS CHAR 837 1 0 Financial document processing: Fld selection - Min./Max.qty
AMICK AMICK CHAR 838 1 0 Financial document processing: Check minimum/maximum qty
TXTGR TXTGR CHAR 839 2 0 TTXG Text determination procedure
FDLANGU FDLANGU LANG 841 1 0 Financial document processing: Default document language
REFFS SUCHFS CHAR 842 1 0 Financial document processing: Field selection search term
INDGRUND INDGRUND CHAR 843 1 0 Financial document processing: Indicator for change reason
DOKFREI DOKFREI CHAR 844 1 0 Financial document processing: Free entry of docs possible
FTCCD FTCCD CHAR 845 1 0 Derivation of company code from org. unit for Foreign Trade
DDZCK DDZCK CHAR 846 1 0 Existence check control of payment terms for financial docs
DDICK DDICK CHAR 847 1 0 Existence check control of Incoterms for financial documents
UNPFS UNPFS CHAR 848 1 0 Financial document processing: Field selection shortfall PR
UNPCK UNPCK CHAR 849 1 0 Financial document processing: Shortfall percentage rate

963314RVTEXTE - Documentation for the correction report