SAP Table WBHI - Trading Contract: Item Data

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
TKONN X TKONN CHAR 3 10 0 Trading Contract: Trading Contract Number
TPOSN X TPOSN NUMC 13 6 0 Trading Contract: Item Number
TPOSN_SUB X TPOSN_SUB NUMC 19 6 0 Trading Contract: Sub-Item Number
MATNR MATNR CHAR 25 18 0 MARA Material Number
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 43 4 0 T001W Plant
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 47 4 0 T001L Storage Location
KWMENG WKWMENG QUAN 51 15 3 Cumulative Order Quantity in Sales Units
VRKME VRKME UNIT 59 3 0 T006 Sales unit
UMVKZ UMVKZ DEC 62 5 0 Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
UMVKN UMVKN DEC 65 5 0 Denominator (Divisor) for Conversion of Sales Qty into SKU
BASIS_MEINS MEINS UNIT 68 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
ARKTX ARKTX CHAR 71 40 0 Short text for sales order item
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 111 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
CHARG CHARG_D CHAR 121 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
GROES GROES CHAR 131 32 0 Size/dimensions
MENGE BSMNG QUAN 163 13 3 Quantity Ordered Against this Purchase Requisition
MEINS BSTME UNIT 170 3 0 T006 Purchase Order Unit of Measure
BPRME_MM BBPRM UNIT 173 3 0 T006 Order Price Unit (Purchasing)
BPUMZ_MM BPUMZ DEC 176 5 0 Numerator for Conversion of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
BPUMN_MM BPUMN DEC 179 5 0 Denominator for Conv. of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
UMREZ_MM UMBSZ DEC 182 5 0 Numerator for Conversion of Order Unit to Base Unit
UMREN_MM UMREN DEC 185 5 0 Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
PEINH_MM EPEIN DEC 188 5 0 Price Unit
NETPR_MM MMBTR CURR 191 11 2 Trading Contract: Purchase Price
WAERS_MM MMWRS CUKY 197 5 0 TCURC Trading Contract: Purchasing Currency
NETPR_SD SDBTR CURR 202 11 2 Trading Contract: Sales Price
ERNAM ERNAM CHAR 208 12 0 Name of Person who Created the Object
ERDAT ERDAT DATS 220 8 0 Date on Which Record Was Created
ERZET ERZET TIMS 228 6 0 Entry time
MATKL MATKL CHAR 234 9 0 T023 Material Group
UEBTK_SD UEBTK_V CHAR 243 1 0 Unlimited overdelivery allowed
UEBTO_SD UEBTO DEC 244 3 1 Overdelivery Tolerance Limit
UNTTO_SD UNTTO DEC 246 3 1 Underdelivery Tolerance Limit
HKPSTP HKPSTP CHAR 248 4 0 TB2BJ Trading Contract: Item Category
FT_ITEM_COM HKCOM CHAR 252 1 0 Trading Contract: Document is Complete
ABGRU ABGRU_VA CHAR 253 2 0 TVAG Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders
PRODH PRODH_D CHAR 255 18 0 T179 Product hierarchy
KDMAT MATNR_KU CHAR 273 35 0 Material Number Used by Customer
SPART SPART CHAR 308 2 0 TSPA Division
GSBER GSBER CHAR 310 4 0 TGSB Business Area
BRGEW BRGEW_AP QUAN 314 15 3 Gross Weight of the Item
NTGEW NTGEW_AP QUAN 322 15 3 Net Weight of the Item
GEWEI GEWEI UNIT 330 3 0 T006 Weight Unit
VOLUM VOLUM_AP QUAN 333 15 3 Volume of the item
VOLEH VOLEH UNIT 341 3 0 T006 Volume unit
TAXM1 TAXMT CHAR 344 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM2 TAXMT CHAR 345 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM3 TAXMT CHAR 346 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM4 TAXMT CHAR 347 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM5 TAXMT CHAR 348 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM6 TAXMT CHAR 349 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM7 TAXMT CHAR 350 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM8 TAXMT CHAR 351 1 0 Tax classification material
TAXM9 TAXMT CHAR 352 1 0 Tax classification material
EAN11 EAN11 CHAR 353 18 0 International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
PRCTR PRCTR CHAR 371 10 0 Profit Center
KOSTL KOSTL CHAR 381 10 0 Cost Center
MVGR1 MVGR1 CHAR 391 3 0 Material group 1
MVGR2 MVGR2 CHAR 394 3 0 Material group 2
MVGR3 MVGR3 CHAR 397 3 0 Material group 3
MVGR4 MVGR4 CHAR 400 3 0 Material group 4
MVGR5 MVGR5 CHAR 403 3 0 Material group 5
FAKSP_SD FAKSP_AP CHAR 406 2 0 TVFS Billing block for item
ANTLF_SD ANTLF DEC 408 1 0 Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed Per Item
KZTLF_SD KZTLF CHAR 409 1 0 Partial delivery at item level
VSTEL_SD VSTEL CHAR 410 4 0 Shipping Point/Receiving Point
SDWRS WAERK CUKY 420 5 0 TCURC SD Document Currency
NETWRT_SD WB2_NETWRT_SD_TC CURR 425 15 2 Net Value at Retail for Item in Document Currency
NETWRT_MM BWERT CURR 438 13 2 Net Order Value in PO Currency
MWSKZ_MM MWSKZ CHAR 445 2 0 Sales Tax Code
UEBTK_MM UEBTK CHAR 447 1 0 Indicator: Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed
UNTTO_MM UNTTO DEC 448 3 1 Underdelivery Tolerance Limit
BWTTY_MM BWTTY_D CHAR 450 1 0 T149C Valuation Category
PSTYP_MM PSTYP CHAR 451 1 0 T163 Item Category in Purchasing Document
KNTTP_MM KNTTP CHAR 452 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
LEWED_MM LEWED DATS 453 8 0 Latest Possible Goods Receipt
UEBTO_MM UEBTO DEC 461 3 1 Overdelivery Tolerance Limit
KPEIN_SD KPEIN DEC 463 5 0 Condition pricing unit
KMEIN_SD KMEIN UNIT 466 3 0 T006 Condition unit
BPUMZ_SD BPUMZ DEC 469 5 0 Numerator for Conversion of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
BPUMN_SD BPUMN DEC 472 5 0 Denominator for Conv. of Order Price Unit into Order Unit
LOEKZ ELOEK CHAR 475 1 0 Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document
KBELN KBELN CHAR 476 10 0 WKBK Number of pricing document
KBELP KBELP NUMC 486 5 0 WKBP Item Number of Pricing Document
NTGEW_MM ENTGE QUAN 491 13 3 Net Weight
BRGEW_MM BRGEW QUAN 498 13 3 Gross Weight
VOLUM_MM VOLUM QUAN 505 13 3 Volume
PSTYP PSTYP CHAR 512 1 0 T163 Item Category in Purchasing Document
CUOBJ_CH CUOBJ_CH NUMC 513 18 0 Internal object number of the batch classification
NETWRT_IN_SDWRS NETWR_AP CURR 531 15 2 Net value of the order item in document currency
PORTFOLIO WB2_PORTFOLIO CHAR 539 10 0 Global Trade: (Internal) Portfolio Number
PORTFOLIO_DATE WB2_PORTFOLIO_DATE DATS 549 8 0 Date for Portfolio Determination
TKONN_FROM TKONN_FROM CHAR 557 10 0 Trading Contract: Reference Document
TPOSN_FROM TPOSN_FROM NUMC 567 6 0 Trading Contract: Reference Item
TPOSN_SUB_FROM TPOSN_SUB_FROM NUMC 573 6 0 Trading Contract: Reference Subitem
TCTYP_FROM TCTYP CHAR 579 4 0 TB2BE Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type
ASSOC_GROUP WB2_ASSOC_GROUP CHAR 585 4 0 Assoc. Mngt: Association Group
COMPLETE WB2_DOCUMENT_COMPLETE CHAR 589 1 0 Trading Contract: Item Is Completed
IDNLF IDNLF CHAR 590 35 0 Material Number Used by Vendor
NETWRT_IN_WAERS NETWRT_MM CURR 625 15 2 Global Trade: Value in PO Currency
TKONN_FROM_2 TKONN_FROM CHAR 633 10 0 Trading Contract: Reference Document
TPOSN_FROM_2 TPOSN_FROM NUMC 643 6 0 Trading Contract: Reference Item
TPOSN_SUB_FROM_2 TPOSN_SUB_FROM NUMC 649 6 0 Trading Contract: Reference Subitem
TCTYP_FROM_2 TCTYP CHAR 655 4 0 TB2BE Trading Contract: Trading Contract Type
MATWA MATWA CHAR 659 18 0 MARA Material entered
CHANGE_INFOS CHANGE_INFOS RAW 677 2 0 Bit Encrypted Flags for WBHI
KZWI1 KZWI1 CURR 679 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2 KZWI2 CURR 686 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3 KZWI3 CURR 693 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4 KZWI4 CURR 700 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5 KZWI5 CURR 707 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6 KZWI6 CURR 714 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI1D KZWI1 CURR 721 13 2 Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI2D KZWI2 CURR 728 13 2 Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI3D KZWI3 CURR 735 13 2 Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI4D KZWI4 CURR 742 13 2 Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI5D KZWI5 CURR 749 13 2 Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition
KZWI6D KZWI6 CURR 756 13 2 Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition
UEPOS UEPOS NUMC 763 6 0 Higher-level item in bill of material structures
WUVPRS WB2UVPRS CHAR 769 1 0 Global Trade: Incompleteness Price Determination
KMPMG KMPMG QUAN 770 13 3 Component quantity
FMENG FMENG CHAR 777 1 0 Quantity is Fixed
STDAT STDAT DATS 778 8 0 Key date of the bill of material
STLTY STLTY CHAR 786 1 0 BOM category
STLNR STNUM CHAR 787 8 0 Bill of material
STKEY STKEY CHAR 795 1 0 Origin of the bill of material
KMPMG_SD KMPMG QUAN 796 13 3 Component quantity
PMATN PMATN CHAR 803 18 0 MARA Pricing Reference Material
VKAUS ABRVW CHAR 821 3 0 TVLV Usage Indicator
POSEX POSEX CHAR 824 6 0 Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order
PS_PSP_PNR PS_PSP_PNR NUMC 830 8 0 PRPS Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
EFFWR_SD EFFWR CURR 838 13 2 Effective value of item
EFFWR_MM EFFWR CURR 845 13 2 Effective value of item
COMMODITY WCOMMODITY CHAR 852 16 0 TCOM Commodity Definition
SKTOF_SD SKTOF CHAR 868 1 0 Cash discount indicator
SKTOF_MM SKTOF CHAR 869 1 0 Cash discount indicator
MWSBP_MM MWSBP CURR 870 13 2 Tax amount in document currency
MWSBP_SD MWSBP CURR 877 13 2 Tax amount in document currency
CUOBJ_SD WB2B_VC_CUOBJ_SD NUMC 884 18 0 Configuration in the Trading Contract: CUOBJ SD Side
CUOBJ_MM WB2B_VC_CUOBJ_MM NUMC 902 18 0 Configuration in the Trading Contract: CUOBJ MM Side

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