SAP Table WKBP - Pricing document: item

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
KBELN X KBELN CHAR 3 10 0 WKBK Number of pricing document
KBELP X KBELP NUMC 13 5 0 WKBP Item Number of Pricing Document
EKKAB EKKAB DATS 18 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid from
EKKBI EKKBI DATS 26 8 0 Purchase price conditions valid to
VKKAB VKKAB DATS 34 8 0 Sales conditions valid from
VKKBI VKKBI DATS 42 8 0 Sales conditions valid to
EKNUM EKNUM CHAR 50 10 0 SP: Key for Transaction Conditions in Purchase Pricing
VKNUM VKNUM CHAR 60 10 0 SP: Key for Transaction Conditions in Purchase Pricing
EKAPP KAPPL CHAR 70 2 0 T681A Application
EKALS EKALS CHAR 72 6 0 T683 Sales Pricing: Purchase Price Calculation Schema
VKALS VKALS CHAR 78 6 0 T683 Sales Pricing: Sales Price Calculation Schema
MATKL MATKL CHAR 84 9 0 T023 Material Group
MATNR MATNR CHAR 93 18 0 MARA Material Number
VRKPE VRKPE DEC 111 5 0 Sales price unit
VRKME VRKME UNIT 114 3 0 T006 Sales unit
EAN11 EAN11 CHAR 117 18 0 International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
VKORG VKORG CHAR 135 4 0 TVKO Sales Organization
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 139 2 0 TVTW Distribution Channel
WERKS WERKS_D CHAR 141 4 0 T001W Plant
EKORG EKORG CHAR 145 4 0 T024E Purchasing Organization
HWAER HWAER CUKY 149 5 0 TCURC Local Currency
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 154 10 0 LFA1 Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
LTSNR LTSNR CHAR 164 6 0 WYT1 Vendor Subrange
WAERS WAERS CUKY 170 5 0 TCURC Currency Key
EKPGR EKPGR CURR 175 11 2 Purchase Price Calculation: (Basic Purchase Price)
EKPNN EKPNN CURR 181 11 2 Sales Pricing: Purchase Price (Net/Net)
AUFSG AUFSG CURR 187 11 2 Actual Markup in Sales Price Calculation
PAUFS PAUFS CURR 193 11 2 Planned markup
PENDP PENDP CURR 199 11 2 SP calculation: Planned sales pr. w/o price point rounding
VKPNE VKPNE CURR 205 11 2 Sales price (net)
VKPBR VKPBR CURR 211 11 2 Sales price (gross)
KWAER KAWAER CUKY 217 5 0 TCURC Sales Pricing: Pricing Currency
ENDPR ENDPR CURR 222 11 2 Final price
SPANE SPANE CURR 228 11 2 Margin (net) in sales price calculation
SPABR SPABR CURR 234 11 2 Margin (gross) in sales price calculation
ENDPA ENDPA CURR 240 11 2 Current Final Price
SPANA SPANA CURR 246 11 2 Current margin (net)
SPABA SPABA CURR 252 11 2 Current margin (gross)
ROTPR ROTPR CURR 258 11 2 Reduced-from price
MITPR MITPR CURR 264 11 2 Cash price
EMPPR EMPPR CURR 270 11 2 Recommended price
VORPR W_VORPR CURR 276 11 2 Sales Pricing: Suggested Price
VKP01 VKPZW CURR 282 11 2 Variable sales price
VKP02 VKPZW CURR 288 11 2 Variable sales price
VKP03 VKPZW CURR 294 11 2 Variable sales price
PROZ1 W_PROZ CURR 300 11 2 Sales Price Calculation: (general) percentage-based factor
PROZ2 W_PROZ CURR 306 11 2 Sales Price Calculation: (general) percentage-based factor
EVAUF EVAUF CURR 312 11 2 Sales Pricing: Markup for Determining the Retail Price
EVPRS EVPRS CURR 318 11 2 Sales Pricing: Retail Price
EVSPA EVSPA CURR 324 11 2 Sales Pricing: Retail Price Margin
BPSTA BPSTA CHAR 330 1 0 Pricing: Status of Item in Pricing Document
PLTYP PLTYP CHAR 331 2 0 T189 Price list type
VKABA VKKAB DATS 333 8 0 Sales conditions valid from
VKBIA VKKBI DATS 341 8 0 Sales conditions valid to
INFWK INFWK CHAR 349 1 0 Info record at plant level
ESOKZ ESOKZ CHAR 350 1 0 Purchasing info record category
EVPAU EVPAU CURR 351 11 2 Planned markup for determining the retail price
CKNUM CKNUM CHAR 357 10 0 Sales Price: Key for Transaction Conditions in Master Conds.
VWAER VWAER CUKY 367 5 0 TCURC Sales currency
EVWRS VWAER CUKY 372 5 0 TCURC Sales currency
EGKAL EGKAL CHAR 377 1 0 Data held when basic purchase price changes
INIPR ENDPR CURR 378 11 2 Final price
KNUMH_V KNUMH_V CHAR 384 10 0 Number of the sales price condition record
EKERV EKERV_M CHAR 394 2 0 TWEV Purchase price determination sequence
BWERA BWERA CHAR 396 1 0 Source determination type
EKERA EKERA CHAR 397 1 0 Purchase price determination type
EFNAM EFNAM CHAR 398 30 0 Name of the Function Module in PP Determination Type C
VKERV EKERV_V CHAR 428 2 0 TWEV Sales price determination sequence
VKERA VKERA CHAR 430 1 0 Sales price determination type
LIFEL LIFELD CHAR 431 5 0 Sales Pricing: List Field for Determining Sales Price
ECKKZ ECKKZ CHAR 436 1 0 SP calc.: price point rounding for suggested final price
PVGRD PV_GRUND CHAR 437 4 0 Reason for retail price change
FAMNR WPF_FAMNR CHAR 441 10 0 Identification Number for Price Family
GRP01 WPF_GROUP CHAR 451 10 0 Number of a Family Group in a Price Family
FMTYP WPF_FMTYP CHAR 461 2 0 Type of Family Member
SMATN WPF_SMATN CHAR 463 18 0 MARA Master Material of a Price Family
FCHAL WPF_FCHAL CHAR 481 1 0 Price Change Allowed (_=No, 1=Group, 2=Group and Article)
FHIDE WPF_FHIDE CHAR 482 1 0 Pricing Item Hidden for Family Member (X = Yes)
EPRGR EPRGR CHAR 483 6 0 TWPK Price point group
EPRG2 EPRG2 CHAR 489 6 0 TWPK Price point group for retail price
NEPGR NEPGR CHAR 495 1 0 Indicator: No Price Point Group
NEPG2 NEPGR CHAR 496 1 0 Indicator: No Price Point Group
INIAM W_INIAM DATS 497 8 0 Sales price calculations: key date for initial price
EPTYP EPTYP CHAR 505 2 0 Price Point Category
EPTY2 EPTYP CHAR 507 2 0 Price Point Category
RKTYP WRF_RPC_RKTYP CHAR 509 1 0 Price Point Groups: Ranking Type
RKTY2 WRF_RPC_RKTYP CHAR 510 1 0 Price Point Groups: Ranking Type
BGINT CLINT NUMC 511 10 0 Internal Class Number
STPLGR WRF_STPLGR CHAR 521 1 0 Status of Plant Group
VLGWK VLGWK CHAR 522 4 0 T001W Sales Pricing: Reference Plant
KALEB KALEB CHAR 526 2 0 Sales Pricing: Pricing level
VKSCH W_VKSCH_KALP CHAR 528 4 0 T685 Sales Pricing: Condition Type for the Sales Price
VKOTABN W_VKOTABN_KALP NUMC 532 3 0 T681 Sales Pricing: Condition Table for the Sales Price
KALEA KALEA CHAR 535 2 0 Pricing Level of Current Final Price
VKSCA W_VKSCA_KALP CHAR 537 4 0 T685 SP Calculation: Condition Type for Current Sales Price
VKOTABA W_VKOTABA_KALP NUMC 541 3 0 T681 Sales Pricing: Condition Table for the Current Sales Price