SAP Table AFPO - Order item

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUFNR X AUFNR CHAR 3 12 0 AUFK Order Number
POSNR X CO_POSNR NUMC 15 4 0 Order Item Number
PSOBS SOBES CHAR 20 1 0 Special procurement type
QUNUM QUNUM CHAR 21 10 0 Number of Quota Arrangement
QUPOS QUPOS NUMC 31 3 0 Quota Arrangement Item
PROJN PS_PSP_ELE NUMC 34 8 0 PRPS Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
PLNUM PLNUM CHAR 42 10 0 PLAF Planned order number
STRMP CO_STRMP DATS 52 8 0 Start date of the planned order
ETRMP CO_ETRMP DATS 60 8 0 Opening date of the planned order
KDAUF CO_KDAUF CHAR 68 10 0 Sales order number
KDPOS CO_KDPOS NUMC 78 6 0 Sales order item
KDEIN KDEIN NUMC 84 4 0 Delivery Schedule for Sales Order
BESKZ BESKZ CHAR 88 1 0 Procurement Type
PSAMG CO_PSAMG QUAN 89 13 3 Scrap quantity in item
PSMNG CO_PSMNG QUAN 96 13 3 Order item quantity
WEMNG CO_WEMNG QUAN 103 13 3 Quantity of goods received for the order item
IAMNG CO_IAMNG QUAN 110 13 3 Expected surplus/deficit for goods receipt
AMEIN CO_AUFME UNIT 117 3 0 T006 Unit of measure for in-house production
MEINS LAGME UNIT 120 3 0 T006 Base Unit of Measure
MATNR CO_MATNR CHAR 123 18 0 MARA Material Number for Order
PAMNG AVMNG QUAN 141 13 3 Fixed quantity of scrap from production
PGMNG GSMNG QUAN 148 13 3 Total planned order quantity
KNTTP KNTTP CHAR 155 1 0 T163K Account Assignment Category
TPAUF TPAUF CHAR 156 1 0 Indicator: Partial conversion
LTRMI CO_LTRMI DATS 157 8 0 Actual delivery/finish date
LTRMP CO_LTRMP DATS 165 8 0 Delivery date from planned order
KALNR CK_KALNR NUMC 173 12 0 Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure
UEBTO UEBTO DEC 185 3 1 Overdelivery Tolerance Limit
UEBTK UEBTK CHAR 187 1 0 Indicator: Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed
UNTTO UNTTO DEC 188 3 1 Underdelivery Tolerance Limit
INSMK INSMK CHAR 190 1 0 Stock Type
WEPOS WEPOS CHAR 191 1 0 Goods Receipt Indicator
BWTAR BWTAR_D CHAR 192 10 0 T149D Valuation Type
BWTTY BWTTY_D CHAR 202 1 0 T149C Valuation Category
PWERK CO_PWERK CHAR 203 4 0 T001W Planning plant for the order
LGORT LGORT_D CHAR 207 4 0 T001L Storage Location
UMREZ UMREZ DEC 211 5 0 Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure
UMREN UMREN DEC 214 5 0 Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
WEBAZ PLWEZ DEC 217 3 0 Goods receipt processing time in days
ELIKZ ELIKZ CHAR 219 1 0 "Delivery Completed" Indicator
SAFNR SA_AUFNR CHAR 220 12 0 Run schedule header number
VERID VERID CHAR 232 4 0 Production Version
SERNR SERNR CHAR 236 8 0 SNUM BOM explosion number
TECHS TECHS CHAR 244 12 0 Parameter Variant/Standard Variant
DWERK WERKS_D CHAR 256 4 0 T001W Plant
DAUTY AUFTYP NUMC 260 2 0 Order category
DAUAT AUFART CHAR 262 4 0 T003O Order Type
DGLTP CO_GLTRP DATS 266 8 0 Basic finish date
DGLTS CO_GLTRS DATS 274 8 0 Scheduled finish
DFREI CO_FREI CHAR 282 1 0 Indicator: Order released/partially released (for MRP)
DNREL CO_DNREL CHAR 283 1 0 Indicator: Order item not relevant for MRP
VERTO SA_VERTL CHAR 284 4 0 T437V MRP Distribution Key
SOBKZ SOBKZ CHAR 288 1 0 T148 Special Stock Indicator
KZVBR KZVBR CHAR 289 1 0 Consumption Posting
WEWRT WEWRT CURR 290 13 2 Value of goods received in local currency
WEUNB WEUNB CHAR 297 1 0 Goods Receipt, Non-Valuated
ABLAD ABLAD CHAR 298 25 0 Unloading Point
WEMPF WEMPF CHAR 323 12 0 Goods Recipient/Ship-To Party
CHARG CHARG_D CHAR 335 10 0 MCH1 Batch Number
GSBER GSBER CHAR 345 4 0 TGSB Business Area
WEAED CO_WEAE CHAR 349 1 0 Indicator: Goods receipt indicator can be changed
CUOBJ CUOBJ NUMC 350 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
KBNKZ KBNKZ CHAR 368 1 0 Kanban Indicator
ARSNR ARSNR NUMC 369 10 0 Settlement reservation number
ARSPS ARSPS NUMC 379 4 0 Item number of the settlement reservation
KRSNR RSNUM NUMC 383 10 0 Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
KRSPS RSPOS NUMC 393 4 0 Item Number of Reservation/Dependent Requirement
KCKEY CCKEY CHAR 397 23 0 Cost collector key
RTP01 RTP01 CHAR 420 1 0 Cost collector for repetitive manufacturing
RTP02 RTP02 CHAR 421 1 0 Cost collector for KANBAN
RTP03 RTP03 CHAR 422 1 0 Cost collector for valuated sales order stock
RTP04 RTP04 CHAR 423 1 0 Cost collector for external PPC
KSVON KSVON DATS 424 8 0 Cost collector valid from
KSBIS KSBIS DATS 432 8 0 Cost collector valid to
OBJNP J_OBJNR CHAR 440 22 0 ONR00 Object number
NDISR CO_NDISR CHAR 462 1 0 Ind.: Material in order item is not relevant for MRP
VFMNG CO_VFMNG QUAN 463 13 3 Committed quantity for order acc. to ATP check components
GSBTR CO_GSBTR DATS 470 8 0 Overall commitment date
KZAVC KZAVC CHAR 478 1 0 Indicator for type of availability check
KZBWS KZBWS CHAR 479 1 0 Valuation of Special Stock
XLOEK AUFLOEKZ CHAR 480 1 0 Deletion flag
SERNP SERAIL CHAR 481 4 0 T377P Serial Number Profile
ANZSN ANZSN INT4 488 10 0 Number of serial numbers
OBJTYPE OCM_OBJ_TYPE CHAR 492 1 0 Change indicator
CH_PROC OCM_CH_PROC CHAR 493 1 0 Process that has lead to the change of an object
FXPRU CK_FIXPRKU CHAR 494 1 0 Fixed-Price Co-Product
CUOBJ_ROOT CUOBJ NUMC 495 18 0 Configuration (internal object number)
TECHS_COPY TECHS CHAR 523 12 0 Parameter Variant/Standard Variant

1020260Delivery of Oracle statistics (Oracle 10g, 11g)
545932Performance probl. in CO-PC-OBJ period-end closing: DB hints
1421880System issues error message CBRC_REGCHECK 092 unnecessarily
1413882Selection filter in substance volume tracking
1132857Filtering using selection criteria
1129896Unclear quantities in produced substance quantity tracking
1069617Partial reversals incorrectly taken into account
587278Performance problems in overhead calculation and settlement
160841Order data is incomplete (AFKO and AFPO are missing)
36326Enhancement of KKRAMERK (3.0/4.0 orders)
860575Performance problem in the order information system
810284Components are not visible and No 358 exception message
750548Missing BADI for connection FIN Add-On to order
633078APO->R/3: Dialog box w/ conv.
629121CS: CO01, CO40 - inconsistencies between AFPO and J_5CO
506607INFO: Field sel. for int. order master data in order type
530563WIP calculation: Status DLV and TECO
535822Performance problems in the campaign transactions
434616No quantity in CO at nonvaluated delivery to sales order
489469Correction report for invalid total commitment date
196963Negative quantities or conversion factors in AFPO / RESB
449944Process materials in production planning
386816WIP and variance calculation: Errors KV158, KV181
364934COCM: optimize search for procurement elements
332081Process material: Reading master data
319434Dump when scheduling several planned orders
339596TIME OUT whn insertng WBS in prjct (ORACLE problem)
187906Performance: Customer developments in PP and PM
209904Performance/period-end closing for prod.orders & COH
200228Performance problems in PS under Oracle