SAP Table T003O - Order Types

Field Key Data Element Type Offset Leng Decimals Check Table Text
CLIENT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Client
AUART X AUFART CHAR 3 4 0 T003O Order Type
AUTYP AUFTYP NUMC 7 2 0 Order category
NUMKR NUMKR CHAR 9 2 0 Number range
OBLIGO CO_OBLIGO CHAR 11 1 0 Commitments Management Active
ERLOESE ERLOESE CHAR 12 1 0 Identifier "Revenue posting allowed"
STSMA J_STSMA CHAR 13 8 0 Status Profile
APROF APROF CHAR 21 6 0 TKB1A Settlement profile
PPROF BP_PPROFIL CHAR 27 6 0 Planning profile
COPAR COPAR CHAR 33 1 0 CO Partner Update
RESZ1 RESZ1 NUMC 34 3 0 Residence Time 1 (Calendar Months)
RESZ2 RESZ2 NUMC 37 3 0 Residence Time 2 (Calendar Months)
AUFKL KZAUFKLA CHAR 40 1 0 'Order will be classified' indicator
RELKZ AUFRELKZ CHAR 41 1 0 Set "Release immediately" indicator
CHGKZ AUFCHGKZ CHAR 42 1 0 Indicator 'Status change documents'
BPROF BP_BPROFIL CHAR 43 6 0 Budget Profile
PLINT PLINT CHAR 49 1 0 Indicator for Integrated Planning
NABPF NABPF CHAR 50 1 0 Indicator "Does not require settlement"
VORPL PS_VORPL CHAR 51 1 0 Indicator: Planning
LAYOUT AUFLAY CHAR 52 4 0 AUFLAY0 Layout for Master Data Maintenance Orders
TDFORM TDFORM CHAR 56 16 0 Form Name
SCOPE SCOPE_CV CHAR 72 2 0 Object Class
COLORDPROC CO_COLORDPRC CHAR 74 1 0 Collective order with/without automatic goods movement
VRG_STSMA PM_STSMA_VORG CHAR 75 8 0 Status Profile Assigned to an Operation
FUNC_AREA FKBER CHAR 83 16 0 Functional Area
EXEC_PROFILE CK_EXPROFILE CHAR 99 4 0 TEE000 Execution Services Profile

1536355Number range assignment after you transport order types
1315038Unable to create PM/CS Notif. from the structure display
890602Transporting order types without number range
356327Classification in orders, projects, networks
12905Field check and field texts in condition tables
146629Wrong no.range assgnmnt aftr trnsport of order type