SAP Program RVTEXTE - SD Texts - Find and Delete Texts in STXH

954372Short dump when navigating to text screen (troubleshooting)
548517FAQ: Text determination in SD I
410574Short dump 'WDTTREE' during word processing
966625Dummy/phantom texts or unclear text origin
900607Checklist: SD texts when upgrading to 4.70 and higher
963314RVTEXTE - Documentation for the correction report
964198RVTEXTE: Error in 'Z' and 'X' actions
413096Correction program RVTEXTE: Old version up to Release 4.6C
698161Customizing inconsistency text ID and sequential number
743802All long texts are stored
744390VOTXN: No automatic generation in TTXVR after shipment
699696RVTEXTE option E and F short dump with too large selections
708299RVTEXTE: incorrect select on table STXH
684742Text entry - get sales activity: 'Save' dialog box
671220RVTEXTE short dump because of too large selection
578627RVTEXTE does not clean up any VTTK DUMMY texts
574580VOTXN: data inconsistency in text Customizing
569056Program termination in sales order, header and item texts
561051RVTEXTE with function F: error message DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR
555544VAxx short dump WDTREE.. in spite of report RVTEXTE
537033Short dump in report RVTEXTE: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC
533859Short dump in report RVTEXTE part 2
499486Error in RVTEXTE when running in background with F mode.
189963Text processing: Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR"
359443Runtime error in report RVTEXTE