SAP Program SAPF011 - Carry Forward G/L Balances

This program carries forward the balances for G/L accounts.
Balances in balance sheet accounts are carried forward to their ownaccounts for the new fiscal year. The accumulated balance of P&Lstatement accounts is carried forward to a retained earnings account.If you have not posted items to an account in the new year yet and itsbalance has not been carried forward either, the system will open theaccount in the new year with the first carryforward. Otherwise, it willupdate the account's carryforward balance in the new year, if changeshave been made.
When you post items to a prior year, the system automatically carriesforward the balance no matter whether the program was run or not.("Posted to a prior year" means that the document posting date is in ayear prior to the year of the entry date.) This automatic carryforward,however, does not occur accumulatively over several years. That is, aposting made in January 1993 with the posting date December 1991changes only the carryforward balance for 1992, not the carryforwardbalance for 1993.
The following features apply to automatic balance carryforward:
Using an indicator it sets internally, the system can determine whetheror not the balance carryforward program has been run for the fiscalyear. For each posting made from that point on, the system willautomatically carry forward the balance, even if it is a posting to theprior year.
If, for example, the program is started near the end of the currentfiscal year, the balance for all further postings is carried forwardinto the new year.
Automatically correcting the carryforward balance means that no othersteps need to made for posting to the prior year after SAPF011 is run.This eliminates the need to restart SAPF011 after each posting.
SAP recommends running this program at the start of the new fiscalyear.
You can run the program as often as you require.
If the program has not been run yet, you can still post items in thenew year. When you post items in the new year, the accounts are"opened", but their carryforward balance is zero. Once you makepostings to the prior year within the new year, the carryforwardbalance will be updated by those postings. The total balance of theitems posted in the old year, however, remains in that year. In thiscase, the carried forward balance represents only the items postedwithin the new year to the prior year, not the items posted during theprior year.
If you find in the new year that a G/L account was mistakenly set up asa P&L account in the prior year instead of as a balance sheet account(or vice versa), you have to rerun SAPF011 after changing the G/Laccount master record so that the balance carried forward is corrected.

Account determination must be defined for the retained earningsaccount. You make these settings in the Financial Accountingconfiguration menu by choosing Master records -> G/L accounts -> P+Lcarryforw. acct.
For each chart of accounts you use, you need to specify whether accountdetermination for retained earnings accounts is differentiated betweenP&L statement account types. The corresponding retained earningsaccount must be defined for each P&L statement account type.
To carry forward every P&L account balance to the same retainedearnings account, either assign the same P&L statement account type toeach account or allocate the same retained earnings account to thedifferent P&L statement account types.
The retained earnings accounts must be created in all company codeswhich use the respective chart of accounts.
Each P&L account must be assigned to a P&L statement account type bymaking an appropriate entry in the "P&L statement account type" fieldin its master record.

Section 1 contains the detail log which provides information about eachaccount to be carried forward, including the amount by which thecarryforward balance is to be changed (in test run) or was changed (inproduction run).
Section 2 shows what specifications are missing for accountdetermination, for example, missing rules and accounts.
Section 3 displays the retained earnings accounts to which you want tocarry forward P&L balances, but which are not created in the companycode or chart of accounts.

156036SAPFGVTR: Avoiding error FU036 with a modification
402917Balance carryforward is not correct
501345Balance carryforward: SAPFGVTR, SAPF011 new as of 4.6C
176067Balance carryforward: Not equal to prev year closing balance
104567Collective note Euro FI-AA: Analysis phase
193065Critical reports after euro changeover
165356SAPF011: Balance carrd forwd contains incor. values
19174SAPF011/SAPFGVTR: no cascading bal.carried forward