SAP Program S3VBAKPT - Archiving orders: Analysis

Archiving Sales Documents in SD: Check Program

This program checks sales documents for their archivability.

This program should be executed before the actual write program, inorder to be available to evaluate the quality of the sales documents tobe archived and the application specific Archiving Customizing (tableV_TVARA).


  • You have maintained the table V_TVARA using the transaction VORA or in
  • Customizing.

    A sales document must undergo the following obligatory and optionalchecks, before it is archived:

    • Residence time (obligatory)

    • Flow (obligatory)

    • Purchase order (optional)

    • Accounting document (optional)

    • Check residence document flow (optional)

    • Alternative DB access (optional)

    • For make-to-order production and customer individual orders, the CO datais archived with the relevant sales order, that is to say the open itemsbelonging to this order. Make sure that if you reload this program, noCO data reaches the system.

      You can find further information in the SAP online documentation forarchiving SD sales documents.

481577Archivability criteria for sales documents
547748FAQ: Archiving sales documents
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588428Archiving SD_VBAK: Standardization
663930Arch. SD_VBAK: BC Set ARCH_SD_VBAK incomplete
204280Arch. SD_VBAK:Costs on the document (CO checks)
438329Euro:archiving SD documents with rounding differences
418216SD archiving: Performance improvement
307670 Archiving sales orders with special stocks
311772S3VBAKPT: too many database cursors are opened