SAP Program RSTXDELL - SAPscript: Delete Load

421518Imported TrueType fonts are not printed
1132685Deletion of Arial True type font used in Payment/ETP summary
1141608MS Word in SAPscript: Support of HKSCS in Unicode systems
1027088Incorrect SAPscript output after Unicode conversion
1041420RTF download from Unicode systems
1030460Incorrect print screen when printing SAPscript forms
1030174Falsches Druckbild bei Ausdruck von SAPscript-Formularen
634789Incorrect fonts (using True Type fonts)
11214Print problems: Changes SPAD/RSTXCRP/RSTXCPAG
91316Short dump with F4 help for texts, forms, styles
759SAPscript: Abend when printing
4367Font problems with SAP script
6873SAPscript terminates when importing table STXL