SAP Program RMIMST00 - INTRASTAT: Data Selection: Arrivals - EU Countries

Program for the determination of the invoice value for Intrastatdeclarations.
With this program, the goods receipts against a purchase order arebroken down according to posting date into the following three periods:
Goods receipts in

  • the month of the declaration,

  • the previous month, and

  • the month before last.

  • The invoices received in respect of a purchase order are also brokendown into three periods, on the basis of their assignment to the GRfigures.
    If the GR quantity of the previous period is smaller than the invoicedquantity, the quantity reported is the GR quantity. If the GR quantityis greater than the invoiced quantity, the quantity reported is theinvoiced quantity.
    This means that any open IR or GR quantities from the previous monthmust be taken into account for the period of the declaration. If nocorresponding GR or IR takes place for the relevant quantity in thefollowing month, this quantity is valuated with the average pricedetermined from the PO history.
    Numeric country key
    Input 'X' --> conversion of country key to numeric.
    Input ' ' --> conversion of country key to alpha.
    Supplying vendor (actual supplier of goods)
    Input 'X' --> if the supplying vendor is specified in the PO, thisvendor will be taken into account in the Intrastat declaration.
    Only log list (test run)
    Input 'X' --> the file VEIAV is not written to; only a log of the testrun is outputted.
    Material number (Statistical Office)
    Material number notified by Statistical Office after the test datacarrier has been sent in.

    Import-relevant data in the purchase order
    (taking Germany as an example):
    In the purchase order header:
    Mode of transport
    Mode of transport via which the good enter the fiscal territory.
    Office of exit
    Key for the frontier customs office of exit at which the goods areloaded onto the means of transport used at the time of crossing theborder.
    In the purchase order item:
    Commodity code
    8-character commodity code of the 'combined nomenclature'.
    Country of origin
    3-character key for the country in which the goods have been completelyderived or manufactured.
    Region of destination
    2-character key for the federal state in which the imported goods areto remain.
    Goods not destined for Germany are given the key number 25.
    Import procedure
    Procedure by which the goods are reported to Intrastat on theirarrival/importation.
    Nature of transaction
    Classification for the type of business transaction.
    Value crossing border (statistical value)
    Value of the goods at the time they cross the border.
    This is understood as the value of the goods excluding tax, includingdistribution costs incurred in connection with their importationoutside the receiving member-state.

    Creation of Intrastat declarations
    Country-specific editing of Intrastat-relevant data collated by reportRMIMST00.
    For Germany, the reports are as follows:
    Tape version:
    1. RVEXDAID - generates UNIX file.
    2. RVEXNAID - transfers file to diskette or hard disk.
    Paper version:

1390593Intrastat - Declaration of services
1104062Intrastat receipt: Problems in currency translations
1456561Services Italy - Functions for "SEZIONE 4"
1151231Intrastat entries: Termntn due to TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED
1442006Service Italy - manual maintenance/different errors
754261Intrastat Slovenia
988936EU2007: INTRASTAT Preparations for declaration of arrivals
1025506INTRASTAT: Italy - Foreign currency amt for new EU countries
1112153Intrastat declaration of arrivals: Questions and problems
987716EU2007: The new EU countries of Romania and Bulgaria
1022864EU2007: Incorr declaration of goods receipts for January
928078INTRASTAT Hungary: Conversion date same as goods rcpt date
832099New parameters for doc selection and currency conversion
731707EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT processing for Cyprus
789301INTRASTAT Declaration of arrivals on date of goods receipt
757305INTRASTAT Italy:Foreign currncy amount (Supplmnt for 740201)
740201INTRASTAT:Italy-Foreign currency amount for new EU countries
729087EU2004 - Intrastat Goods receipt: April / May 2004
729489EU2004: Intra-/Extrastat - April 2004 (Addition 709487)
709487EU2004: INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT - selection run for April 2004
317787Intrastat: Determination of stat. value vendor consignment
425004INTRASTAT Italy: Legal change of foreign currency amount
592701INTRASTAT: Goods receipt return orders are not selected
500796INTRA/EXTRA: Goods receipt - Problems w/ data determination
213802Messages to authorities in case of MM returns
534504INTRASTAT: GR - Explanation of the selection logic
213765@19@ System logic selection Intrastat - arrivals
481132INTRASTAT: IT - incorrect warning message w/ field IFREMDWAK
355726Intrastat: Legal changes in 2001 for DE
304169INTRASTAT: Statistical value, separate conditn type
318939INTRASTAT arrival: non-deductible input tax
309393INTRASTAT: Receipt - purch. orders are not selected
16242EU95: New membrs of the Europ.Union as of 01/01/95