SAP Note 677169 - FAQ 2: Material and Project System

Component : Material -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses FAQs related to material requirements and the Project System (PS-MAT), clarifying component limits per network, stock types supported by the project system, and details on unvaluated versus valuated project stock. The document provides guidance on switching stock statuses within operative projects and outlines requisition changes with upgrades to newer R/3 releases. It explains costing relevance and BOM transfer issues, including multilevel BOM handling and issues arising during procurement with specific indicators. Essential for managing complex project structures in SAP, the note keeps evolving to incorporate new insights.

Key words :
terms project network material component procurement proman eko mflic resb rsadd cn21 cn22 cj20n cn33 cn38 cns0 cnmm reason, transaction spro -> sap reference img -> sap customising implementation guide -> activation switch, bom transfero cnex0015 - change bom data, plant/order type/business func, purchase order history additional views, order type [opsc]/ indicator  'planning', parameter id eko, project system supports plant stock, rsadd-mflic, sap enhancement cnex0040

Related Notes :

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