SAP Note 512778 - Link to R/3 documents is not working in the Fact Sheet

Component : Business Partner Cockpit -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Key words :
se80 transaction open package crm_cckpt, open bsp application crm_bsp_cckpt_service_http, child node 'k' -->    <xsl, open page default, business partner factsheet, correct xslt templates, variable>        <td class=, template named crm_cckpt_cfs_service_default, -- crm data -->  <xsl, xsl transformations section

Related Notes :

524326R/3 links in the fact sheet do not work for CIC
518524Fact sheet: Branch into R/3 does not work
490871Composite note: CRM Business Partner Cockpit and Fact Sheet