SAP Note 456691 - FAQ: Price determination in purchasing

Component : Price Determination - Conditions

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP Note addresses common queries related to price determination processes within transactions ME21 ther 21N and ME22N series. It explains various scenarios involving master conditions and document conditions, highlighting their definitions and differences. Issues such as inactive update buttons, incorrect or non-determination of conditions, and handling of negative prices in purchasing documents are discussed. Solutions include implementing existing Notes or adjusting system configurations. The Note also covers scenarios regarding price determinations after Goods Receipt cancellations, unexpected gross price displays, and copying of conditions in purchasing documents. It provides crucial insights into condition management, particularly under complex scenarios like price determination in contracts and scheduling agreements.

Key words :
fields ekpo-banfn/ekpo-bnfpo, plant-independent info record exist, plant-independent info record, plant-dependent info record, copy manual pricing elements, goods receipt/invoice receipt, maintain condition validity periods, system issues error message, price determination process affect, enjoysap purchase order transaction

Related Notes :

1631737MIRO/MR8M: Balance error M8285/M8186
1450324MIRO: Incorrect value for returns freights
1093582FAQ: Delivery complete indicator ELIKZ
675523Conditions are copied from Last Purchase Order
586856Pricing in the info record/contract for fixed conditions
569885About Info Record Update indicator (EKPO-SPINF)
549408Conditions modifiable after invoice receipt
548900Manual condition supplements doubled
508009New Pricing at Goods Receipt Reversal
457511FAQ: Purchase order change and goods receipt in purchasing
456690FAQ: Conditions in purchasing
445509ME21N vendor change, price remains in old currency
431460ME31L:Sched.agreemnt w/ contract ref.,gross price w/ value 0
393367Price is not transferred from Preq to PO
381391ME21N: Redesign of price determination routine
363173No price entry in purchase order possible
304178Absolute conditions in purchasing documents
209201ME21 VE108 condition record not set
200103Different document and condition currency
198150Pricing date for GR w. precious metal conditions
173870Scheduling agreement with contract reference
160630Conditions in scheduling agreement with reference to contrac
99291New price determination after changing info record
98393MB01: Incorrect value for pricing type '5'
90508Tax condition type MWST in purchasing
29661E06669/E06658 No condition types found
2843706658 Not possible to determine a condition type
27636Message: Condition exists (removed manually)
13127Update in info record from PO, quotation, contract
9363Condition records are not accessed
9211Net price becomes 0 after "New pricing"