SAP Note 1246420 - Composite SAP Note : Cross Application Time Sheet Docum.

Component : Time Sheet -

Solution : (SAP Service marketplace login required)

Summary :
This SAP note provides guidance on the Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS) including functionalities and transaction codes. Details cover both functional and customizing transaction codes such as CAT2, CAT7, CAC1, etc. It also advises attending the CA500 standard course updated as of October 2008, aligned with ERP 6.0 enhancements and extended to three days. Links to external resources and literature like "Integrating CATS (2nd Edition)" and "Configuring and Using CATS" offer further insights into setup and technical configurations. Additional documentation, although not exhaustive, is available online for more comprehensive support on CATS functionalities.

Key words :
cats_appr_lite       approve working timescats_da              display working timescats_selview         maintain selection view hrcatscatsarch             archiving time sheet datacatswf               cats workflowcatsxc              customizing, profile authorization groupscac5                 define customer fieldscac6                 allowed print reportscac7                number range maintenance, approve datacat5                data transfer cats -> pscat6                transfer external -> time managemencat7                cats, time recordingcatr                reorganize interface tablescats_appr            approve working times, /downloads/manuel%20gallardo%20sample%20cats%20user%20exit%20code, document displaycat9                data transfer cats -> pm/cscata                transfer, /printdocu/core/print46c/en/data/pdf/cats/cats, cheat sheet transaction codes transaction codes, catscac8                number range maintenance, /saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/64/400b2b470211d189720000e8322d00/frameset

Related Notes :

1512014Transaction CATS_DA: Cancelled documents are not displayed
1492583ESS: Show communication key in Address screens 13
1292967ESS LEA: Dump on clicking Show Team Calendar
1268877CATS WD: 'Record Working Time' link is not displayed
1258454CATS WD: Integration with cPro without ALE scenario
1241169ESS CATS: Heading for DISPTEXT1 and DISPTEXT2
1222812CATS_APPR_LITE: Cancel Interface Table records after Reset
1163465CATS WD:Unit of Measurement displayed in the internal format
1154365CATS WD:Data Entry Profile(CVR) not set according to Pernr
1153197CATS: Multiple workitems in Approver Inbox
1054540CATS: Workflow Error when Saving records in Timesheet
1053362CATS: Agent Determination when WF Substitution is Active
1041546Error message C R291 when you display HR assignments
1019376ESS CATS : worklist becomes un-protected
989453CATS-WD:Column widths adjusted in CATS webdynpro application
982586ESS PersInfo: Retroactive data maintenance
967443Workflow work items are not processed correctly
953852Best Fit Selection for Reusing country specific services
953722CATS Approval: Special approval in WebDynpro
951884CAPS: Workitem gets terminated after approval.
951708CATS: Agent Determination with CATS Workflow tasks
936179Reuse of country specific services
923186ESS Scenarios for Finland
919690CATS Web Dynpro: Target hours/day totals missing
894058Column width in the CATS Web Dynpro
887925CATS reporting - document flow analysis
875790RCATS_DISPLAY_ACTIVITIES - Memory overflow
871197CATS WebDynpro: Search help fields are not filled
861689CATS approval with CAPS: Performance problem
858985Deleting F4 help for operation number field on CATS screen
814830Notes containing correction reports for CA-TS-PS issues.
808293Support workshop: CATS
742674Required information for web dynpro problem reporting
737423Multiple workitems created in CATS approval workflow
732408CATS_DA,CATS_APPR_LITE - menu entries not working correctly
721799Mobile Time Sheet 1.6 for Laptop - Composite Note
700100Activity allocation: Valuation of quantities
678940Workflow: Authoriz. for recorders as of Release 4.70
653209FAQ: CATS/CATM - Transfer to Materials Management
613033Constants for attendance/absence valuation
602901Support of country specific functions
570471FAQ 2: Confirmations in the Project System
555947PS/PM: Confirmation by CATS (Consulting note)
428461CAT7: Message BK 202 'Document contains errors'
398050INFORMATION: CO Cross Components (CATS)
376188supported user exits from CATS in catw service
333884Which default values are used when?
325722CATS: required entry field definition for CAT2
322526Analysis for workflow problems
304647Purpose of Transactions CATSXT and CATSXC
304418CATS: Short dump in CATS due to inconsistencies
212705Missing CO docs in confirmation: Correction program
209482Personnel number check in Controlling
171491Attendances: Proposal and limitation
166961CATS:Error LR121 durng transfer in target applicatn
158953Settlement in parallel currency not the same as FI debit
155282CO docs for confirmations: Correction programs
141450CATS: Required fields in the time sheet
138267CATS: Length of fixed area in table control
126129Adding customer fields to CATS ITS
96505CATS: Error when creating an error log
81892Implementating a new country version